Is worrying though as you will end up with never ending war, our governments must be rubbing their hands with glee, no need to justify any of these
invasions, lets go in and take them all freedom I bet there are massive bonuses being handed out this year at the CIA, their foot soldiers have
done a cracking job over the last 6 months
Interesting... I looks like a blocking move to me... and looks like a line being drawn between East and West.
Tho Syria now seem to dominate the headlines that I hear in my everyday life from the MSM.. and to be honest the MSM talking heads and Gov noises
sound very similar to the way they spoke in the lead up to intervention in Libya..
I hope I am wrong but it seems to me the economic warfare is taking a very militaristic tone..
- Morocco situation is re-evaluate from "minor protests" to "major protests"
- Kuwait situation is re-evaluate from "minor preotests" to "Governmental changes"
- Syria situation is re-evaluate from "Governmental changes" to "Civil uprising"
Two countries are added:
- Azerbaijan situation evaluate as "Minor protests"
- Armenia situation evaluate to "Major protests"