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Europe - Holocaust 2.0 in the making?

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posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by LoverBoy
reply to post by NeverSleepingEyes

Wake up? Look at the link I provided for you. Provide me with a link where Christians are killing hundreds each week in the name of their religion. Multiple countries and regions for one religion. Maybe hundreds of years ago but we became civilized. I don't have to walk down the street and watch a twelve year old boy blow up afrom explosives attached to him.

Um, hundreds a week?

"1992 to 1998 Islamist extremists in Egypt are thought to have killed 127 Copts.[20]"

That's 7 years, which means a Christian in Egypt is killed by a Muslim only once every 3 weeks. Which for a country of 80 million, isn't very often.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by descartes90

Hey buddy its 2011 not 1992.
the source I provided you gives each instance and yes hundreds as it shows you. You can even verify each one through google.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by LoverBoy
reply to post by descartes90

Hey buddy its 2011 not 1992.
the source I provided you gives each instance and yes hundreds as it shows you. You can even verify each one through google.

Your source is biased. Not all of these murders it lists are the result of terrorism. For example, the recent riots in Nigeria were started by Muslims supposedly, but the Christians also killed Muslims in revenge and supposedly the skirmish was not really even about religion.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by LoverBoy

it is always the same things totally wrong numbers just to impress, I find this ridiculous ... where did you get Those number?i'm looking on google as you said but sorry i don't find this hundred people kill eatch day... Sometimes I do not understand people like you ... tell me why you are acting like this?are you paid to spread hate? because if you make for free man! you have a probleme , I would like to understand ?... you talk of civilized people you think you behave like someone civilized? what is the difference betewen you and them because you don"t bomb yourself ? but the speech is the same hate just hate...and you said they kill women and child and innocent people but i'm sorry actualy the one who kill all the inoccent people his the usa and his friend for oil... so go find another target... be smart and fight for real value, don't be fooled and spreading hate as you do we will gain nothing...just more killed innocent people.

edit on 27-4-2011 by pitchdragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by LoverBoy
reply to post by NeverSleepingEyes

Wake up? Look at the link I provided for you. Provide me with a link where Christians are killing hundreds each week in the name of their religion. Multiple countries and regions for one religion. Maybe hundreds of years ago but we became civilized. I don't have to walk down the street and watch a twelve year old boy blow up afrom explosives attached to him.

"provide me with a link": just take a stroll tru history, my dear.
"we became civilized": oh yeah we sure are. We don't face those muslim dogs in person any more, we just kill them from somewhere in nevada.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 06:05 AM
Try this as a more realistic scenario:

You have engineered the human races as a 'smart monkey project' - but now you are being held responsible for them by the galactic fed or whatever, ie they dont want their universe Borg swarmed by immortal cyborg monkeys enhanced with nano-tech, genetic engineering and A.I.

You had to thwart them once before in a Tower of Babel incident - when they threatened to become 'as one of you'

Also you wiped most of the more extreme mistakes in a Flood (nephilim)

After that you managed what it was possible for them to know by managing their belief systems - via a network of agents (bloodlines) - have then all subservient to Religious authorities that dictate every aspect of their behaviour and try and instil basic morality into them.

But then the little bastards invented printing and started collating knowledge outside of the prescribed scriptures (The Reformation, enlightenment rennaisance etc) - you tried to regain control via the Jesuits for a while - but eventually had to accept that the genie was out of the bottle - especially now that America was on the go - you needed a new strategy and a new control system.

Illuminati Rothschilds , Freemasonry - 'The Age of Revolution' - then Communism, Progressivism ect - a NWO.

What you really need is a homogenised dumbed down controlled population - that will obediently follow the prescribed thought patterns that you have laid down - just like invisible cattle fences.

Obviously the Anglo-Saxon and Jewish stocks are too unmanageable - too interested in personal and intellectual freedoms - they will allways rebel against those unseen fences!

Proven stocks that will blindly live within the set parameters are the Chinese, Slavs, Arabs, Blacks.

That is why this coming holocaust is being engineered.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by ZenOnKwalsky
reply to post by NeverSleepingEyes

Statistics please instead of post-french-revolution styled cliches.

Anyway it was them ateists (the religion believing that there is no God) who killed the most because of their pseudo scientific prejudices.

wow, thanks for that wonderful attribute... "post french revolution styled cliches"... got to remember that one and trow it in a debate anytime i can... really constructive.

clearly need some updating? Atheism a religion? You're the most funny person since Dubya, for sure.

Stats you asked, stats you get
christian atrocities

your atheist friend

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by XmikaX
reply to post by coquine

hare it's not like that

whoever turns class/social issue into religious issue is a dangerous fanatic.

they don't do what you tell because they are muslim, but because they are poor, jealous and watch too much advertising on tv.

anyway the theory in the op makes lots of sense; i thought at "children of men" in fact.

agree completely.
a star :-)

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 06:25 AM
Holocaust 2.0 has already started somewhere else for muslims...


Except that this time, the aggressors came from outside, were given land by 2 other countries which displaced the original owners of the land, and now they erect walls creating ghettos, prevent them from having food, water and supplies in those ghettos (hmmm doesn't that sound like what happened in Poland in the 30's and 40's???)...

Israel is no better. They tell their own people a ton of BS propaganda and cause their people to fear every shake of a leaf causing them to approve crimes against humanity and genocide... Hmmm, didn't the Nazis do this to the German people?

So this European version of the holocaust would be holocaust v2.1 (because the country of Palestine, yes I said country, is closer to Europe than we all think).


posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 06:49 PM
My advice to Muslims is to adopt a more liberal, moderate version of their faith (which many if not most do). Christianity certainly has its issues, and flaws, but it is true that the Islamic texts, taken literally, actually do promote genocide of non-Muslims. parts of the Bible of course, do as well, but the New Testament arguably nulls these calls.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by NeverSleepingEyes

you and coquine need quickly a brain transplant

that not make sens poor and jalous
stop thinking you are above people first

Kuwait, Saudi Arabia or the Emirates, are muslims and I think they have no reason to be jalous they sells you the oil ... and one last thing you should stop believing that there are people in the world want your life, because there no reason to be proud of being a slave, should perhaps you and your friend coquine don't be afraid to take some fresh air out and discover the world unstead watching news on tv or you willl rot pathetic

edit on 27-4-2011 by pitchdragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by XmikaX

Seems that You have no clue what You write about:

First of all : your answer to the Cooquine post is simply stupid and writen without, seemingly even reading, less even digging whats it was about. Have you ever meet realtime, living muslim person? have you live near to their community?? Not on the tourist trip but day after day...

2: Palestine since 48 (earlier as the matter of fact it was the JEWISH terrorists- not EUROPEAN (who were among the first victims of pre-stat-of -Israel -terrorism, if we take for fact theory about- the jewish origin of Askhenazys).

Irak Lybia Afghanistan has nothing to do with the Europeans or Christians- USA actions mostly.
Even some of the frontpersons were visibly not-european of origin (is Obama EUROPEAN??)

In one You are right :
There is issue about - "Kill the Muslims"- mostly there are the Muslims themself who kill their brothers (Sunnits versus Shijts etc) because of the some minute difference in their beliefs, or simply to terrorise the society to turn them against some "western satans"...

There are issues about State of Israel killing the Muslims, openly or secretly, but you cant blame it upon inherent EUROPEAN, CHRISTIAN RASISM or whatever you seem to call it in your mind.

As written earlier: there is evil somewhere in the human nature, but , against all that childish, and so loved by the lefties antichristian propaganda it was Christianity that introduced to our modern society of the so called West the values like Mercy, Tolerance, and Respect for the others (surely there was
Buddha as well but its another story)- for the Greks, Jews, Pagans and Romans it was new, if not somehow offensive
So if what You want of us, still trying to keep to the Traditional Values
to renounce our Faith, You must not be suprised if there will be no more of all that "obsolete" Virtues present in EUROPE , to be manifested, also for You

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by pitchdragon

What you write, even your motto shows, sorry but your shalowness, if not teenagerly simplicity.

You write stupidities answering to the post of a girl who suffered of the muslems agressions...

What are your experiences with islamists apart of looking politically corect soap-opera muslims?

Wait a it being a "gay" forbidden in islam?? (even if thei practicise it, and the worse, when in private,

I will decidedly suggest you not to maniffest your homosexuality oppenly when in Saudi Arabia or the

like...however it would be radical lesson for you, well, it will be probably the last in your life

edit on 28-4-2011 by ZenOnKwalsky because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 07:14 AM
Muslims and Christians please stop the petty bickering

You're both equally violent.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by Q2IN2Y

Youre right...well in part at least. But the people who advocate Muslems often pretend to be "neutral".
probably its part of their style, camouflage, in turkish culture called -Ketman-.
Anyway sorry, years I managed to stay silent, but sometimes there is something so openly stupid or unjust on ats, that even the mountains rises

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 07:43 AM
This is going to turn into a typical thread involving discussion and arguments about Islam. Various ATS members will state why they disagree with the author, then using some fabricated or exagerated personal experiences they will turn the authors argument around and state that 'Muslims refuse to integrate' as well as try and blame them for a variety of problems completely unrelated to the religion of Islam. Then someone like myself would usually enter the thread, explaining how the OP is infact correct, I would then usually refute the points some ATS members make who get their information about Islam from Fox News or the Daily Mail along with backing up my points in defense of Islam by using the Quran and sayings of the prophet Muhammad. I will then usually end my post by saying something in support of tolerence, against racism and bigotry and calling for all members to learn about Islam and combat their prejudices. Usually a few posts later I'll be accused of being a Muslim (which I'm not) and then someone will often say I'm a 'liberal' (libertarian would be more accurate) and that I am lying etc etc.

Instead of all of that I'm just going to say one more thing. Until we get over these petty arguments then everyone is going to suffer at the hands of those who would manipulate our emotions and our passions in order to satisfy their own greed and lust for power. Stop fighting eachother!

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by descartes90
These 8 steps happened in Nazi Germany, Rwanda, and Armenia. Today in Europe, 5 of the 8 steps have already happened. The Muslims have entered Europe, they are growing in numbers and power, some of them are into crime and terrorism (though only a small minority), a major economic crisis has hit, and the Muslims have become a scapegoat for the EU's current problems.

For which EU problems have the muslims become a scapegoat?

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by eyesdown

Originally posted by descartes90
These 8 steps happened in Nazi Germany, Rwanda, and Armenia. Today in Europe, 5 of the 8 steps have already happened. The Muslims have entered Europe, they are growing in numbers and power, some of them are into crime and terrorism (though only a small minority), a major economic crisis has hit, and the Muslims have become a scapegoat for the EU's current problems.

For which EU problems have the muslims become a scapegoat?

crime, the economy, general unrest

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 08:12 AM


By Tundra Tabloids | Published: April 28, 2011

The portion worth paying attention to is the fact that Western immigrants to Denmark are net contributers to the Danish economy, while non-Western immigrants are a major drain. The question outside of further tightening immigration policies, is what to do about the immigrants and their descendants who are there to stay, seeing that they remain a drain on the economy? It appears to be the right “million Kroner question” to ask. KGS

They are clearly setting the stage now for a Euro-wide jihadi civil war. To occcur in the aftermath of the imminent Arab/Israeli final conflict - sparked by the millions of refugees who will flood across the Med from an iradiated M.E.

They want to destroy both Western Europe and the Islamic world in one fell swoop - Russia will just be waiting on the borders topick up the pieces.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by descartes90

I would not say crime and the economy at all. In fact I cant even think of one incident where muslims have been anyway associated to economic downfall. General unrest maybe but every sector of society takes its turn.

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