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do you feel it?

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posted on May, 1 2011 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

Yes, I know, and thank you, thank God, that some of you are still open minded and teachable. That's a big time relief.

There are only three enemies that a man must triumph over in order to claim victory (this is from Don Juan the Mexican Shamen made famous in the Carlos Castaneda books)

1) Fear
2) Power
3) Old Age

I see that you are working to achieve victory over number 1) Fear. This is good.

edit on 1-5-2011 by NewAgeMan because: typo

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

not really sure that i have much fear left in me. lucy beat a lot of the fear out of me. to the point i don't talk to her anymore. but it's ok. we had a peaceful break up. it was just time. but the only thing close to fear i feel anymore is sometimes, like i said when i talked about stocking up a page or two back, i feel like something bad is going to come, first. i know that whatever happens to me is of Divine Plan so whether i like it or not, it's best. so i'm not really sure i have much fear left in me. i'm sure i do have it lurking here and there but i can already tell that learning how to overcome power will be a real learning process for me.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

On the other side of fear is mirth, humor, playfulness and creativity, which generates power and the freedom of self expression or what some call charm or charisma, defined by happiness.

A powerful person isn't the one with the most gold, but the one who is truly happy for all the right reasons.

Prior freedom is prior humor. As the only possibility for the expression of authentic love (boundless) it is the domain from which springs hope eternal, and that's powerful.

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
The "measuring stick" if you will, I think resides in the degree of your "humor of understanding" or your sense of mirth, at the absurdity of life as a free gift unearned, and the acceptance that arises from that, with nothing left to "get", the cosmic joke integrated for one's own personal enjoyment, and then the sharing and the love which flows directly from that realization or re-cognition.

This guy seems to have "grokked" it, the "nothing" the being of a nothing in particular and the humor which that evokes automatically and inevitably! : )

Those without this mirth do not have "it", the thing, the nothing in particular that is everthing, and which means everything that it means everything, while being at the same time, it's own meaningless nothing, an absurdity being as it were nothing in particular to begin with! This is what you might call a particularized nothing in particular, as the "point of projection" of an alchemy of eternal laughter, kinda.. (loss of words) it's something special that's for sure, so who cares just what the heck it really is, and we can never know that thing anyway, nor are we meant to..

The humorless, is the true asshole, because those without humor, and without the humor of understanding, are also without mercy, without heart, without love, and without freedom, locked up in fear of only God knows what..?! It too is absurd, but they are only to be pitied, if not cajoled.

edit on 1-5-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

talk about powerful is being happy for all the right reasons? this is something that i've been dealing with for months now! i've been shedding my ego day by day. i don't care about the car anymore. don't care about nice clothes. don't care about having things.

i've found that the less i have, the happier i am! as though for everything i have in my life, i'm one step further from Pure Love.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:20 PM
This is for those skeptical posters. If you are asking "what are you feeling" in a genuine, open-minded attempt to understand what this "awakened" thing is, please read on. If you, however, already know that no answer could change your perspective, I would recommend that time you commit to Metaphysical topics is perhaps at waste your time.

I am currently writing a book and the request of some of the more skeptical "replies" on this thread to describe what "feeling" we are talking about is both challenging and important and something I have been working to put into words in various ways. But the answers are there for those who are open-minded and who want to discover more.

The world's great sages - Jesus, Budda, Lao Tzu among others - have been pointing to the answer for millenia. However, it is, in my opinion, completely an "experiential knowing" not an intellectual knowing so a description can only be of one's own experience.

One experience you may have had yourself may be illustrative here. You know those 3D posters and pictures that were so popular a few years back - the ones you couldn't see the image unless you blurred your eyes a bit and if you were lucky you could suddenly see the 3D "hidden" image jump out at you? You could instruct someone how to increase their odds of seeing it, and when it did become perceptible to them they "got it." Yet you could point to the picture and jump up and down, swearing it was "hidden" there, but no matter how well you saw it or described it, you could not show anyone exactly what you were seeing - until they saw it for themselves.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

The human being is in truth a great mystery worthy of our mutual exporation and enjoyment, there is little else of any concern that is worthy of our creative action. Love is the only thing that's "going on" of any value, there is nothing else of any consequence, whatsoever. Let us never forget the frame of reference (where context and framing is everything) being not >I< but "we". "But who then is my neighbor..?"

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:38 PM
This is spot on.

It has nothing to do with logic or how anyone can explain it, but rather a personal knowing or experience.

The feelings or experiences are 100% personal, this is where the dogmas of religion fail or have their weakness, because the try to explain with words. Words are subjective, a single word can mean many things to different people, hence misinterpretation.

The problem with religious text, books and anything written are they have to point to other passages or sources to try to prove a point, when all they are really doing is pure "Circular Argumentation", like a dog chasing it's tail. The user has to at some point, have an experience to relate, or try to use the material to find an experience.

One day maybe we will be able to share information and feelings without the constraints of words, and visual props.

Originally posted by Open2Truth
The world's great sages - Jesus, Budda, Lao Tzu among others - have been pointing to the answer for millenia. However, it is, in my opinion, completely an "experiential knowing" not an intellectual knowing so a description can only be of one's own experience.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

There are only three enemies that a man must triumph over in order to claim victory (this is from Don Juan the Mexican Shamen made famous in the Carlos Castaneda books)

1) Fear
2) Power
3) Old Age

The only enemy "man must triumph over " is his own mind. Control the mind, then there is nothing left to conquer.

So quite frankly, I don't care if you can leap tall buildings or fly faster than a speeding bullet thought the astral planes - if you lack a deep and abiding love for all humanity, or the mirth and joy of TRUE understanding and sympathetic harmonious compassion, then you don't have anything of value or substance to offer the world, not one than is in perfect alignment with life's own unbridled enthusiasm and supreme value, at Source.

Life experience is a great teacher. In time, most will come to this undestanding and realize their true worth in the grand scheme of things. Your words are planting seeds which may sprout in due course.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:21 AM
I'm glad I found this thread because while I don't share the identical view the OP does, I can see a pretty clear correlation between the chaos that are my thoughts and the mutual confusion shared by everyone else. I've been casually sharing with people my feeling that something is going to change alot in the years to come, but reality has always had my instincts and what is logically accepted stuck in a game of tug-of-war.

I'm 22 years old, a college a student, and have a lot of friends. Shouldn't I be satisfied with the current situation that is my existence? I've read alot on this thread about people losing motivation. I'm 6 hours away from graduating but seriously don't care about all of the work I've put in over the last 4 years. It's almost like it was time wasted. But my lack of motivation in a school and work sense isn't anything out of laziness. I still feel motivated, but I feel like I haven't found what I'm supposed to direct it towards. It's almost a feeling of sit, wait and everything will reveal itself soon enough.

I don't know if our perception of reality will completely alter, I don't know if a global catastrophe will wipe out all we know. What I can tell you from a personal point of view is that it seems the very way of life we live has become mundane. My parents don't understand it when I tell them I don't understand why my life's goal has to center around making money. I understand the way our world works in a logical sense of necessities, I just don't understand why I have this deep rooted feeling that I'm capable of veering off of what society tells me is the way to live. I don't have revealing dreams or psychic experiences, and I am not one to be posting something like this on a website. I just feel it is foolish to reject this intuition. It's the only aspect of my life I feel deserves all of my attention, like everything I'm doing is getting in the way of something I'll figure out soon enough.

Sidenote - As I said posting on these boards is nothing I have ever done .. I don't confide in people that I was sent here from somewhere in the universe to do anything special .. and I know most people here don't because this is probably their safe-haven to express this sort of thing without ridicule. So if you are posting to bash on people that don't really know what they're feeling and are trying to find common ground with literally anyone feeling the same, then don't because I am as normal a person you will ever meet in the street but if this sort of communication was made possible at all then what is the point in using it to degrade or bring people down?

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by iamawitness

I can completely understand how you feel. Things we want in life are mostly a bi-product of the cultural programming as a result of the environment we were raised in. In my case, while growing up everyone around me wanted and usually had a college education, a career, and a nuclear family of sorts. I thought this is what I "wanted", though I never truly felt this was right.

I have work ethic, and I worked very hard and earned everything I presently have. I choose very carefully now what to get involved in because of my compulsiveness to do a job right the first time and give it everything I have and see it through to the end, no matter what obstacles come up. I've learned this is the way I am and it helps me grow. But like you, I feel I haven't found the right thing to direct my energy and efforts to. I also believe patience and awareness will reveal the answer.

Think about it, if you grew up in the middle east, you may not have grown up wanting to be a computer programmer or whatever. Maybe you would be content with life just getting through the day alive. You would see survival requirements relative to those around you.

Personally, I find it amazing that no matter how different our backgrounds are, we all share this innate similar calling.

edit on 2-5-2011 by AbstractKARMA because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD


I certainly know the feeling! In fact, i cant completely relate to your entire statement. But my question to you is, is this feeling of being special a sense that is new, or simply felt by everyone since the beginning? How do we know that all people haven't always felt they were "special." As strange as it sounds, as a kid i felt i was destined to be superhuman, or a genius, or psychic or somewhat extraordinary. but what if this is just instilled childish thoughts/ dreams, possibly created by our parents who made us believe we we're "special?"

I am in no interest to debunk or prove you wrong, in fact i hope this strange intuition is real. I just want to know this isn't just a false interpretation. Thanks much!

-Trent, Columbus, Ohio.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by trentdavis

We cant rationalize or make ourselves believe something we want. We need to be sure!

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by trentdavis

short on time. to answer your question...i've always known. in fact, i was told by my mom and grandpa (her daddy) that i was special. they said they knew it when i was still in the womb. i've been destined for a different course my entire life!

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by yets777

Indeed Yets! Even Brianegan's music on his Youtube channel spoke to me. It was as if my own thoughts were coming out of his mouth in his flows. It reminded me of when my friend and I used to "flow" to beats just like that. It leaves no room for the conscious mind, you must flow from the subconscious. If you stop to think about what words to say next you lose it. It's a complete exercise in using your intuition and a hell of an awesome way to see what is just under the surface.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 04:08 PM
has anyone noticed a change in sex drive? me personaly, my sex drive is declining. feel almost no desire to have sex. as though i've realized that orgasm is either a)something that keeps me from the Truth, or b) something of the flesh and i'm slowly losing interest in things of the flesh?

this is very annoying to my woman, of course. i see almost no point to having sex. as though it's pointless. when i see an attractive woman out in public, the old me would've looked and had some dirty thoughts (it's only natural). now...i can see 2 gorgeous women with all the physical features i like, walk right in front of me in sexy clothes and i don't have dirty thoughts...i feel bad for them. i think "'re so lost. you have no idea what's coming. and i bet you wouldn't listen if i told you". and i have this thought (or something similar) when i look at everyone, so i know it's not some sexual issue.

my mate and i had a awesome sex life up until a month or two ago, then it started to slowly say bye bye. i've talked two several friends about this and 2 of them say they have noticed a decrease, too. maybe this is just part of losing the ego? shedding everything that keeps us from the Truth. and not that i view sex as bad or dirty. it just holds very little appeal to me right now. i think this is something personal, not necessarily a common symptom, but maybe it is???

it's almost as though i'm slowly going munk, subconsciously. my diet has been changing and getting closer to pure. i'm not perfect, by any means. but over the past year (especially last couple months) i keep having recurring thoughts and compulsions to eat better. just a gradual thing. nothing drastic over night. i drink almost nothing but water anymore (or water mixed with 100% juice). haven't drank alcohol in over 5 years. no nicotine. i have been known to puff a little green but even that has slowed down lately.

i'm coming to the point where the less i have in my life, the happier i am. but's like the physical gratification from orgasm started to keep me from focusing and now i'm automatically readjusting. anyone have any insight on this? anyone experiencing anything similar?

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

i have noticed a decline in my sex life,i still have sex but it's more of a "something" to do thing rather than a pleasure thing now.

my diet has changed completely ,the only food i enjoy eating is fruits.especialy smoothies,i have completely stopped eating meat altogether and i only drink water.

i can't handle anything with a low vibration any more , meat for example carries a very low vibration,fruits carry high vibrations etc.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by jermz

Hi, I know exactly how you feel. I had very similar feelings and experiences. In fact a friend of mine directed me to this thread because she said it was as if I myself had written it. I am 25 and as time has progress I find this feeling to be more and more intense. I am not sure what is coming but I have been preparing for it my whole life.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by iamawitness
But my lack of motivation in a school and work sense isn't anything out of laziness. I still feel motivated, but I feel like I haven't found what I'm supposed to direct it towards. It's almost a feeling of sit, wait and everything will reveal itself soon enough.

One of the many 'Spiritual' books/writings that I have found to reveal much to me has a passage that this experience of yours reminded me of - and I thought it might be something you appreciated. I have to paraphrase, but it says that if you don't know yet what you should do - accept that it is very possible that all the information and background for your life's direction has not yet appeared - by grand design. Be patient with yourself.

In the meantime, I recommend you pursue any interests that you feel connected to, whether through an occupation, hobby, reading, etc.

Think about how remarkable it is that even though you are immersed in a culture of material acquisition, that you can sense that this does not serve your deeper desires. It may also help for you to see that the belief that a person must choose a career, pursue it, and derive both personal and material satisfaction from it - has many flaws - and, in my opinion, is a cultural relic from an earlier time.

I am so excited to see people like you having the courage to share your experiences! I agree that those who relate to the various experiences in this thread can gain much just by seeing how many share their perceptions and feelings.

To the skeptics, trolls and naysayers - We know there are many of you out there. Don't you notice how many people who are trying to share their experiences go to tremendous pains to communicate that they are "normal" people who aren't "kooks"!!! Why do you think they do this? Because we are growing out of a cultural mindset that anyone who describes feelings, experiences and thoughts outside of the "bell curve of societal norms" is wrong, crazy, ill, deluded, etc.

The ultimate "reality" is that we each truly live our own truth. So if you think this is all hogwash - great - we know your there, what your arguments are, etc . But there are so many who are reluctant to speak of, or even acknowledge to themselves, experiences that they have been taught are "weird." I encourage anyone reading this who can relate to the various experiences alluded to in this thread - don't be afraid of other people's opinions and/or comments if you want to connect with similarly minded folk.
edit on 3-5-2011 by Open2Truth because: quoted text box incorrect

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Open2Truth
I encourage anyone reading this who can relate to the various experiences alluded to in this thread - don't be afraid of other people's opinions and/or comments if you want to connect with similarly minded folk

THANK YOU. very much. this is what i'm saying. who cares what anyone thinks of you in real life, let alone the internet? simply sharing your feelings and what you're going through can do wonders for any problems you're having with it. honestly, since i've accepted this feeling and stopped repressing it and decided to talk about it, it has done wonders for me.

and hey...sharing your experience could help the next bashful person. i knew when i started this thread that many would come just to sneer and slander. i didn't care. i knew it needed to be done. hell...100s have already commented. at this point, the "shame" has been reduced to nothing. notice how this thread has died down? now's the time for people to post their feelings, if they haven't already. obviously this thread isn't the front page story anymore, so feel free to let your hair down!

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

I agree bro.

What I do see without prejustice is people on this thread that look for anything in a post that can be turned around and used against the post in a complete 360 to make those who believe in the ones twisting it, achieveing ATS stars. It really is that simple if you throw all of it aside and look at it from a common perspective.

If you don't agree how about '' I don't agree and let me tell you why '', instead of quoting phrases and finding windows to write the opposite for the sake of gaining approval.

What I post clearly states I don't care for your stars, your approval, I give you a experience and defend my experience cause I feel its real, I don't say it's a fact I don't say Im a second coming of anything, I simple give you my feeling for contribution.

So for those who want to disect mental compatibility and formed words for emotional popularity and gain, if your going to be a member of this site you need to learn that ths site is here for all of this, it's not here to call people crazy, and the ones that do that, you always find they have just recently signed up, again lol with new posts but knowledge of threads from years ago like Mr.Darkness has pointed out, hmmmm.

Seems to me certain people are out on a witch hunt nothing more nothing less.

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