posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by goddesslovr88
I remember reading a thread about destroying tornadoes last year by using giant concert loudspeakers mounted on trailer trucks and then generating
sound waves to generate a sound interference pattern to disrupt the tornado.
The poster was subjected to ridicule.
Now 300 people are dead and $10 billion in damages. America is becoming more resistant to new ideas and innovation.
Also the Russians have stolen the idea already and are planning to use jet fighters which produce a sonic booms close to the tornado to disrupt it.
This makes it easy to destroy the tornado by simply launching supersonic fighter jets at tornadoes.
You could pass this idea on to any American General in power who wants to save people from the tornadoes.
I hear more tornadoes are forecast. on 30-4-2011 by beckybecky because: (no reason given)