reply to post by dniMnepO
Fox news? You consider fox propaganda bs news, as news? Mass sightings, or mass delusion?
Seeing the history of this species, believing in gods, demons, angels and witches. To me the answer would be best suited for mass delusion.
Just because you see lights in the sky, doesn't mean aliens are coming to see you, they don't k ow you, nor care about you.
One important thing, THEY DON'T KNOW WE ARE HERE!!!
That is our true advantage, our milky way, has hundreds of billions of suns. We are just one grain of sand on the beach, so don't give your hopes up
on et coming to be your best friend.
Humans have already engineered the avrocar in the 40's it's a saucer shaped flying craft, the modern version is much cooler and far more
Even time travel is a higher possibility than aliens, or if your szichophrenic I AM A DISINFO ALIEN AGENT, SENT BY OBAMA AND HIS BUDDY SATAN (and
There happy you conspiracy nut jobs? Seriously dont take this so seriously, if there were aliens around, TRUST ME. You would know. There would be
massive black ships in the sky, surrounding earth. They wouldn't travel at light speed, they would get here instantly. As if they appeared out of
thin air. Traveling "under" space. Honing in on the resonance frequency of this space, and disassociating with their prior resonance frequency.
Basically it's really really REALLY, easy to convice someone you, or someone you know is an alien. You say zim.a.BU.e.TER. A few times, have some
lights in the sky. Say freaky things, and 8 out of 10 people will believe something "extra terrestrial" just happened, when really it was their own
lack of understanding and delusion that fueled their opinions.
So it's not that hard to CONVICE a priest god is there, or a x-files wannabe that aliens are lurking. You just have to have a decent understanding of
human behavioral physiology, I can CONVICE (iPad keeps caps on that word, not sure why) anyone about anything, because people just aren't that
Remember 50% of your species is retarded, or borderline retarded. Bcause some inbreeding may have happened in the past, a few too many times, but
don't worry evolution fixes everything.