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ATS Lets Agree To Disagree

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posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 12:35 AM
Hello fellow ATSers,

In my travels through the wonderland that is ATS over the past few weeks I have found myself at various times pleased, saddened, enlightened, bewildered and normally entertained by the various threads and posts that I have read.

But one thing that disappoints me is the way that some users of this site treat people whos views differ from their own. Im not saying everybody or even most people fall into this catergory but there is a vocal minority of people who seem to delight in going out of their way to belittle and insult the people who have spent time and effort in putting something out there for everyone to view.
Ive read on some posts people complaining about undercover agents, psy-ops staff, disinfo plants, MIBs etc etc now thats just say hypothetically there are people here whos job it is to sow dissention does anyone think it would be more than a small percentage of the total amount? I doubt it very much.

This means even if you do believe there are undercovers here the largest portion of nasty posts still come from everyday normal users.

I had come to expect this sort of behaviour on most web sites but genuinely thought ATS might be different.
I had this naive view that due to the subject matter that this site contains the people who were a part of it would all be open minded, intelligent and here because they didnt accept the MSM version of events in whatever their particular fields of interest were.

I fully appreciate there is a large number of dodgy posts out there (check out this pointless and juvenile pile of bovine excrement for a great example The United Conspiracy of Everything) but even when we dont like or dont agree with something is insulting the persons integrity or intelligence the way forward?

If you have an issue with a particlur thread or post ignore it or even better yet, reply and in an intelligent, coherent and constructive manner telling the person why you have the issue or why the evidence is wrong or what evidence they may have overlooked etc

But it works both ways

Posters realise when you put something (especially the highly speculative topics we deal with most of the time) out there that not everyone is going to agree with you and if someone doesnt like what you post dont take it personal, respond to their criticism with calm and poise or else you risk looking like an over sensitive child.

Im guessing everyone whos on this site would believe something that the majority of sheeple out there would think was at least a little crazy. If you dont believe anything crazy then what the hell are you doing here? and if you do, try to be a little bit more subtle in your criticisms next time you come a thread you dont agree with.

Peace out

edit on 23-4-2011 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 12:49 AM
I try to be polite.

It is just that sometimes I let some posts get to me.

I find myself taking the gloves off more than I want to. I believe in being civil, the problem is when others do not care to be civil. I know I should ignore the posts, and I am guilty of the occasional joke post.

I have my high blood pressure moments.

HI, my name is LieJunkie and I am not a webbot.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 01:01 AM
Of course were supposed to be civil, and the problem isn't ATS, but those that cannot control themselves, when its needed the most. When you have a computer, a topic, anonymity, sometimes a few drinks, and someone who wouldn't normally act like that in your face... well then you get some of the posts that you read here.

In all actuality more then half the people here are very cool, and friendly. Someone that had a heated debate with you yesterday, may be on topic with you the next day. You just have to ride that ride that we all do when having discussion like the ones we have here.

I dont take this personal. Nobody should.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by liejunkie01

Hey Liejunkie,

I think it is OK to joke with people and perhaps take the mickey out of em with humour as long as its not malicious.
People who take themselves to seriously scare me.

P.s why did you feel the need to mention your not a web bot? Now Im kinda thinking you are.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver


I agree its not ATS but I couldnt think of another name for the post. I was gonna call it "Where Is the Love"

If you can help me with a more appropriate name for the thread I think I still have time to change it.


posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

How about.. "Lets Agree To Disagree" or "Don't take it Out On Me", or "Open mindedness Is A Blessing" or "This is ATS, Not A School Yard" or "I Love You, Even When Your Angry

BTW, I wont flame you if you dont us any of those LOL.
Peace, NRE.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver


Also fixed up some of the text.

Thanks for ya help, I owe ya one

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 01:27 AM
Why can't we Disagree to Disagreement? Why can't we Agree to Ennui ? Why does somebody always have to be screaming at me .... oh wait, sorry, those are just the usual voices in my head

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

Anytime my friend I'm honored that you picked one

Peace, NRE.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

U got the star for your help

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

P.s why did you feel the need to mention your not a web bot? Now Im kinda thinking you are.

Sorry for the late reply. I have been dealing with tornadic weather and a five year old daughter that will not go to sleep.

I was kidding about the webbot. It just proves the point that you never really know who the other person (or entity of some sort) really is. I have to remind myself of this all of the time. ...Just roll with it.

I am human, trust me.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by liejunkie01
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I was kidding about the webbot. It just proves the point that you never really know who the other person (or entity of some sort) really is. I have to remind myself of this all of the time. ...Just roll with it.

I am human, trust me.

Thas exactly what a web bot would say!!!!!!

Dude your suspect, Im gonna keep my eye on you

edit on 23-4-2011 by IkNOwSTuff because: Coz I suck at spelling and punctuation

edit on 23-4-2011 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 08:55 AM
Welcome to the world of internet forums. I am a member of many of them for my various hobbies, and every one of them is the same. No matter the sense of community that there is, you will always have people that show up in a thread just to put someone down. I just figure those are the people that the interwebs were made for. Mr. Little Man. The guy that sits at home on his PC waiting for the chance to put someone down, only to make himself feel better. That is what the internet allows these people to do.....hide behind a PC, use an alter ego of sorts with their user name and avatar as their identity. Do you think the problem would be so great if we had to use our real names and a real picture of ourselves? I doubt it. Really, it is just like Xbox Live. Little 12 year old boys, taking so much smack about how bad ass they are, but in reality, they are just a punk little kid with no life.

So, my thought is, have a thick skin. Don't let it get to you. If it does, forums aren't the place for you, and you should go find something else to do. Not everyone will agree with everyone else, period. Around here, I would surely think that the ridicule would just motivate you to put together a better thread. You know those people are going to show up to bash, so have every thing well put together, have all your sources ready, and put the needed thought into it. That will certainly lessen the chance for that little punk to tear your thread apart before going back to playing Call of Duty.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 12:01 PM
I prefer to kill 'em with kindness.

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