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Anybody else feel like things don't matter anymore?

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posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 02:16 PM
I think thread has meant more to me than anything I have read in a while. I can identify with at least 99% of the posts on here.
1. Yes I have definately felt the exact same feelings regarding my involvement in school, work, and the business of life in general. This is going by the standard of expectations I had been led to believe for a long time.
2. I have been more in tune with the earth and the changes it is going through. Things just seem different today...People are angry at stupid things, and apear more detached from other human interaction.
3. I have an overwhelming need to meditate and look at myself inwardly and see how I can connect to the flow of the earths energy. We are all connected to each other more than your realize.

It is a strange time we are living in....

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by mossme89

Yeah. Totally. Since I was 12. Then when I was 16 I saw some crap on TV called 'The Day After Tomorrow' and I just snapped. I have spent my life trying to put the pieces back together.

Dude or Dudette; don't let these feelings stop you from being the very best you can be at everything you do. You will be glad you did later in your life. Why?

Because nothing is going to happen. I promise.

So make sure that by the time you reach middle age and you realize the truth of what I am saying above that you have done everything you can to master what you need to master here. Or you may be gravely disappointed in yourself.

Focus on school. Get the best grades you can. And continue to develop the honest and strong relationships with people around you as you are doing now. You will be glad you did that too as you get older.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 02:27 PM
It's very difficult to "live" in the present if you dont plan for a future. Living is about setting yourself goals that you want to achieve. You may not achieve the goals but you learn from the journey.

I remember not being interested in school and wondering what it was all about, but now I am in my 30's I look back and regret the lack of interest and lack of effort I put into my school work. An education is a valuable thing, more so now than ever and it can be easily wasted. Remember every generation has come up against what at the time seemed like a daunting future, but humans are still here and I believe we have a bright future, despite how current circumstances may suggest otherwise.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 02:29 PM

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 02:35 PM
Well, of course, nothing matters. Nobody except a lot of religious goofballs ever said it did. We exist because of some odd fluke of chemistry and physics, and our own existence, and the greater existence of the universe, don't really add up to anything. Everything that is here was once not here, and will eventually be gone.

How does one keep going? By not thinking too much about it, since it's a waste of time. Enjoy what you can in this life before it ends badly. Kill yourself if you can't take it. Those are basically your choices. Although, even killing yourself won't make any real difference, and you'll be dead soon enough, so why bother?

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:39 PM
Either everything matters or nothing does.

Both possibilities are equally terrifying.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by mistermonculous

Yeah, but seriously, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING matters. Coming to terms with this is a lot more difficult than adhering to the notion that nothing matters. Suddenly you care about consequences, and you care about people, and that can be painful and difficult. You might have to alter a whole slew of behavioral patterns, you might have to exercise an uncomfortable degree of self-control, and you might have to put a lot more thought into your actions.

But I promise you it's worth it.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by mistermonculous

Yeah, but seriously, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING matters. Coming to terms with this is a lot more difficult than adhering to the notion that nothing matters. Suddenly you care about consequences, and you care about people, and that can be painful and difficult. You might have to alter a whole slew of behavioral patterns, you might have to exercise an uncomfortable degree of self-control, and you might have to put a lot more thought into your actions. But I promise you it's worth it.

Dudes mang, this is an awesome post. I sincerely hope that the OP is feeling better.

+. If TS does HTF you want to be revved up to your best when it hits. But of course, I promised it wouldn't.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:55 AM
(insight)Things that matter to a person are usually based on religious preferences..Im not religous myself,however, i do understand how you feel,youre sensing great change arent you?A change so great that it will rule your everyday tasks obsolete.You feel that with this event the universe and our very existence could change.Ive recently began having these feelings,along with strange visions and day dreams..Maybe this could be the real deal..Or we've both buckled under the stress of every day life and are letting our imaginations run wild..I guess only time will tell...

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:12 AM
I understand exactly I dropped out of school partly because of this feeling also for other reasons though. All I live for now is the people and relationships I have with them and hobbies that I like. I am fully sure about something happening though its too strong a feeling that too many others are feeling. Just chill out and go along for the ride whatever it may be.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by mossme89

Yes, more and more I have the feeling certain things don`t matter at all.

The world and people in general is getting much deppendent on things and systems they don`t really need to survive and live healthy.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:32 AM
I am also relating to most of these posts. It's nice to know my partner, my friends and my family are not alone in this feeling

I used to care greatly about my career/money/things/status quo. I worked for a big corporation and I loved it up until about a year and a half ago. I moved up slightly in the company and I started to see how things really worked. I soon began loathing the company I worked for and it was a fight with myself every morning to get up out of bed and drag my ass into work. The negativity of the entire situation really drug me down to the point I couldn't stand another minute. I went on stress leave for two months, and I started to enjoy my life again. I was free! I wrote more, drew more, went outside more, loved my partner more and I felt happy.

I figured that I really just hated the company and their slimy political greedy ways. So I applied around. I found a job with another company, it was ultimately the same job but the company was known for treating their employees well and having a really awesome corporate culture. I was really really stoked for my first day and I felt good being there. Everything seemed to burn just a little bit brighter there. But then about two months later, I realized I hated it just as much.

I had an epiphanal moment where I realized that it had nothing to do with the company I was working for. I realized that I was doing something absolutely meaningless. My job had absolutely no point except to make the rich richer and to kiss the asses of the sleeping idiots who get to the point of tears (or blurting obscenities) because of an invoice $2 off what it should be. Sure, I was getting a nice paycheque, but what made it worth it? NOTHING.

I am trying to maybe add a little meaning into it by trying to be more empathetic and breaking a rule here or there to give the customer a little bit more than what they (the company) might deem as fair. It seems to brighten some peoples day and it helps me a little and seems to give my job a small amount of value.

Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely grateful for a roof over my head, food on my plate and a warm bed. Nothing beats it and I truly feel for the people who don't have this "luxury". Should I have to give up my soul for these things? NO.

I wish this story had a happy ending, but I'm still there and I'm still wondering what's the point?! Why am I giving a 1/3 of my life to a big corporation that cares about nothing but image and money?

There has GOT to be a better way, and boy howdy I am on the hunt for it. I feel the change/foreboding you speak of and it can't happen soon enough. I will do what it takes and I'll die for the change that's needed if necessary.

One thing I've learned over the last few years of "awakening" is that death should not be sought, nor should it be feared.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:48 AM
It's called you have anxiety problems.

There's a buncha people that feel the exact same way.

You realize there's been a million societal "collapses" over the years. Humans survived, and rebuilt themselves. You are not part of anything special.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:48 AM
We are being systematically demoralized. Don't give up yet. Strive to be successful. It gives you a purpose, a drive to keep on going. That mindset can empower you and rejuvenate your spirit. I know, I struggle with this too. The world is headed in the wrong direction, but that isn't going to change if we just roll over and let it happen.

We the people will prevail if we love each other and work together for the common good. If we are educated, nimble and unpredictable TPTB will never see us coming. NEVER NOT EVER. If we truly band together we can sweep them away in an instant and give earth back to her people.

It won't be easy. It will take commitment and a lot of hard work. Though many may die, more will be saved.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by mnmcandiez
It's called you have anxiety problems.

There's a buncha people that feel the exact same way.

You realize there's been a million societal "collapses" over the years. Humans survived, and rebuilt themselves. You are not part of anything special.

I don't know if anyone ignores that possibility. I hope it is something special, but who knows for sure?

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 04:28 AM
I bought a new car recently and, for the first time, had the inclination to keep it in good condition, regularly serviced, so that I could sell it on in a few years.

But then I started to think, hang on, deep down I don't believe that kind of world is going to exist in a few years... the kind of world where we're all scrambling for money, buying and selling, making every penny count. Part of me just knows that in a few years almost everything material that we value now will be meaningless. Whether because of a worldwide catastrophe or a spiritual/moral evolution, we'll be returning to the values of the ancients and throwing our modern civilisation - with all its debt, corruption, consumerism and legality - to the dirt.

So yes, I feel the same way too. By the time I die this world will have transformed beyond all recognition.
edit on 28/4/2011 by Cythraul because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by Frater210

Let me just clarify, i still plan on going through the motions, finishing school, going to college, getting a job, etc. It just feels empty and kinda pointless. Doesn't mean i won't do it, just means it doesn't bring me happiness. What brings me happiness are the relationships i make with other people. No other material thing could ever substitute for that.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 05:23 AM
I feel the same way !
I feel something huge is going to happen soon and i just don't see the point in my studies.
My life plan was to learn Japanese and move to Japan for a couple of years. Also to check out Egypt.......

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 05:41 AM
I felt the same way in my late teens early 20's.

And yet I am still here and so is this world.

Dont give up until the fat lady sings man, yes Americans are hard pressed right now, but we shall overcome.

We always do.

There have been doom-sayers preaching the destruction of the world for thousands of years now.
I bet they felt kinda stupid when they died and the world was still here, and they took their last few breaths
thinking about how much time and energy they wasted worrying about the end of the world.

Dont let your emotions interfere with your intellect. Education IS important.

Time is always of the essence, so enjoy it, like you say live in the moment, but dont let your anxieties
ruin your life.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 05:44 AM
Yep, my feelings of impending doom are really powerful. Thanks to my Doctor cutting my Anti Anxiety dosage by over 85% in the last 2 months. A dosage I had been on for 7 years.

If it weren't for a couple people in my life (one who really doesn't care much about me anyway), I would happily rid myself of this miserable existance.

Yea things just don't seem to matter anymore. I rather be asleep than be awake. At least in my dreams I sometimes am happy, sometimes I have things I've lost, things I'll never be able to regain.

So yea eternal sleep seems like it'd be an excellent alternative to this.

I wish I had an answer for you OP. I wish I had an answer for everyone who felt, miserable, depressed, lost, worthless, lonely ect.

All I can say is hang in there, and hopefully things will change.

I know...empty, meaningless sounding words, I hate even typing them.

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