posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 05:24 PM
When it comes to UFO sightings I'm usually extremely cautious and skeptical because there can be and are many plausible explanations for them whether
they are simply a natural occurrence or hoaxes. However, about 120 minutes ago I seen something which left me wondering 'what am I seeing?!'.
I first seen this object which was flashing red and white at about 21:17pm it was seemingly stuck in the sky and didn't move, at first I thought it
was a star as there are quite a few around tonight due to us in the UK having clear skies and great weather! I also thought that it may have been a
police helicopter but there was no noise. It was certainly bigger than a star and around 2-3 miles away from me. I tried to take a few pictures using
my BlackBerry but it wasn't picking the object up at all - just the planes that were flying by. At around 21:20pm a plane flew right above the object
which surprised me. It told me that the object I was seeing was clearly quite low. I ran upstairs into the back bedroom to see if I could debunk what
I was seeing but the object started to move; it drifted off to the right hand side and was heading downwards. At around 9:26pm I completely lost sight
of the object behind trees.
I'm not one to scream 'UFO' but I can say that what I seen was strange. It could have been a big star but for a plane to fly over it suggests
otherwise. For the object to then move to the right of me and seemingly get lower and lower and then disappear out of sight is also strange. There are
no airports within 15-20 miles of my location and where I live you can generally hear when planes and helicopters are flying overhead - like now one
has just flew over.
I done my best to debunk what I saw taking into account my surroundings, buildings, lights of a railway bridge and the stars but I still can't figure
out what it was. It could have been a star but why was it so low?
Maybe I'm just going nuts!
edit on 22-4-2011 by ProfessorT because: (no reason given)