posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by Hivethink
Thats quite interesting. I have a hard time believing life doesn't exist in many places. Now we may have a theory coming soon with Panspermia almost
proven look at the evidence that is coming out that supports Paspermia. Not only that but alot of the elements that brought life to this Earth are
said to have come from the Comets/Asteroids etc. Who knows for sure though maybe life would have started without the help of these objects.
I'm sure life can exists in much broader ranges of temperature and G(gravity) than Earths Environment
We will have to wait and see until we explore the solar system more closely i cant' wait for the Probes to Jupiter, Europa, Ceres,Titan, And Pluto.
Its going to be great!