reply to post by inforeal
As for as the slavery stuff, it doesn’t work because slavery has common thread in all cultures and races. Even in Africa, there was various forms of
black on black slavery to one degree or another. Some worse than others depending on standing traditions of the area. The people that were selling the
traders the slaves to ship were other black tribes that defeated the people in question during battles and the like.
There has also been plenty of white on white slavery. That, resulting from war spoils and the like. Basically along the same lines as the black on
black stuff in Africa.
But just because you may think it crude to make such an observation. And you may have done it to try to make the point that it is wrong to make such
conclusions. But that doesn’t mean that the observation doesn’t hold any truth at all.
A group of people that have a genetic disposition to travel, and engage in conquest, to travel long distances to set up a new civilization and make
full use of all the resources they find along the way to do so, will naturally travel greater distances than those that don’t. And conversely, ones
that travel greater distances than others, may have a genetic disposition to do so.
Both the Spanish, English and French, show that disposition to some degree. When we got to the ends of the road and come face to face, we have a good
old fashion standoff, like the Spanish American war and the like.
The Nordic people have a disposition to use the sea for their subsistence. In the old times, they raided villages along the sea, and they fished, and
in the modern world, they do off shore oil rigs for money.
The Australians will have a tendency to be the aggressive/loaner bunch because they were a prison colony. So the people that couldn’t fit in with
society were dumped there. You should be able to see how that would be selectively grouping a set of people with a common genetic disposition.
The Asian (Japanese) community has a disposition for following authoritarian rule. They were under imperial rule for countless generations and people
that were unable to obey cultural norms and imperial law was killed, so that tendency has been weeded out of the genetic pool. It has been weeded out
to such a degree that people that can’t compete in the job market place will regularly kill them selves to spare their family the shame. Their
family may not actually be ashamed about the fact, but the child will feel so much guilt at not being able to “fit in” that they will end their
own life. That is heavily caused by a genetic disposition that has been generated by thousands of years of imperial rule.
The German, Italian, Polish, Austrian and associated communities are people that don’t have a disposition to travel long distances, but they have a
disposition to be in control of the areas they are in and build the largest empire that the available space will hold. That is what they have been
doing for countless years. AKA Nazi stuff and all the stuff up to that......
The people in the middle east have a tendency for “short conquest” or “conquest of your neighbors” basically “Lets fight the people next
door!!” tribal type stuff. They have been doing that for as long as records have been kept.
The African people have a disposition toward tribal, small group clustering without much traveling. The gang culture is an offshoot of that to some
degree. Form into small groups, lay claim to your territory and harvest the resources you have secured inside your territory.
The Chinese, and Russians are a mixed lot that depends on the region in question owing to the size of the country and the large diverse groups that
they contain.
The Mongols have been like they always are. Nomadic, loaners that travel is varying sized groups. Some BIG, but most small…….
Genetic disposition has a large role in all that. Like different breeds of ants will have different social structures. There is no one telling the
ants how to organize themselves, they just know, it’s intuitive. It’s in their blood!
Now granted…… each disposition has it’s weaknesses.
The Japanese weakness is obvious. If you get one overzealous person as emperor, then the rest of the population will follow him to the death, for no
one dare question him. They will be brutal as he tells them to be. They don’t hold that much animosity against the people they are killing, they are
just following orders. Nothing more nothing less.
If we come to accept our heritage and what it brings with it, then it will go a long way to helping address the problems that arise from those
edit on 26-4-2011 by Mr Tranny because: (no reason given)