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Trump Buys "Made in China"

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posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Donald Trump, who has repeatedly accused China of stealing manufacturing jobs from the U.S., acknowledged today that an array of Trump-branded clothes, accessories and other products are made in China.

The real estate and casino mogul, who is considering a run for the Republican presidential nomination, blamed China for the fact that Trump ties, Trump cufflinks and even Trump teddy bears come with a "Made in China" label.

ABC News

He talked yesterday about the products that go into his buildings and his wife's jewelry line - ALL from China!

I was really surprised, but the Interview let me see just what a scum bag he is! And how little he cares about the success of this country.

Trump: China is Raping Tthis Country

And Trump bends over for it... ???

Yet he pours his millions into this 'rapist of a country'? Sounds like Donald's playing both sides of the fence. Bit of a hypocrite, I think.

edit on 4/28/2011 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:26 PM
Trump always struck me as a mega-puppet, always in the media. I actually knew someone who paid thousands for his trump university course which was very depressing to see.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:31 PM
as the normal mo of these people, they say populist retoric, get in power, then stack the game to their special interests.
The Don is a corporatist...therefore he will further corporatist agendas if he was to step into the office.

I would prefer palin over him..palin is just an idiot that would be voted out in 4 years after doing nothing meaningful...Don would all but eliminate any chance of a middle class or small business through leglation and executive orders to empower corporate interests beyond imagination

He would bring the jobs home though...but first you got to make the middle class die out and then turn the wages and benefits into china.

nothing like working for 6$ a day alongside some 13 year old.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:33 PM
I Honestly doubt that Trump will really run for POTUS. There are too many shady deals and skeletons in his closet. I think 1. he likes the attention. and 2. he wants more people watching his tv show.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Mythos13

Let's hope so. I can see him winning after all we had George W Bush. This is why I am scared because so many people have focused on the wrong issue of Obama being a legit citzen instead of what Trump stands for. What does Trump stand for; besides money?
We don't need the United States to become a coperation!

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by Mythos13

I think you're right. He could never get the nod. After watching him on this interview yesterday, I have a whole new.. "appreciation" for the man...

Here's the Interview with John King. DIsgusting man, Trump... A real weasel.


posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by dreamseeker
Let's hope so. I can see him winning after all we had George W Bush.

This is what gives me the willies.
I NEVER thought George Bush could win! I remember laughing about the thought. And then he did!

Is this country stupid enough to elect Donald Trump as our president? Really?

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by dreamseeker

I agree, the scary thing is, Trump is a salesman through and through. If he decided to run, for real, he could probably talk enough people into voting for him. He is a snake oil salesman, and i hope that people will realize this.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:43 PM
I, for one, have a little bit if faith in Mr. Trump. His recent spark of activism is getting me thinking that he might be 'waking up' like many people are talking about. That he admits his products are manufactured in China shows him to be an honorable man for telling the truth.

Now, to see if he will practice what he preaches is something else. If he pulls out his products from the Chinese and creates a few jobs for Americans I'll be truly surprised about him!

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:49 PM
Donald Trump is the Very definition of what 'success' means in America............. and there you have the CAUSE of the problems we all face today.....

Short termism coupled with the make a buck mentality at ever reducing costs always mean't that Globilization was never a sincere business term........

It is this in-sincerity which plagues alot of situations.......... when D Trump and his ''shredded wheat'' haircut were trying to build a new golf course up in a protected part of the Scottish highlands then his (and those involved) are only ever interested in swelling their obscene and sweaty bank accounts.......... it is NOT about generating wealth for others apart from themselves and I for one am taking it NO MORE !!!!!

If Trump was to run for POTUS then I would laugh at America as would the rest of the world and any significance it would have left,as a country would Evaporate out of the air vent and away into the atmosphere.......

edit on 28-4-2011 by PurpleDog UK because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:52 PM
No seriously though
we all need to support Don getting the nomination

if only for the lulz...I would rather see him verbally beaten to death in debate for his arrogance than see palin beaten to death in debate for being an idiot.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by PurpleDog UK
If Trump was to run for POTUS then I would laugh at America as would the rest of the world and any significance it would have left,as a country would Evaporate out of the air vent and away into the atmosphere.......

edit on 28-4-2011 by PurpleDog UK because: (no reason given)

Oh come now...choose your wording better
any moe can run for president...running and being elected as are two very different things.

should he run for heart would smile as I watched the sideshow

should he win the presidency..I am moving back to england.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Thats the problem, i dont think he would be beaten in a debate, because he is very intelligent, and knows how to pander to the voters. That is why it would be dangerous for him to run for potus. He can pander and make people believe in him....and once he gets in office....all of Americans will be fired.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:57 PM
I'm not a friend or foe of Trumps. I'm a realist and so is he. IF you make everything in the U.S. and add the cost, the consumer won't buy the U.S. made product sitting side by side on the same aisle,based on cost, as opposed to the cost of the same product Made In China.
YOU won't do it.
American consumers buy on PRICE..not where the heck it was made.

China has continued to expand cotton production and cotton manufacturing while they squeezed U.S. cotton manufacturers into oblivion.

Until we get our cotton manufacturing back up...It's cheaper to buy goods off shore and pay the freight into the U.S..
(READ what the Chinese are doing to cotton)

With gas and freight costs going will be in America's best interest to get back on track producing and manufacturing back here in the States... and quality will go up as Pride In America becomes a reality again.

Trump's not talking out of his butt...He's talking from experience. We have had the mentality...if you can't beat them join them for too long.(Off Shore)

He's trying to reverse that trend by his own actions. So are a LOT of American Companies.

The consumer dictates what they will buy. Not Trump trying to buy onshore. He's said it over and over...

And don't forget..for as many successes as he's had..he's failed trying different business approaches.

Just buy Made In USA products regardless of higher costs and do your part.

When you buy 10million dollars worth of hotel furniture and U.S. bid comes in at 12million and China comes in at 8million and they both have the same material specifications AND the Chinese government tells the Chinese manufacturer to low bid the job at 6million and the governement will give them a 2 million dollar kickback?
Where are YOU going to buy that furniture?

Yeah...blame Trump for our behavior..

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by drblair
Trump always struck me as a mega-puppet, always in the media. I actually knew someone who paid thousands for his trump university course which was very depressing to see.

a trump university. what qualifies trump to teach higher education. what a cheap sob.

most billionaire philanthropists set up actual colleges, with brick and mortar and are dedicated to real serious research, like the university of chicago set up by rockefeller.

not a worthless online scam that will make you look like a tool to potential employer.

what interviewer would hire someone as a business executive after he got taken for thousands of dollars by trump on an online non-accredited university.

you might as well save your self money and print out your own diploma, they're both worth about the same.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:58 PM
And No...I would'nt vote for Trump and I'm not a big fan. Business is business.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:59 PM
If we have to have a reality tv star running for potus, lets all vote for Dr. Will from Big Brother. Yes he was evil...but everyone knows he is evil, and he still won once, and made it to the final 3 in the all stars...

uh..not that i watch BB.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by niceguybob
Yeah...blame Trump for our behavior..

I'm not blaming Trump for OUR behavior, I'm blaming him for HIS.

He speaks with forked tongue. He says he loves this country, yet sends his money to China, who he also says is raping us. You can't rape the willing. And Trump has shown just how willing he is.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Mythos13
reply to post by SaturnFX

Thats the problem, i dont think he would be beaten in a debate, because he is very intelligent, and knows how to pander to the voters. That is why it would be dangerous for him to run for potus. He can pander and make people believe in him....and once he gets in office....all of Americans will be fired.

Actually, I don't find him overly clever...he appears intelligent because he can filter his questions and have scripted screenshots editing to make him appear clever
however, if you watch a off the cuff (and even scripted at times) discussion, you do realize he fumbles alot, he loses words, his grasp of the english language isn't very strong, etc...he is simply a egotistical businessman.

Once he starts getting questions he -has- to answer, such as bankrupting casinos and such, where he already fumbles, he will quickly drop the ball.

And people really -really- hate self congradulatory type (I am soooo proud of myself). The left will hate him just because he is a jackwad when talking like that, and the religious right are seriously not fans of prideful people.

Women hate him because he is a overt sexist that views women as gold digging whores (the whole lot), and now that he went from birtherism to schoolism, he minimalized himself into ultimately a racist (sorry, so what do you mean by his grades didn't get him qualified to goto harvard? are you saying its affirmative action? you saying anyone whom got a leg up through that = dumbass african?)

no, he is unelectable already. and that is just his already public appeal...wait till actual skeletons start coming out of his closet should he run.

He won't run though...its -just- for ego and ratings. he will plug his show at every stump, and is laughing all the way to the bank on the pennys of dumb hicks.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:19 PM
I dont disagree. I mean the conference he held the other day saying he was so proud that it was because of him that Obama issued his BC...what a load of crap.

I would not be surprised if he authors a book, talking about the birther issue, and his thoughts on running the country.

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