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South Tel Aviv Is On Fire.

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posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 10:04 AM
*Note: The title is of the youtube video, and not of my design.* I couldn't think of a better title so I left is as is, but if someone suggests something better, ill consider changing it to something more accurate or suitable.

The video basically explains itself...

After watching the video, I was a bit disturbed and appalled by the racism, and bigotry being shown. This reminds me of how bad racism was in the American south 70+ years ago... and its supposed to be 2011!!! These Israelis are protesting against Philippine and African immigrants in Israel. Is their hate just, or is it just blind hate? Any sort of racism or hatred towards someone else due to the color of their skin is unacceptable!

What are your thoughts on this ATS?

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by ugie1028

wow that video is pretty amazing. Everything about Isarel and the Jews over there is pretty ironic. They saying the same thing about migrants as the Europeans said about Jews.

What an unhappy bunch these people are.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by mayabong

History (ironically) repeating itself.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by ugie1028

I hope that it is safe to say that not all Israelis share this mentality. They are quite lucky to have this country they have, considering it is stolen land they live on themselves.

Perhaps if they do not like how their country is being ran, they can change who they elect next time.

Israel claims to be the "sole democracy" in the Middle East. It is called multiculturalism. It happens in all "democracies". It happens in Canada, USA, UK, France, pretty much the whole EU and the rest of the democratic world.

The complaints most of the Israelis made were based on racism and bigotry, not social or political issues. Israel is the spoiled brat that never shuts up. If it's not one thing, it's another.
edit on 25-4-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: issues

+7 more 
posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 11:13 AM

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 11:17 AM
well it seems the US isn't the only nation
having a problem with illegal immigrants.
The army that defeats you is always the one
already inside your borders.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by RizeorDie

Well said. Very true.
2nd line
3rd line
4th line
edit on 25-4-2011 by mayabong because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 11:28 AM
Yeah, there were racists there. I am sure that it does not happen in other countries. It happens only in Israel. No racists outside Israel. Immigrants are welcomed in UK/US/France/....
Happy hate fest.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 11:31 AM
Poor Jews. They are illegal immigrants there too, so they have some kind of complex because of that.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 11:47 AM
Considering the work ethics of orthodox judaism, I'm guessing they should be glad to have migrant workers to run the bulldozers for them.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 11:58 AM
You think the jews would have humbled the # up after the Holocaust, but I guess some people learn the hard way. I'm a firm believe of the saying "you reap what you sow" and as change is happening all across this Earth. Eventually there will be a time when the people that the state of Isreal (not Jews in general, because there are many good hearted people of the jewish faith who oppose of the state of isreal and its practices) has trampled will have had enough and they will all just converge on that tiny piece of land and just unleash all their rage and fury.

That video is actually appalling
edit on 25-4-2011 by Nastradamus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 12:13 PM
So - little perspective, again.
There are hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in Israel. They go to Israel mainly from Africa, tens of them were shot and killed by Egyptian border police.
So they want to get to Israel.
They do not leave Israel on their own will.
In this anti-immigrant demonstration there are few hundred Israelis.
So logical conclusions by people here -:
Israel is racist.
This is why there was holocaust.
Jews are illegal immigrants. (funniest thing is - you guys have BNP/KKK. Nothing similar in Israel.)
Every other place is multicultural and tolerant (hahaha) but Israel cannot shut their mouth.
Look at the mirror, guys.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

I believe you are right; 100 people don't make the nation, but im pretty sure the feeling spreads further than this group of people... maybe the majority does not feel this way... maybe but that is not an excuse for this group of people. they have a right to think what they want to think and express how they feel.... but their blind hate (The group not the country) is sickening... repulsive and out of touch with the 21st century.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

Quite incredible how Jew hating never seems to go away, even after 1000s of years.

You make a nuisance of yourselves to the mighty Roman Empire and you get a bad name in Europe long after the last Caeser is gone, so they still hate you now but can't remember why.

Someone takes a Rosicrucian document and alters it so it becomes the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Still believed to be genuine to this day.

After centuries of discrimination and a holocaust, the Europeans (again) try to make out that the holocaust never happened / you brought it on yourselves / you got what was coming to you. I noticed this picked up after the turn of the century, like it created some kind of truth barrier.

And now we have a terrorist organisation in Palestine, who have had numerous chances to have their own state, but want it all, and so inflicted the most horrendous suicide bombing campaign against civilians, prompting a wall to be built to protect yourselves. And then the Euros come along and say the wall is a violation of Palestinian human rights.

I don't know how you can stand to read threads like this, do you just get used to it? I can't see when it will ever end for you.

Good luck!

edit on 25-4-2011 by akkad because: sp

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by ugie1028

maybe but that is not an excuse for this group of people. they have a right to think what they want to think and express how they feel.... but their blind hate (The group not the country) is sickening... repulsive and out of touch with the 21st century.

Yes, this is true. And there are certainly more racists in Israel then were seen in this demonstration. However what bothers me is that when people read about racially motivated attack in 99% of places on Earth - they think about those people as individuals who did it and their behavior. There are illegal immigrants who are being killed by local skinheads all over the world (except Israel so far). But- what people in country X did - those people did it and this is their personal fault.
Unless it is Israel of course. If you were paying attention - those demonstrators (at least more sane ones) were critisizing Israeli government for not doing what they want. So who represents the country? Bunch of those people? Or the rest?

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 01:28 PM
It's kind of interesting that most of the "Stars" given in this thread are to those making anti-semitic statements under the guise of promoting racial tolerance.

What a bunch of nonsense! Don't you think it would be good idea to clean our own yards up first!

See ya,

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 01:34 PM
this is so funny, long time ago man and women fought racism ... with simple phrases, symbols or shocking images to make flourish a society united despite our differences ... but that was not enough, so a few decade later they try to blow big slogan well tolerated by hanging agency, to tell us that we are the world and we must be even more united ... but it does not work ... Personally, I defended the idea that we were united, i made so many things to fight peacefuly... i heard also , they have the right to express it, if people are rascist it is only because they are scared, we all live in a free world but now I think I don't want be more tolerant,racsiste people are just stupid and a a big big lack of education, for the more literate of them is a big problem of superiority by colonialism and slavery, and for the less literate is a big problem of inferiority that expresses the hatred of others, like why I'm white in my country and a bunch savage came from a poor country living better than me, rascist only watch the appearance without asking, without searching what is going wrong... he know if he have this miserable life it's only because he put his existence in a hand of a bunch of shady political without honor, who rises against each other people to save their skins ,but it's more eazy to blame the others, the one who leave next to you, it's so pathetic. rascime a real illness a disease created by tortured mind to devide and I will heal it with a all my best tolerante headbutt ...

edit on 25-4-2011 by pitchdragon because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-4-2011 by pitchdragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

There are hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in Israel. They go to Israel mainly from Africa

I can't speak about all Africans in Israel, but I do know a large percentage were invited there from Ethiopia. Ethiopia has an area that is Primarily Jewish, which is why they went to Israel. I am not well informed on the "illegal immigrant" problem in Israel. I do know that Israel has rather tight border security so to claim there are hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in Israel is just outrageous.

So logical conclusions by people here -: Israel is racist.

No, the logical conclusion is that the people in the video are racist. Not Israel as a whole.

Jews are illegal immigrants.

I won't single you out for pulling out the Jew card, since other members also did. In my opinion this video depicts a group of Israelis. I see Israel as a country, not a religion so I do not see these people and automatically think Jews. Once again, in your defense, other members in this thread on the opposing side of your opinion have done the same thing, so I am not singling you out. I am just tired of every time someone points out something bad in Israel, people hint towards anti-semitism, that argument is getting rather played out.

Every other place is multicultural and tolerant (hahaha) but Israel cannot shut their mouth. Look at the mirror, guys.

In my country, Canada, we have hate crime laws in effect. It is rather difficult to express yourself, whether for the good or the bad. We are very multicultural and for the most part all demographics live together in harmony. Of course there are some racists and bigots of all demographics, but it is a rather small percentage. There were actual attempts last year by Israeli lobbyists to make it illegal to criticize Israel while in Canada. You should look in the mirror.

And yes, Israel does seem to have a rather large mouth.

edit on 25-4-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: whoops

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

can't speak about all Africans in Israel, but I do know a large percentage were invited there from Ethiopia. Ethiopia has an area that is Primarily Jewish, which is why they went to Israel. I am not well informed on the "illegal immigrant" problem in Israel. I do know that Israel has rather tight border security so to claim there are hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in Israel is just outrageous.

And yet:

Valdez is among 200,000 foreign workers from East Asia, Africa and Latin America who have found their way to Israel. About half of them are illegal, as Valdez is now.
This was in 2009. Numbers grow with time because people do not want to leave racist evil Israel despite migration police and even those demonstrations in Tel Aviv and Eilat lately. See - assuming things is not the same as knowing things.
There are two ways to become illegal immigrant in Israel - there are people who come to work on permits and who stay after contract time (as in this case) and they are the majority, and there are people from Africa who cross Egyptian border that is nothing more then short fence torn in numerous locations. Relationship between Israel and Egypt are ok after peace agreement and local Bedoin tribes who control smuggling of things and trafficking people take care not to connect them-self to terrorists. Those people from Africa pay to be led into Israel, actually.

6 African migrants killed in gunbattle with Bedouin traffickers, border guards in Egypt

In my country, Canada, we have hate crimes in effect. It is rather difficult to express yourself, whether for the good or the bad. We are very multicultural and for the most part all demographics live together in harmony. Of course there are some racists and bigots of all demographics, but it is a rather small percentage. There were actual attempts last year by Israeli lobbyists to make it illegal to criticize Israel while in Canada. You should look in the mirror.

And yet despite multiculturalism and harmony ( and Canada is less problematic then most countries including Israel in this regard) - there are hate crimes and i will be the last to start generalizing.
As for law forbidding criticizing Israel - i am glad that it failed because it is rediculous suggestion.
Edit: Forgot to add: Ethiopian Jews have nothing to do with it. They are Israeli citizens.
edit on 25-4-2011 by ZeroKnowledge because: ADDH

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

Thanks for clarifying the illegal immigrant situation, I had no idea. As you said, it appears they come in legally but refuse to leave once their visa expires. We also have this problem in Canada.

I also had to edit my most recent post.

I meant to say we have hate crime laws in effect, not hate crimes in effect.

Sorry for the error. Regardless of the hate crime laws, we still do have hate crimes though, so I did not mean to sound superior. But I have seen demonstrations similar to the one depicted in the OP's video from all over the world get shut down due to the message they were spreading. I wonder if the Arabs in Tel-Aviv held a similar demonstration about inequalities if it would be allowed to continue as this one did. Do you think so?

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