Originally posted by Drew99GT
Hello to those ATS forum members reading and posting to this thread.
Drew99GT has asked me to read and comment on the HAARP Ring phenomena. Actually, "HAARP Ring Hoax" is a better term.
The above Youtube videos I created are a contribution to truth, posted on my channel Phxexaminer on Youtube.
First. HAARP DOES EXIST! It IS messing with the weather, earth seismic disturbances and is the newest weapon of mass destruction in the US arsenal. A
billion watts worth of destructive power that can be broadcast any point on the planet - at will.
HAARP RINGS do NOT exist. They are a fictional product of the search for answers based on fear and imagination.
I am not an expert on HAARP. I am an engineer and an excellent researcher, however. Once you understand the map on the screen is not satellite
imagery, not a photo but a mosaic produced from data collected by 167 NEXRAD radar stations; updated every ten minutes you start to see the big
picture, so to speak. Additionally, the 'map' in question is invariably from the Intellicast website. Some anomalies are seen on NWS broadcasts, but
those are very few and are corrected on the next update. EVERY ring seen is a glitch in the rendering of the mosaic. The glitch may be radar operator
error (oh, yeah. The stations are manned 24/7 and are NOT automated). Or, they may be poorly written software code, faulty algorithmic filters of the
They cannot be a result of, or a way to track HAARP activity.
You can view my videos below debunking the messenger and his message using the science of radio engineering to explain why, (or why not, as the case
may be) but here is the simplest analogy:
You cannot get an AM radio station on your FM dial, correct? You cannot 'see' VLF, ELF or UHF when you are tuned to only see SHF (The frequency used
by NEXRAD radar). Anything else, even if it were possible, would be discarded simply because the software wouldn't know what the hell to do with, or
where on the map to put that piece of info.
Make sense?
Youtube Link
Youtube Link
Youtube Link
Youtube Link
There was a reason I started this: Anti-propaganda - Some say it is a personal attack against this person.
You're dang right - It is personal.
Lies, disinformation, propaganda - I take that VERY personally. So should you.
We are supposed to ally and fight the PTB together. Any deviation from that is a distraction and should be met with the same vigor, bringing all arms
to bear on that individual. They are the enemy behind OUR lines. And they are undermining our effort to find and disseminate valid information needed
to wake up the sheep!
The hoaxer I specify in the videos has capitalized on the mindset of the newly awakened sheep who are still reeling from choosing the red pill and the
vertical drop down the rabbit hole. They want to be informed. As they explore the labyrinth found at the bottom, the newbies are often times
overwhelmed by discovering the sheer volume of events both hidden and in plain sight that have transpired around them while the wool was pulled snugly
over their eyes. The cover-ups, the technologies ...as well as the theories and stories offered as evidentiary value to explain some event or
phenomena. It is all to easy for many to lapse back into 'follow mode' (aka sheep mode) and become enchanted by the view of one person who claims
they have, or are doing extensive research on a conspiracy. They 'see' what their mind is looking for; a person who appears to be 'very well
informed' on something they are fearful of, but know very little about. Subsequently, they latch on to his/her message (and by proxy, the messenger)
as a viable explanation, because for them, it alleviates the root of their fear - the unknown. He/she becomes a hero to them.
Very few can pull this off. The perfect propagandist. Start with all truth. Speak in a mild, hypnotic tone interjecting common conversational words
and phrases with technical jargon; some of which is explained, some purposely not expanded upon. Broadcast on a daily basis. More is better. Let it
become routine for many to listen every day. Then, work in a mix of truth and fact with a little wild speculation to the message. Observe the
feedback. If it is accepted by the majority, the hook has been set. Some will call it what it is, BS. Those will be let go and blocked from
'spoiling' the rest. Some will follow blindly. The mindless sheep. But, some will say words to the effect, "Oh, yeah. I don't really listen to
that part. But the rest of what he/she says is very informative. He/she is doing all of this to help us prepare (or to save lives, or benefit the
world in some way. Something on a grand scale.)." Those will become the apostles of the message, more importantly, the messenger. Eventually, as the
lines between truth and fiction become blurred, their trust solidifies with the propagandist. And ANY opposing view, even one solely supported by pure
scientific fact, is not only disregarded, but seen as heretic and meant to lead them away from that comfortable place they are now enjoying.
Well, I'm fixin' on shakin' things up and trying to make it as uncomfortable as possible to believe and follow a charlatan.
Thanks for the invite, Drew!
And, thanks to all of you for reading -
Have a 'ring-free' day!