posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 11:30 AM
Well, first impression, which came from reading your title, caused me to think that I was going to agree with you. To me, the title means that if you
want to find certain words, you will be able to find those words. However, just because the letters spelled the specific words that you wanted them to
spell, does not mean that it is important or true.
It is similar to the bible. You have been told that the ancient civilizations said these words. Did they really though? Did the ancient civilizations
tell you these words, or was it actually modern man that told you that these words are what were said from the ancient civilizations?
Ok. so now I just looked and you have completely re-written the OP. My previous statements still stand.
Originally posted by ISRAELdid911
it was known and anticipated by two ancient peoples the Myans and the Egyptians. and both come up with the same date. one says the end of times the
other Nibiru.
Are you sure about that? Are you sure that what the Mayans and the Egyptians actually said was that the end-times were going to occur on a specific
date? There are conflicting opinions on that.