Originally posted by nobuhdy
This really infuriates me with the police, and I've seen way too many videos/heard too many stories of police taking matters completely out of
hand... my own brother is in prison until August because of cops like this, but I'm wondering (if anybody knows) what one should do in a situation
like this? Is there even anything you immediately CAN do besides let the cop beat you to a pulp then sue him later? And I saw a few posts slandering
the neighbors for not coming to help the poor guy, but seriously what could they have done?
First, i want to say that after watching this video i am truly sickened at the out of control behavior of the cop (and cops in general).
Second, i want to say that i loathe cops. Never had a decent encounter, even when i was not on the suspicious or "criminal" end. In fact, even the
time or two i have called on them, they are condescending pricks concerned with their ego and image. There are a variety of reasons for this, to which
previous posts of mine will attest.
And while i think--believe--KNOW--that a cop has NO right to come onto a person's private property--without justifiable cause--and assault him for
simply video taping something involving police that is happening across the street--which the cops has NO legal right to do (private property) but
simply did not want the video evidence, but because of ego and erroneous perceived authority regardless of circumstance, the question put forth is
what could he (the citizen) have done?
Reiterating that the cop has no right (even if he is taught and believes that what he perceives as "obstruction" justifies whatever action he
chooses to take under the false guise of "law") to come onto private property, what the dude could have done is, instead of standing on his
law/driveway/whatever, is walk back into his house and shut and lock the door (and then film out of the window). Then, the cop would HAVE to get a
warrant to enter, because he can't burst through the door simple because of obstruction. They *think* they can legally cross the threshold to your
property to prevent a crime *obstruction*, because there is no clear barrier, but to actually enter a closed residence and claim *obstruction?*
The really better watch out.
And this video is a a wake up call to everyone.
Dude stood his ground, was in the right, and eventually prevailed, if you can call it that.
Once a plane went down, caught in a tree next to power lines, about 2-3 houses down from my father. The whole street was block off. My father and i
were standing at the end of our driveway, on our property, and a cop came up, authoritatively saying "Sir, get back in your residence." We were ON
our property, but he was trying to make us go in our house. My father simply said something to the effect of, "I'm on my own property, you can't
make me go back inside." The cop didn;t say anything and left because he legally couldn't do anything.
And yes the guy in the video did do that, and the cop crossed the line..Maybe dude should have lashed out at the cop and called it self defense...
Or get beaten and then take it to the corrupt courts (when he did get his charges dropped because the cop broke the law under perceived authoritative
Best to go indoors, continue filming, and dare that cop to enter residence w/o a warrant and REAL cause.
This video make me VERY angry. You come onto MY property and assault ME when i am not doing anything illegal or wrong, regardless of what you think
because of YOUR ego????
I'd hire the best lawyer in the state--the country--and i would hurricane their parade, jack.