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GOOD Police Videos/stories

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posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:19 AM

edit on 4/24/2011 by HomerinNC because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:26 AM


posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:36 AM
The author asked for positive vids/stories about police officers.

That is the topic of this thread.

Carry on.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:49 AM
Only GOOD?

Well, since you like living in a fantasy world where only good Police are you should either hire some good fiction writers, or bring in the best PR reps law enforcement has to post in this thread, and have every other point of view removed, and those members who dare to post anything bad banned from ATS for life... In time you and a few "good" cops will be all that is left here at ATS. You'll have your perfect world.

That said, I have encountered a few genuine good people who just happen to be in law enforcement, and those few earned my trust and respect for who they are not what they do in their jobs... Like any career there is good and bad, but there is no career that can fully corrupt, be abused and provide a kind of godlike infectious power over others that it can completely change good people into bad like any career in law enforcement.

Those who manage to avoid corruption and abuse of their powers throughout their careers, or better yet fight that abuse and corruption deserve our praise, admiration and respect... Without them, those precious few, imagine how much worse things could be.

I've been involved in the past with a few good people in Law Enforcement, those good people tried to help, and were nearly successful, two of them are now dead, one in prison and another gone over to the "dark side" of corruption. There isn't any way to fight it, prove it or anything that can be done about it. Where corruption rules supreme there is no room for the good guys.

Good police exist, they do many good things every day... There are true heroes in law enforcement, many have made the ultimate sacrifice to honor their call to protect and serve, YES there really are good guys and gals in Law enforcement!

There just isn't enough of them.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

I'm TRYING to counterbalance all the negative/hateful cop bashing threads, isnt ONE THREAD with positive things allowed, or does that dextroy and question the hate about LEOs in your mind???

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

I'm TRYING to counterbalance all the negative/hateful cop bashing threads, isnt ONE THREAD with positive things allowed, or does that dextroy and question the hate about LEOs in your mind???

I understand, and my post offers a balanced point of view.. One based entirely on personal experience in a real world. I gave you both good and some bad.

I agree, good cops get a bad rap here at ATS and elsewhere... and for them it is really unfair, but they are outnumbered, and overlooked because of the bad that does actually go on out there in the real world.

If there are enough good cops out there, they should all unite and fight back against the bad, regain their reputations... But as I said, there just isn't enough of them, in time even the good can be corrupted.

It is the world we live in bro. It isn't that easy to change, and offering any skewed point of view (good or bad) isn't helpful, nor productive.

Balance is the best course, and only hope all around.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 11:38 AM
Not sure if this is a positive story for everyone, but it was positive for me.

Me and my friend got pulled over when I was 16. My friend was the driver and I was a passenger. I was smoking a cigarette and when the cop was walking up to the car, I was thinking "Do I put it out and risk a littering ticket along with a minor in possesion of tobacoo?"

Long story short, I kept the cigarette (didnt litter) and the cop said its cool that I didnt litter and stuff and didnt give me a ticket for tobacco. My friend got a speeding ticker though.

Heres another story. (Long time ago, I was young) I was with a bunch of people at a party (same town as above) and some guy went crazy, pulls a knife on a few people, started slashing himself. Me and a few people are on the other side of the house and the crazy dude is by the front door, so we were like, "What do we do now?"

The police show up in barley a minute or 2 and kick down all the doors to the house. Me and the few friends left are ordered down on the ground at gunpoint, plus they get the crazy dude. We tell the cops the story, and they say theyre sorry that they had to pull guns on us because they didnt know which one of us the crazy guy was and we were like its cool and understandable.

Turns out the crazy guy was on the run for some felonies and had like 8 knives on him at the time.

Edit - Big shoutout to Lewisville PD and Denton PD - My favorite departments in the area I live.
edit on 24-4-2011 by buni11687 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

Good to see this, with badge wearing lunatics out there, it's much needed.

Anyways star n flag for good coppers!
edit on 24-4-2011 by Eocrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

so funny...did you see the look on the cops face in the last secondsof the first video when someone off camera said"there wont be any tazer incidents" it again lol

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:27 PM


posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:56 PM


posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by jnyblujns

Originally posted by HomerinNC

To everyone:

This is MY THREAD, if I say no cop bashing, no cop ranting, there there will be NONE, ANYTHING other then positive LEO stories/videos is offtopic AND AGAINST T&C, which makes it REPORTABLE
Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

edit on 4/24/2011 by HomerinNC because: (no reason given)

Haha...I think I'm starting to see why you love and relate so well to cops. You act just like one.

"To hell with what the rules/laws are. You'll do what I say. I make the rules!"

Yep, sounds like almost every cop I've ever met. I did know one good cop though. One of my friend's dad was head of internal affairs when I was growing up. Got rid of a lot of the garbage wearing badges where I lived, so he has my respect.

On that same note, you are the type of person who has no regard for rules and break the law and provoke trouble by running your mouth.

There are rules in life whether you like it or not and people are expected to follow them in a civilized society. If you don't like that you should move to the wilderness in Alaska or somewhere and you can live outside the rules without stepping on other peoples toes.

Some people deserve a beat down once in a while, usually people with your attitude.

If you have had problems with "every cop you have ever met" them maybe an intelligent person would stop and ask themselves "Am I the problem?"
edit on 24-4-2011 by mwood because: added content

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:58 PM
Im an Australian living in Malaysia, the cops over here have a bad rep as being very corrupt.
You get caught speeding or running a red light etc etc its very rare you get a ticket instead you just "sort it out" on the spot with the cop. How much you pay depends on the cop, ur nationality, what you did and also what car you drive (nicer car they gonna ask for more)

Id been pulled over once here for running a red and ended up paying 20RM ($7 US) as opposed to 300 RM ($100 US) so while I was happy didnt have alot of respect for the cops here.

A few months back I lost my wallet while I was out shopping, I had no money in my pocket and I had run out of phone credit. I went to the Australian embassy to see if they could help me with even a bus fair to get home, they couldnt and wouldnt. I went to report it wallet missing and when I was done I asked the officers if perhaps it would be possible to get a lift home, I lived quite far away so it wasnt an option but 1 officer offered me a cab fair. I was embarrased but took it as a 30km walk home at 10pm wasnt appealing. I took the money thanked the officer and told him I would pay him back the next day.

My plan was to get my mum to western union me some cash till my bank sent new cards but she was away at my Nans and nowhere near a western union for at least 3 days. I had about 30RM at home and had taken 50 from the cop. I felt like crap but I called him and yold him I wouldnt be able to pay him back for a few days, he told me not to worry and asked if I needed more money. I told him I would scrape by barely if I just ate rice. We bioth had a laugh and I told him I would get back to him when I had his money.

You can imagine my surprise that night when I got a knock at the door from the cops, I initially messed my pants thinking they were gonna reposses furniture or something but it turned out the cop I had dealt with got one of his colleagues who lived near me to drop off 500RM so I had money to eat, travel etc.

I was genuinely humbled and when I had the money I tried to give him 700 but he would only take 500 even though he had given me 550. He said the first 50 was because I was in trouble and he hoped if it was his family or friends in te same position someone would help them the same way.

I still dont like the majority of cops but this 1 guy has restored some faith

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

Dear HomerinNC,

I much appreciate your posting a thread on ATS that encourages people to post positive things about police officers and most folks on here know that I am one. I have been fighting cop bashing on ATS for a few years now.
However, even in my threads and post I have never, I don't think, demanded that someone not bash us. And if I did, I was wrong. Even on ATS, to some extent, the First Ammendment is still top shelf.

Some proof of that was Semper Fedelis offended me in an open forum, was proven wrong, but chose not to apologize (as far as I know). All supported by his First Ammendment rights.

Again, I thank you for your intentions, but these demands have never been supported in other threads on ATS to this extent. If they are supported here, then ATS is becoming something that it should not, and instead of moderators and administrators, we should have a King and noblemen based on a popularity contest.

I know that this will be removed, but maybe some will get the message before then. If you wish to discuss it please PM me.

Please homer, reconsider your position.


posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by seeashrink
reply to post by HomerinNC

Dear HomerinNC,

I much appreciate your posting a thread on ATS that encourages people to post positive things about police officers and most folks on here know that I am one. I have been fighting cop bashing on ATS for a few years now.
However, even in my threads and post I have never, I don't think, demanded that someone not bash us. And if I did, I was wrong. Even on ATS, to some extent, the First Ammendment is still top shelf.

Some proof of that was Semper Fedelis offended me in an open forum, was proven wrong, but chose not to apologize (as far as I know). All supported by his First Ammendment rights.

Again, I thank you for your intentions, but these demands have never been supported in other threads on ATS to this extent. If they are supported here, then ATS is becoming something that it should not, and instead of moderators and administrators, we should have a King and noblemen based on a popularity contest.

I know that this will be removed, but maybe some will get the message before then. If you wish to discuss it please PM me.

Please homer, reconsider your position.


Well said.

I really think this thread would have stayed (mostly) positive had it not been for the insulting manner in which Homer laid out his OP. Someone else actually sided with him originally, but after reading a subsequent, even more belligerent post by Homer, basically said "sorry I backed you originally."

I get what Homer is trying to do, but politeness up front would have gone a long way toward this not really being an issue. Having said that, I've looked at some of his posts in other threads, and he either doesn't have very good impulse control or intentionally likes to start fires on threads, or maybe a bit of both. But it's easy to be brave sitting in front of a computer as opposed to face-to-face, so I'm not terribly surprised.

Seeashrink, it seems you may BE one of the "good" cops. I hope so, and I hope you don't end up on youtube!

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by seeashrink

Originally posted by seeashrink
reply to post by HomerinNC

Dear HomerinNC,

I much appreciate your posting a thread on ATS that encourages people to post positive things about police officers and most folks on here know that I am one. I have been fighting cop bashing on ATS for a few years now.
However, even in my threads and post I have never, I don't think, demanded that someone not bash us. And if I did, I was wrong. Even on ATS, to some extent, the First Ammendment is still top shelf.

Some proof of that was Semper Fedelis offended me in an open forum, was proven wrong, but chose not to apologize (as far as I know). All supported by his First Ammendment rights.

Again, I thank you for your intentions, but these demands have never been supported in other threads on ATS to this extent. If they are supported here, then ATS is becoming something that it should not, and instead of moderators and administrators, we should have a King and noblemen based on a popularity contest.

I know that this will be removed, but maybe some will get the message before then. If you wish to discuss it please PM me.

Please homer, reconsider your position.


Copied your post to preserve it for posterity

This site isnt just in the Good ol U S of A its a worldwide thing and the first ammendment dont count for much here I assume.
while I somewhat agree with what you say Im gonna have to side with the OP and say its his thread he set the topic and if someone posts something here that is not on topic it should be removed.

Perhaps if anyone feels strongly enough about it they could start there own thread with a link to this one. Ill say it again Im no big fan of cops but on this site we have T&Cs that we should stick to otherwise whats the point? I may as well start talking about Atlantis (OK I exaggerated that to make a point but you get the what Im getting at)

having said that much respect Seeashrink, Im hoping all the cop haters saw read that and see that despite the fact they may have had some bad experiences (theres good and bad people everywhere and in every proffession) there are at least some open minded civil liberty loving coppers out there.


edit on 24-4-2011 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by notsofunnyguy

Thanks and I am going to do my level best to stay of youtube


posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 04:24 PM
This is one of my favorites, even though its somewhat dated:

This one is just an amazing story of clear thinking and quick action on part of the copper:

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 05:04 PM


posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by seeashrink

What are yoiu some kinda police hater.....LOL.......just kidding

Bravo seeashrink

You have proved once again that while we dont always agree you still have my respect.

If the OP had have asked I at least, would have honored the request. Instead when those whos name we dare not speak censored everyones posts I started a "Bad Cop Only" thread tounge in cheek.....which was immeditly censored of course.....LOL.

At least it forced them to change the title of this one too. Both thread titles and premisises were asinine
edit on 24-4-2011 by lastrebel because: (no reason given)

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