posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by whyamIhere
I'm of mixed opinions here. US voters are notoriously unmotivated to actually research candidates and their positions (or research positions
in-depth to understand the reasons why a position is actually a good or bad idea), so Trump could easily hurt Paul in that aspect as the media is
likely to pimp him to the people, first off, and he's got a lot more name recognition, likely. He's also been charging at a few popular issues and
taking a (idiotic) tough stance on others that will likely appeal to those who have misguided beliefs in american exceptionalism and right to do as we
IF, however, people actually will pay more attention to serious issues this time, I think it will help Ron. Trump could easily be the loon this time
around - since he's playing the part, and he's got skeletons in his closet that Ron doesn't have to worry about. Also, I don't think he could
hold a candle to Ron in any debate, especially since Ron's views have and are being vindicated and his long-held concerns are much more in the
public's eyes this time around.
I'm definitely hopeful - this could go either way and I'm looking forward to Trump destroying himself.