posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 04:10 PM
I have a small semi-older dog who has been extremely healthy up until a week or so ago. He began having diarrhea and vomiting. He now refuses to
eat. We took him to the vet and she has him on an IV along with other meds for his dehydration/eating habits.
About 2 weeks ago, our neighbors semi-older small poodle had the exact same thing occur. He also refused to eat, became dehydrated and later died.
I'm honestly worried here and I wanted to know if anyone else has been experiencing this recently. Could it be from the radiation in Japan? We just
began getting rain here in after a snowy/dry spring and the grass has began to grow. Could an older dog's immune system be more susceptible to
radiation poisoning?
We do not put any fertilizers on our grass, the temperature is around 50-60 degrees so it's not the heat and we haven't changed a thing in his eating
habits or environment in years.
- We're in Wisconsin
- No bugs out yet
- He's been doing this for a few days now
- I think we should keep in mind the idea that dogs are outdoor animals and cats mostly indoors.
- We throw out all his food and toys immediately.
- He was out in the rain and with his long hair was pretty wet for awhile.
- I know they've found traces of radiation in the grass after it rains here in Wisconsin.
- He's a 99.9% indoor dog, could not have eaten/drank anything odd.
I really hope we don't find a common occurrence here but I hope it may help others keep their pets safe.
edit on 27-4-2011 by intelinside451
because: More details
edit on 27-4-2011 by intelinside451 because: (no reason given)
edit on 27-4-2011 by
intelinside451 because: (no reason given)