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do you feel it?

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posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:47 PM
It seems like everyone has something in them u just have to find it and focus on it.We each have speacial abilities in us i think mine is feeling awareness because when i walk in houses i feel if im wanted there are not and just looking at someone i can tell what kind of person he or she is and that tells me how i can act or say around these people. The feeling i get in house are weird because i think what ever it is it is always in the corner of the room its like they never come in the middle of the room . And my dreams lately have been like im doing something in my dream that i have to do when i get up sometimes i cant tell if im still dreaming . REPLY TO ME PLEASE

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:48 PM
Wow, I love this site, the reason for me joining this site is about this feeling..I have a strong sensation as if I am tapping into something or need to..My dreams are becoming more real feeling, waking up disorientated from what just happened in my dreams, and my dreams feel like I am on the same path, same scenery slightly changing but so familiar everynight, deja vous seems to happen at least twice a week, I talk of something out of the blue, then 2 mins later its right in front of me or someone else is talking about it, kind of like picking up the phone only to realize you pick it up and the person you meant to call is already on the other line...Talking about a good movie and there it is when I turn on the TV..Seems like coincidences are taking control of my everyday life letting me know I am on to something...I am not religious as I feel like I don't want a label, because I feel more of free spirit waiting for the moment of realization that we can all feel coming...I am not scared either, I am embracing it... More and more people I know can feel this, and are worried, I enjoy talking about this to my family and friends, but you always have the ones that are skeptic, but I don't worry about them, I worry for them, because the shift is happening and those of us can feel and accept will only beable to control that much more, I get tingles just reading everyones comments, I love that feeling, it makes me feel more alive knowing we are all connected to this feeling..
edit on 26-4-2011 by ShellyBoo because: spelling

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:49 PM
Yes i can feel it.
I feel how goverment is lying me every day .
I feel how banks are robbing me and put me in debt.
I feel how 1 bilion people are starving every day.
I feel how MSM are programing me with news.
I feel the pain and suffer of bilions people of the world
I feel big corporations are killing people and poluting enviroment every day.
I can feel fluoride ,aspartame ,prosac ...
I feel education dumbing down people more and more

I feel many things, but shift in consciousness ? better awareness and more understanding among the people ? NO.
So keep dreaming while world is going mad and failing apart as we know it .

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by anjl32

It sounds like you are starting to experience the lovely kundalini process! It gets way more intense as you move along. Here's a great article from Transitions, a blog written by Denise Le Fay, that contains some great explanations of the process, symptoms, etc. (everyone should subscribe to her blog for constant updates on our current situation):

- Kundalini Rising & The Rewiring Process:

I've also experienced the strange smells which go along with the process - from floral scents to incense. The cool part is the sounds that go along with it, as well - like directly hearing music from the angelic that's magic.

Since you have an affinity for clouds, have you tried cloud-busting? You can stare at one cloud in particular and dissolve it with your mind. I've done it, and so can you. Give it a try.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by terror2k

Thank you for that. I am not a violent person by nature. I usually walk away and either forget about or have myself a good cry, then forget about it. I understand some people are not in "tune" to their inner "spirits" and have been brainwashed to conform to societies expectations of acceptable behavior. Being a young spirit, I am still quite naive about alot of things. However, I know that despite my naivety, I am "one of a kind". I like who I am, and the people who push me down, don't realize, they are only helping to make me stronger. I am very empathetic, and have a pretty high tolerance. Kharma is everywhere. Thanks for letting me be part of this forum...I feel as though I just found a "lost" part of myself. It's good to see that I am not alone in my feelings and beliefs!_javascript:icon('

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:53 PM
Im 27 from Singapore.

As I was reading your post i felt as if i was telling you this and something in me stirred.

We all should meet,my fb accnt: Roshan Gurmeet Singh

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
How do you know?

John Lear believes our souls are trapped in our body, and when we die, the soul sucker tower on the moon grabs us and eventually shoves us into another body over time.

How is your version any more or less credible than his version?

Originally posted by cushycrux
reply to post by Ankona

Our spirits are not here in the material world. They are in another dimension "state". If you die, you loose the connection to your human brain. The body dies, the spirit goes home. This is why we can't remember in past lives, because the spirit doesn't remember secular affairs. The only thing you get with you, is the connection and feelings to other spirits and the memories of your (if you wish) your hearth.

I can write more if somebody is interested.

Hey Hi Saturn

I know these funny stories. You will find it out anyway one day, I have no problem if you don't believe. I find it funny how people search the magic and the mystic while they don't see what they are. You are the most mystic thing in the universe my friend. No Rock in the universe is so special like you. You are like good, hey. You create things.

Your own spirit is far deeper then you think. You can go deeper if you want, but it's so far away from your normal physical being you can't believe it. This is because you even don't try it.

Just try it. Fist don't believe it, know it. Then dive down and have the best trip of you live. But remember: insight hurts
and like in computer game: the upper levels are very hard.

You ask me how I can know it. I can't answer that, I was born with this knowledge or if you want craziness. You stay the Judge.
edit on 26-4-2011 by cushycrux because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by mthgs602

Sounds a bit like fear. Try closing your eyes, let everything, all your problems, all your troubles fall away into darkness, then search what is beyond that. Between the cracks there is light, dig deeper and you will find a light that shines so deep at the base of everything.

edit on 26-4-2011 by samwiseold because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by FOXTROOPER

YES!!! Exactly...I too have been experiencing such vivid dreams lately, that when I wake, I'm not sure if I'm awake or still dreaming!! And the details stick with me for a really long time. You're not alone.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by xavi1000
I feel many things, but shift in consciousness ? better awareness and more understanding among the people ? NO.
So keep dreaming while world is going mad and failing apart as we know it .

Both will happen friend.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by bloodworksinc

We all should meet

Give it time

edit on 4/26/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by StarSeed1111

Nice site, I too have these symtoms, I thought I was getting sick only making myself feel like I am a hypochondriac, I can't wait to continue to read the informational site you provided, Thanks

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD


posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by cushycrux
Both will happen friend.

Eh , i hope you are right ...but my individual experience doesnt tell me that

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by mthgs602

I am with you on that. I too find myself drawn to the skies and the clouds. I too have a feeling of "pending doom", something catastrophic just over the horizon...just out of reach. The fight or flight feeling has been strong since...well, for so long I guess I hadn't really realized it. It just seems to be getting stronger lately. Something is coming, and it seems urgent that we prepare for it.

Can anyone explain to me why I feel "vibrations" under me when there is no "scientific" or "logical" explanation for it? It feels like a mild earthquake, but when I ask my husband or kids "did you feel that?" they always answer with, "Feel what?"

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by samwiseold
It is exciting to think what it will be like this time next year...there already seems to be a lot of people with the feeling something big is going to happen. Bring on 2012.

I agree with you, I'm not afraid or unsure... The best possible words to explain how I feel are anxious excitement. Anticipating change is invigorating. I hate the idea of people suffering in some sort of catastrophic event, don't get me wrong.. I just can't help the excitement I feel... Ditto the 'bring it on'

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 02:07 PM
thank you thankyou so very much I am 62 years of age and I was a kid I have been waiting for it to happen and I feel very much that it is now I have a 4 year old son who says and does things that blow my mind Yes I feel that the lifting up of our spirits is what christ was saying how often did he say we would do greater miracles than he. now is the time be ot afraid for god loves us all and does not where or whom you pray to for very soon we will no longer need to pray we will be doing our own miracles than we can just thank thank you again I might not have been real coherint in this writing but I find words so futile in this area you either believe or you donot peace and love spirit

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Invariance

Originally posted by samwiseold
It is exciting to think what it will be like this time next year...there already seems to be a lot of people with the feeling something big is going to happen. Bring on 2012.

I agree with you, I'm not afraid or unsure... The best possible words to explain how I feel are anxious excitement. Anticipating change is invigorating. I hate the idea of people suffering in some sort of catastrophic event, don't get me wrong.. I just can't help the excitement I feel... Ditto the 'bring it on'

Im right there with you guys, I have the same feeling of excitement, I also feel that Im meant to lead or help alot of people. Its weird I cant explain

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by Nickbeezy26

Both the eye twitches and the "vibrations" or "imaginary earthquakes" began about a month about for you?

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by anjl32
reply to post by Nickbeezy26

Both the eye twitches and the "vibrations" or "imaginary earthquakes" began about a month about for you?

Yes about a month in a half ago, i kept telling my mom my eyes wont stop twitching.

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