I saw the link to this after watching another flick on Youtube, saw it was a full movie and thought what the hell, I'll watch a couple minutes, see
if it's interesting. Way more than interesting, this one is. At the time this happened, it seemed bad. Now, seeing all this footage together, it was
worse, it appears quite clearly.
It's hard to pick anything out to talk about, Where does one start? Getting arrested for blowing bubbles? Elderly man with one leg being brutalized?
The press getting arrested for trying to do their jobs? The many people abducted by plainclothes pigs? Herding people into a corner like animals and
arresting them for peacefully protesting?
As for peaceful protesting, I'm still struggling with this idea and what it actually means, if it is effective or should be ditched for pitchforks
and muskets, and there is a thread that I'll throw this movie into and see what pops out.
The black bloc guys, and the obvious agent provocateurs seemed to be the only violent "protesters" and from what little evidence is shown, it
appears the black bloc guys were provocateurs as well. So the way I see it, the pigs are the only ones causing violence, then beating, arresting,
brutalizing the peaceful people there, some completely innocent just in the wrong place the wrong time.
What would have happened if the pigs weren't there at all? How much violence would have happened?? I'd bet none.
Problem, reaction, solution. They created the problem with draconian measures and a excessive police presence, they reacted to said problem with
excessive police force and serious human rights abuses so they could have their solution, a police state with jackbooted thugs arresting girls for
blowing bubbles(no jokes, seriously, just don't do it).
Civilized society my ass. We are worse than animals, we have the ability to reason and can't use it. We brutalize each other in unimaginable ways,
brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, all, for reasons that are truly beyond comprehension.