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When Does Common Sense Over Ride Hi-Story For You?

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posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 09:34 PM
I see how sometimes we are inclined to have a part of history, whether it be from your background, schooling, or even a mental connection do you hear, and now have common sense tell you that may be impossible? Is there anything, and dont be embarrassed if you just recently realized that Santa wasn't real, or the tooth fairy is not real either

But seriously. Is there something that you heard and was told was the absolute truth, and that there was no other explanation for it, and you grew up, and realized that this was not the case? I am not pushing the religious factor, even though I will not hinder the thoughts of others, but was it Columbus? Thanksgiving? Astrology? U.F.O's?

I think this would be a great way to share notes on what we know, and share with those that are not aware, and make us all more aware of what surrounds us, and what some of our thoughts are.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 09:48 PM
OK, when i went to school i remember the fool out the front reading from a text book like it was gospel that we came from monkeys. Common sense told me otherwise at the time.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I remember disappointment at around age 5 when I caught my mother being Santa.

Other than that, I dont really recall being disappointed with things I had "believed" not being true. Well, I take that back. In a relationship once I was cheated on, and that was upsetting, I had believed that that person would not betray me in that way. Why, Im not sure, they were not very honest in general, but in relationships I suppose emotion, or brain chemistry or something makes you stupider.

I dont think my mind is wired quite the same way as a lot of people in the sense that in general, I do not attach to "beliefs" very strongly. In my mind, I am always aware that new evidence may be forthcoming, and that my beliefs may need to be revised. I think of knowledge as "what we believe to be true at this point," rather than as absolute truth written in stone.

As for history, its the same thing. I just take it all in, but I am always checking to see if the info "fits" with other things I have learned, with my own observations, and with logic and what I know about human behavior, etc. I dont just take things people say or even my own ideas and "lock them down." Its all fair game for revision in light of new evidence.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by lestweforget

I remember going to church and being told that magic man in the sky poofed all life into existence and that his zombie son died (But didn't really die) on the cross for "Sins" of humanity that he himself had created previously. I remember hearing how he was all knowing, yet gave us free will. I remember hearing how he was all loving, yet flooded the Earth once.

Common sense and it's inconsistencies told me otherwise.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

When i was growing up, i bought the whole USA is the bestest most loved, apple pie, truth, justice, and the American way goo.
Well that and a few other beliefs that would get threads closed.
Then i found other sources of info.
Anything from witness stories from credible folks to videotape or just straight up huge inconsitecies in stories.
I guess thhat is what brings us to realize conspiracy theories are not only possible but plausible.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I remember disappointment at around age 5 when I caught my mother being Santa.

I caught my dad.

He straight-up copped to being Santa - not pretending to be Santa, actually Santa.

In school the other kids would say there parents were also Santa, but they didn't know the truth....

The fools.

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