Ive been thinking about this topic a lot lately and its frustrating to say the least
I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that unless some major yet "simple" obstacles are overcome that we are stuck here, within our immediate solar
system for quite some time. I'd like to point out that Im no expert physicist, or mathematics wizard, but I do use both disciplines on a daily basis
and have a deep interest in both.
Additionally, I'm going to be brief and withhold some thoughts regarding the obstacles until later in an attempt to get a good discussion going
So, the obstacles....
Energy - Whatever mode of transport will ultimatley get us to the stars, its going to require energy and lots of it. Candidates that I think are
viable are nuclear and some form of quantum related energy, solar is no good IMO as once your are past Jupiter theres nothing in the "tank".
Ive some ideas, and questions regarding quantim field related inihalation, as from what I can understand, when an electron and positron collide, 2
gamma particles are released. These have energy, we have gamma detectors, thus can we harvest energy from those? If electrons and positrons are
created and destroyed constantly in space, then isnt that an unlimited source of energy? (plus arent gamma particles lethal, if there are so many
created from this ongoing process everywhere why arent we all dead?
Propulsion - This one in particular is puzzling, if you have the energy, how do you use that energy to move. Ive no ideas at all on any propulsion
devices, Im still dealing with energy
Speed/Time - Velocity as far as we know has an upper limit. Which is impossible to get to in the usual sense of movement, plus you then have the
matter of time dialation to deal with.....you know the whole 1 year for you, 10000 for everyone else issue. Time is a killer problem as by the time
you've got to where you are going, no ones around to care.
Safety - No not ejector seats but things such as cosmic radiation, obstacles in your path, forces upon the human body etc etc
Consequences - Punching a "worm hole" in space to get somewhere fast sounds great, but not at the cost of upsetting orbits and other objects in the
near or far vicinity. Other issues Ive thought about is the concept of warping space, ie you stay still and everything else moves...similar concerns
to worm holes, if you are warping space, then surely the objects within that space are going to be affected by this too...Gravity warps space and look
at the havoc that can cause
A conumdrum....all the "obstacles" are seemingly interconnected and if you have an answer to one, it causes problems elsewhere.
Finally, anybody have any information to share on projects, research pertaining to any of the above?