posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 05:52 PM
It saddens me to see people, trying to make money of something, that is available to everyone for free.
It pisses me off, seeing people trying to make money of something they stole elsewhere.
I hate to see something like this, being used to make money.
If they wanted people to believe, they should let people see this movie for free online. Like zeitgeist did.
This simple makes them look like gold diggers, who take advantage of the gullible part of the people out there.
When someone comes forth and genuinely knows the secret to life. It will be of no charge, and whoever this someone is, he/she will not want any credit
for it. But will simply want to share it with the world, because it is the right thing to do. No. Strings. Attached.
Dont be gullible. Dont give them your money. If your truely interrested, pirate it, because the wisdom this movie holds, is not theirs to sell.