posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 11:32 AM
It is strange to read your word that seem to come from my mind.
Noone cares is something I have said to myself too many times-by myself or around others it is so true.
Only one is my nights-unable to sleep, I just lie there. There was a tv show on called babalon 5, the end of the intro said, All alone in the night.
This seems to be the main idea of that poem-I understand all too well.
The demon inside, tells of the constant fight to do what is moral and right even though your broken heart wants to do revenge you know is dark and
My heart goes out to you in the way that only someone who knows and has experienced what you have can.
If you find yourself awake at night fighting tears and or your personal demons, you can probably find me in chat, willing to talk and help in anyway I
can. I offer friendship and understanding that could only come from someone who expercies the same thing-night sfter night after night.
I can not put poems together like you, but I bet you could pen a poem about being betrayed by friends who said they would be there forever, only to
turn on you and cause you harm and unsaid heartache and pain.
If you want to talk, cry or vent, please feel free to u2u me, like no other, I understand.
I hope my help might lessen the pain and allow your heart and not your personal demons to control you and your life.
another broken soul