reply to post by HomerinNC
I'm sorry, I don't buy that only THC killed him. There had to have been some other factors that led to his death, because only THC, even if its 100%
THC, is not lethal and I do not buy that any of the symptoms named in the article were caused by THC.
From the article:
It's neurological side effects are nightmarish, and contains over 4,000 chemical compounds, any one of which, his central nervous system could build
up a sensitivity to, and so highly toxic, cerebral edema, kidney/ adrenal failure, vomiting, convulsions, cardiac arrest/coma and death is the
None of those side effects come from cannabis, this article is complete BS, and it's just filled with lies. It makes the claim that any of the 4,000
chemical compounds can cause those things, which is a total lie. That alone erases whatever credibility the author of that article has. If anything is
damaging from the hash, it's the sloppy method of some sketchy goons producing it, which could leave plastic and other nasty things in it. If
cannabis was decriminalized and regulated, this carelessness would be avoided because you would not be sold hash which contains plastic and glass
shards or whatever dangerous things may be in there at a legitimate dispensary. But the natural, organic compounds of the cannabis plant, causing
cardiac arrest or kidney failure? No way, Jose, you could never get me to believe that lie.
Most of the "negative effects" you posted are either slanted or just plain wrong.
-Cannabis does not lower hormone levels in both men or women, a recent study done by Dr. Robert Block at the University of Iowa disproved that
longstanding misconception.
-Cannabis is not physically addicting, the worst withdrawal symptoms being irritability and restlessness, which are no worse than those of caffeine
withdrawal. The majority of people that are said to be in treatment centers for cannabis addiction are actually there as a result of their agreement
within a Diversion or Probation program, or because their parents are just plain stupid and force them to go against their will.
-"Amotivational syndrome" is such a joke, if a person is lazy, they are lazy, and blaming that on cannabis is irresponsible and ignorant. If a
person is stupid, they are stupid. Among working adults, cannabis users are actually more successful, and among college students, there is no
significant difference between performance of cannabis users/non-users. Cannabis can be used as a motivator as well, a person can go to school,
perform well, and work out afterwords, using cannabis as a reward for their hard work at the end of the day. However, not all cannabis users are this
responsible, but even heavy users who are high all day still can be role models (aside from the whole breaking the law aspect, lol), I know some dude
who is high more than he is sober, and he just got a scholarship to LSU, plays on the successful lacrosse team in our town, gets good grades, and has
lots of friends. My point is that smoking cannabis does not affect a persons motivation, a persons motivation affects their motivation, however
idiotic and redundant that may sound.
-Lung damage? Come on dude, there is not a single reported case of lung cancer from a cannabis smoker, and it is used to treat symptoms that result
from cancer and chemotherapy to treat cancer. What doctor would prescribe something that causes cancer to treat cancer? In fact a recent 2009 study
found that moderate cannabis use reduces the risk of head and neck cancer. And I think you have bronchitis mixed up with chronchitis, the stoner
equivalent of bronchitis which results from smoking lots of chronic. It's basically a cough with some gunk in your throat, but that's only if you
are a serious smoker who gets down to business if you know what I mean. Heavy cigarette smokers may have smokers cough, and heavy cannabis smokers may
have chronchitis.
-Lowered ability to deal with frustration or unpleasant feelings? Man you cannabis opponents really grasp at straws. It's hard to respond to such a
lame "negative effect", this just sounds like one of those straight from AboveTheInfluence "facts" that are hard to argue with because there's
really no studies to disprove such an outrageous claim. If anything, its use lowers frustration or unpleasant feelings altogether, ask a cannabis user
and they will probably agree with that. Lowered ability to deal with them? More like you're in a good mood and you don't focus on being frustrated
about little things that don't matter, so I guess in a way you're not dealing with frustration or negative feelings, you're living, thinking, and
feeling more positive. Is that a bad thing? I don't think so.
-Decrease of immunity against infections is another outright lie, evidence has shown that cannabis use strengthens the immune system. Cannabis
strengthens the endocannabanoid system, which is the primary regulating system for all other systems in the body, respiratory, immune, digestive,
-Interferes with emotional growth and the personality of adolescents: Another really lame "negative effect" that is hard to argue with, it's not
like I can get inside of the minds of cannabis users and judge their emotional growth. But this comes back to the whole aspect of thinking more
positively and not being angry, sad, or frustrated as often, so in a way this may be true as well but it could be a positive effect just as well as a
negative effect.
-Damage to sperm: I've been finding articles that say it does damage sperm, and articles that say it does not damage sperm, so I'm on the fence
about this one. But I'm incredibly biased so I don't believe it for a second, although I could be wrong here.