reply to post by Mirthful Me
I will count you as far too new a member to "get it,"
I'd like to comment on this. This is an entirely factual statement in that you're absolutely correct in that I have had (to my knowledge) zero
interaction with you and therefore do not "get" you one iota. In addition, why you decided to chime in with your 2 cents on the thread after
Springer clearly stated what needed to be stated I don't "get" either.
However, I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and learn what little I could about you via your ATS profile and since you're doubting my
"poo throwing" abilities as it were, a few things stick out that I feel are valid points towards your "lexicon of moniker"-ship as you so
eloquently put it.
Topics I Dislike:
ATS Drama
Could have fooled me because this is still going, you could have just as easily dropped it, but the "Ace" comment got to you and I don't think you
have the ability to not have the last word. I can relate.
I really despise copy & paste content...
A lot...
Fair enough, and I can't say I haven't done this plenty, but I generally add my opinion to the content. However, if Monkeys ruled ATS, more so the
Monkey in question, this site would be very limited. From what I have read a vast majority of the content on this site originates from an outside
source. In my limited experience here, topics are posted in an attempt to gain an ATS perspective and/or opinion of said outside content by the OP
posting said content. Thankfully, you are just one of a great bunch of staff so I feel assured that not everyone shares your same view.
As for your interest in the Planet of the Apes scene. I am not sure if you're just a HUGE fan, or, if this is actually how you class people in
general. If you're just a fan then I really have no comment. If it is the latter, and whether you do or do not pool yourself into that category, I
personally think you're selling not only yourself short, but a good number of intelligent human beings along with it.
Last possible scenario is that this is just a mere persona backed by a whimsical air of a notion that we are all just apes in some fashion. However,
you seemingly have become so enveloped in that, that you forget the people you interact with are rational functioning people who aren't going to
relate to your whimsical Monkey references. Your interests, aside from champagne, escape me as to what they are, I am sure I could look it all up, but
the gumption is not there at this stage. Other than that you don't give much to work with on your profile other than Monkey and "poo" references so
I am pretty much just shooting in the dark here.
I can say this with assurance. I have been on this Earth for 37 years, which by your DOB is only 9 yrs 8.5 +/- months your junior. However, I have
lived enough life and have had enough interaction with people to recognize someone with an apparent inflated ego. I have been a moderator on a site
very similar to this one in nature, albeit the membership base was not what ATS is as far as quantity, the position and authority was the same so i
have more in common with you than what you may be aware of.
Mind you this has all been my own opinion and with that, I truly think you are one of the "ones" that has let this site go to their head. There is a
difference in being dedicated to your position of authority and abusing the position of authority that is granted to you. Again, luckily, you are only
one of many great Staff and Admin on this site.
On topic, and to prevent this post from being "caution signed" for off-topic rhetoric. I plan to revise my avatar to include the animation as a
layer therefore eliminating the need for a background image all together as animated avatars are approved. You see, when I am met with a road block, I
was taught to adapt and overcome that obstacle to which blocks me. In the same respect, I plan to do the same with you. From what I have interacted
with you today, I can say with the utmost assurance that I will not devote anymore of my valuable time to you because I don't feel that we could ever
be on the same level. Whether you feel your level is above mine or not, the same applies
For me, this ends here. Good evening to you all the same, and be safe in your travels and future endeavors.