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Released Obama Long Form is a FAKE!

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posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by bourbon2nite

She with her misspelled name could adopt you with her correctly spelled name and you can have a new birth certificate.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by ltinycdancerg
The conditions you are describing are for births abroad, not in the United States.

If you are born in the United States, regardless of parentage, you are a citizen, and a natural born citizen at that. The 14th Amendment and 8 USC 1401(a) cover that pretty well I would say.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by Advantage

I don't think that is true. Your original birth certificate is never changed, it is only amended with the records custodian, social security office, or whatever state agency. They can never go back and change the original document.

Yeah, I didnt know exactly how it worked in the 60's or 70's, but that was the thing that was used to describe how the original could be "lost" and it not be anything nefarious. Im shocked they found a long form of any kind with the adoption issue being possible even if its amended and not tossed. I can tell you this through personal experience.. they can and DO change the original... and sometimes toss the original out completely.

I have had a terrible time with trying to find my grandmothers original BC. She was adopted in rez by another family when her parents died and her original is NOWHERE to be found. I was doing genealogy/trying to help her legally with an issue and I couldnt even get the adoption records released from an adoption in 1932! I had to get a copy of the adoption records ( and the adoption was never completed) from a family member that even proved her original parents names... and there was no original or amended certificate to find.... and try to get Social Security to work with me concerning her SS and medicaid.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by mudbeed

I know that wasn't your video, I didn't get your point. I have seen many of the dubbed videos out that are ridiculous at best and only prove my point of confusion. I have had to tell my friends to stop spreading those dubious videos as President Obama, as far as I know, has never claimed to be born outside the U.S..

I aint looking for a fight, I am looking for some light in the confusion. I only want the TRUTH whatever that may be. I don't think we will ever get it now as I stated several times already.

I am not a birther, racist or the other things I have been called.

I agree with Advantage really at this point, who benefits with BC confusion and arguments? I have posted another 2 news stories today and only one reply. Apparently she has posted many more than I and what is dominating the boards? I understand it is a Conspiracy site so I get that part. I see seething anger from both sides of this issue and that is not what I was looking for, I was hoping people would be open minded and look at all the conflicting information and decipher something from it. I am sure everyone knows that there is a Birthplace Marker for Obama in Kenya and that the Ambassador of Kenya claims he was born there, why? I am sure everyone has seen the reports of people who say they knew the young Obama in Hawaii, why? Someone is lying and I would hope that everyone would want the truth NO MATTER WHERE IT LEADS!

Want to know what would convince me? The doctor that birthed him stating under Oath that he did in fact birth Obama in Hawaii, I would drop it at that. And yes the Doctor could lie, but I see no valid reason for him too do so, so that is something I would accept as definitive evidence that the President was eligible.

Some posters are stating "what does it matter now" really? Then what other parts of the Constitution wold you say don't matter, Freedom of Speech, Religion, trial, where do we end the nonstop onslaught on our Constitution while we claim we are a Nation of Laws and Rule of Law.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by aptness

Thank you!!! =D

So case closed then right?

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:21 AM
I think it was sick and sad how the racists made McCain prove his place of birth because they didn't want a white man in office.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
reply to post by mudbeed

I did NOT say my link was a hoax, I asked how I hoaxed it?

Ok you stated facts that show your OP is fake

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
We have had every possible story out of this guys BC possible now. From the 2008 story I posted that said his BC states his name is Soetoro to the fact the one shown says Barack II. It's all utter nonsense at this point!

Obviously fake if Soetoro and his Mom didn't get married til long after Obama was born, right? They weren't Married until 1965. Barack was born in '61 and Dunham and Obama Sr were married in '61 as well.

Sorry, you did not specifically state that your source was a hoax, I assumed you would know considering the site's facts do not add up to actual known facts that no one disagrees on....such as birth year, parentage, etc
edit on 27-4-2011 by mudbeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by ltinycdancerg
Thank you!!! =D So case closed then right?
No problem. Well, for a lot of people it has been closed for years.

Originally posted by tom502
I think it was sick and sad how the racists made McCain prove his place of birth because they didn't want a white man in office.
Care to back up this claim with sources? When did McCain “prove his place of birth”?

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by aptness

I'm not a 'birther' (just sayin')
Really what bothers me about this whole ordeal is why he didn't just show it in the first place?
That's really bizarre and suspicious IMO...
and THAT is the answer we should be demanding.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by tom502
I think it was sick and sad how the racists made McCain prove his place of birth because they didn't want a white man in office.

Actually an interesting point, although I don't think it was racists that instigated his move to be declared a U.S. Citizen by the Senate. Him being born in an "American Zone" Panama Canal to Army Engineer parents in my mind made him a natural born citizen like children to military people are today born overseas but U.S. Citizens.

My question on that point is why didn't Obama do the same thing and have himself Declared a U.S. Citizen by the Senate? Could have saved all this confusion, his mother was an American, I don't think that has been placed into doubt. If she visits Kenya and gives birth while overseas on vacation does not the Child retain U.S. Citizenship?

This is my point really, why all the confusion on something that should have been so easy and simple to do. Why all the secrecy and time to release? Why all the name changes and Nationality changes? Why the foreign Student Aide? This man is a conundrum wrapped in a riddle!

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
Want to know what would convince me? The doctor that birthed him stating under Oath that he did in fact birth Obama in Hawaii, I would drop it at that. And yes the Doctor could lie, but I see no valid reason for him too do so, so that is something I would accept as definitive evidence that the President was eligible.

This is why you are rediculous and will never be satisfied.

He was born in 1961. That was 50 years ago. Give it up.

We should find the doctor and throw him under oath?

Should that be our status quo for future presidents?

You are talking stupid. Have fun.

Here's some math for you.

1+1+1+A = 4

What is A?

Point being just because you do not have every single piece of fact does not mean that a reasonable deduction cannot produce a factual answer.

edit on 27-4-2011 by mudbeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by mudbeed

So you want to use math to prove a point? OK I will play...

What does a Birthplace marker in Kenya to Barack's birth +

The Kenyan Ambassador saying he was born there +

Obama's SS number coming out of Connecticut +

Foreign Aide for School in America +

Being an Indonesian Citizen as a Child +

His grandmother stating she was there in Kenya when he was born +

2 years to release a suspect birth Certificate =


posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
My question on that point is why didn't Obama do the same thing and have himself Declared a U.S. Citizen by the Senate?
McCain didn’t “have himself declared a US citizen by the Senate.” A non-binding resolution was introduced in the Senate by a Democrat (Claire McCaskill), and, incidentally, sponsored by Obama, Clinton and a few other democrats.

Non-binding resolutions don’t have any legal or legislative weight, they are merely indicative of the, in this case, Senate’s opinion on a particular issue. Congress can’t declare and make someone a natural born citizen, otherwise the clause in the Constitution is meaningless.

Why wasn’t there a non-binding resolution declaring Obama to be a natural born citizen? Because everyone in the Senate knew Obama was born in the United States.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
reply to post by mudbeed

So you want to use math to prove a point? OK I will play...

What does a Birthplace marker in Kenya to Barack's birth +

The Kenyan Ambassador saying he was born there +

Obama's SS number coming out of Connecticut +

Foreign Aide for School in America +

Being an Indonesian Citizen as a Child +

His grandmother stating she was there in Kenya when he was born +

2 years to release a suspect birth Certificate =


Well what does that have to do with your original post?

Your original source is proven false. Create a new thread with these topics and I will do the leg work to debunk them as well.

F.Y.I. everything you mentioned above has been debunked here at ATS. You can find out the answers yourself if you would like once you create your new thread, I am just trying to save you some of the redicule.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by mudbeed

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
reply to post by mudbeed

So you want to use math to prove a point? OK I will play...

What does a Birthplace marker in Kenya to Barack's birth +

The Kenyan Ambassador saying he was born there +

Obama's SS number coming out of Connecticut +

Foreign Aide for School in America +

Being an Indonesian Citizen as a Child +

His grandmother stating she was there in Kenya when he was born +

2 years to release a suspect birth Certificate =


Well what does that have to do with your original post?

Your original source is proven false. Create a new thread with these topics and I will do the leg work to debunk them as well.

F.Y.I. everything you mentioned above has been debunked here at ATS. You can find out the answers yourself if you would like once you create your new thread, I am just trying to save you some of the redicule.

No, debunk them here! I am calling your bluff because you represent past ATTEMPTS to debunk these powerful pieces of evidence as successful, whereas they were not. Let's see what you have got. Not a lot, I suspect.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by micpsi

What powerful pieces of evidence?

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Advantage

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by theindependentjournal

How does that make any sense whatsoever?

I am a birther, and even I can't wrap my mind around that one.

So, when she was married to Barack Obama I, they named the kid Barry Soetoro, but later, when she married Soetoro and he adopted the kid, they changed the name to that of her ex-husband?

When a person is adopted the original BC is changed.. if he was adopted, his name would no longer be Obama on this BC is what some are saying.

Some say he just changed it back when he was an adult and the original before adoption ( if there was an adoption) is not going to be found.

Me? I dont care about this.. other things are happening that pretty well blow this BC out of the limelight if folks would look.
No the original birth certificate would have his name on it that he was born with,I don't think they would change the original document,that means there should be other documents with the name change on them,probably adoption records.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Advantage
Me? I dont care about this.. other things are happening that pretty well blow this BC out of the limelight if folks would look.

Sort of makes you wonder why powerful figures are pushing this hard from both sides, doesn't it?

Let's face some facts here. Someone in the US Government makes genuine birth certificates, right? So how hard would it be for the US Government to fake one if they needed to?

What I am saying is if they did, there would be no point in looking for errors and such on the document. It would be perfect. The CIA and their mates would make sure of it.

Don't mean to fuel the birther fire, but that is the truth.

I can't help thinking that the whole birther issue was started by TPTB simply to cause division. If so, it sure worked.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by TETRA.X
reply to post by mudbeed

Damn it!!!! The government is supposed to be here FOR THE PEOPLE not against its people.

Yes your right,we the people are paying for this circus,and all of the clowns in it!!

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 11:12 AM
I knew this would occur LMAO

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