posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:23 PM
In In my other two threads I
talked about my paintings and I how I painted for random people. Things about them that I would not know. I have had over 100 signs. Aliens or
some type of spiritual beings are communicating with me telepathically and they have me paint and at time do drawings. I do not choose the paint
colors and I do not think of the subject matter. It just happens.
A very strange sign happened in August. I have not posted it until now because I have been so overwhelmed by it. One morning in August I painted a
small painting of a figure of an abstract woman. The aliens told me it was for me and it was a date. I took it to be an O for the head and a 6 for
the body, representing October 6. Later that night they had me do a drawing. These drawings are just random dots and dashes. Then some are erased,
more are added, and the process goes on until pictures are formed. They told me that this drawing was for me and that it went with the date I had
painted. I was a little upset as the drawing was my garage doors with a bomb in front of it. Well after discussing it with friends I decided I would
take my daughter and granddaughter and myself out of the house on October 6. On September 6 we were on the driveway saying good-bye to my children
going back to school, etc., when my granddaughter began squirting people out of the straw of her juice box. When she came at me I turned on my right
foot towards the open garage doors. I did not run or walk, only turned. It felt like some powerful force pushed me from behind. I fell flat on my
face. I broke my upper jaw requiring it to be wired shut. I chipped four teeth. I broke one tooth needing capped, and required six stitches to my
chin. When I returned home from the emergency room that night the first thing my sister said to me was "It was the bomb." I pulled out the drawing,
and was unable to speak, and not just because of my jaw. It was because of what I saw in the drawing. The detonator on the bomb was a juice box with
a straw! I pulled out the painting of the date and the O could have been an S coming down for September. I asked the aliens why they would have
warned me but not prevented it from happening. They said they just wanted me to know that they are really here.
I began doing drawings everynight just like the paintings for random people, which were collages of items of things from their past. One was a santa
claus rattle - she had her rattle from birth. One was a bug in her purse - she had received an electronic bug at work and put it in her purse. I did
them everynight for about three months and then I became overwhelmed and brain warped and had to stop. There were only a few that did not pan out as
being correct.[/atsimg]][atsimg]
c6094661.jpg[/atsimg]You can view a few of my paintings on my homepage. You can also see a better copy of the bomb picture as some of it is cut
off below. One of my newest is "First Landing." It is a collage of animals, all intertwine where one ,becomes two becomes three. The zebra becomes
a skunk, becomes an elephant. You can tell that I did not do the painting, as there are too many animals intertwined. The last item that was put in
and that fit in perfectly was the space ship, which happens to be a moccasin and the pyramid. Something is communicating with me
edit on 27-4-2011 by 5children because: To
fix spelling errors and insert drawing
edit on 27-4-2011 by 5children because: To put in drawing and fix paragraphs