posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 02:32 AM
Ever since I noticed the tide turning toward the 2008 election of Barak Obama as President of the U.S., I have questioned the validity of the
administration as nothing more than a political experiment to measure such attributes as general public awareness of who can become President and why,
the malleability of the masses through simple marketing, ignorance of the Constitution and the political structure of local, state and federal
governments, the religious and cultural diversity and veracity of the populace, and the overall attitude toward apparent disregard for the traditional
process and values.
I am a political skeptic and question everything and trust nothing tied to politics so don't label me an Obama basher. I bash them all. I
researched most of the 30+ candidates on the 2008 ballot and decided not to participate in the election, however real or fraudulent it was. What I
did noticed was pure brainwashing and propaganda used by both major political parties and, as usual, all other candidates left out of the dance.
And apparently it all went as planned.