posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 12:10 PM
It was a weekend down in the City Of New Orleans and some close friends and i decided to take a donkey tour of the french quarter. And i remember for
the entire ride i was completely and utterly focused on the present moment. Everything seemed so beautiful and amazing, my mind was unbelievably clear
and functioning on a level of perception that just made everything around me feel so peaceful and free and flowing.
I remember a specific scene, and after passing a homeless person sitting outside of a banquet building that had a reception with people wearing
suites and expensive dresses. At that moment i questioned the thoughts that those people had, and the thoughts of the homeless person. And i remember
this specific insight coming to me...which was weird because i don't remember formulating it...
" There is beauty between the chaos of our thoughts"
- My thought adjuster
edit on 30-4-2011 by ATSGUY because: change for the person that really come up with the quote