posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 05:24 PM
Explainin time.
Some of you find the concept of God too much. That doesn't surprise me as our culture makes no room for spirituality. That's why the Plant Teachers
are important.
I'm telling you about God now so you won't have any surprises.
When you die, you have a '___' trip and your spirit leaves your body. Tripping is good preparation for this as it separates the mind and body and
kills the ego. Your ego makes you miserable and blinds you of love.
Here are some Plant Teachers you can not try (not try because they are illegal)
Psilocybin "magic" mushrooms
Mescline cacti. Can be nought legally in most countries
Ayahuasca. In most countries you can buy the 2 plants needed on eBay
Once you don't have your pychedelics, don't go to a park/field/river on a sunny day with your family and don't tell them the end is near and you
must accept death and find God.
There is an after-life. It's garunteed for the ones who serve God.
Finding "Nibiru safe-zones" isn't the way for surviving the unimaginably crazy times coming your way. Finding God is. And if he wants you to
survive Nibiru, then he'll tell you what to do.
Life is a test for us to find God.
I'm sure all of you, even the dis-info agents have felt the Holy Spirit run through you. Maybe it was when you helped a stranger. Felt good, didn't
Ask me questions
ATS shaman