reply to post by Jazzyguy
You certainly know how to load a question. (So, tell me the meaning of life.)
‘Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it’. This was a favorite catch phrase of my mother’s growing up. I took it to heart. Years
later, my research revealed that the majority of stories taught to me in school as American and even World History were fabrications. So, what
history should I have learned? Where does it exist?
I may ruffle some feathers here, but I do not believe there is one type of human. There is not one ‘type’ of anything on this planet. In my
garden I have no less than 40 types of winged, feathered friends. But yes, they are all birds. Add to that the snakes, the lizard, all different,
all with individualized appetites, mannerisms, and habitat preferences.
Who among them is correct? Which are wrong? Surely we must identify that so we can either make the others conform or kill them. After all, that is
what we do among humans.
In the heavens there are a plethora of stars, gaseous planets, nebulae, ‘black holes’. Which form is correct? Surely there should be one
superior type of creation in space to rule over the entirety and force conformity!
When you enter the realm of the microbial, there are billions of ‘types’ of bacteria. Some we have not even named. Who among them should reign
Not even the largest or swiftest creatures in the oceans require the homage and blind obedience that a man in power demands from his fellow creatures.
As above, so below- leads one to the simple conclusion that we are doing it wrong. We have missed the point, corrupted the purpose.
Current human behavior goes against every example and type of order in existence.
The temporal teaching is that humankind must have someone rule over them, but denies that such a system has always been in place. Humans are forcibly
removed from their ‘inner self’ at a young age, taught to project a ‘false self’ for approval and the degrees of separation result in
graduated dependence on an outside force.
Meditation, prayer, gardening, artistic expression, woodworking, crafting, etc. - are all venues where the human ‘false self’ can reconnect to the
‘inner self’ and heal. These areas have been steadily stolen, made hectic, limited by time, finances or access- or focused on a false source of
information outside of us. There is a reason the human craves a ‘hobby’, regardless of its expression.
To decipher the purpose of human evolution, one must understand the nature of our illness. We were infected.