posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 07:00 PM
I have been following this for some time (the entire birth certificate issue) and usually focus on the less technical - like why did it take so long,
why so so much spent to hide it, and yes - every other POTUS has their entire history made available... With this new release of the long form and
the artifacts discovered here through filtering I am wondering if anyone has come across a procedural process regarding the Certificate of Live Birth
(long form) and the Certification short form released before.
From the above it would appear that a photocopy was made of the long form with the short form behind it. (Which, being security paper, seems a bit odd
in and of itself due to it's weight and lack of transparency.) Why would this be? The short form is typically generated on demand as it is
requested - that is it's entire purpose. The long form is in a bound book. Why would a copy of the short form be in the book?
Manipulation aside, has anyone come across any posts tracking down the guy that supposedly signed this, or been able to compare to a long form of the
same time period?