posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 09:52 PM
Well considering the Iraqis never wanted to be invaded in the first place, and the war was an illegal terrorist act by the most militaryist nation on
Earth, then I say pull the troops out now and save a few more 1000s of lives.
Was'nt it supposedly, to "secure" the oil and make it cheaper for the West....All its done has inflated oil beyond what its really worth, and
played into the hands of the Illuminati and energy controllers anyway...they are smiling all the way to the Presidents office...then the bank.
When will human greed ever disappear?
Perhaps People power could force some reason into the whole mess. Tho I Remember the Millions of people who demonstrated at peaceful protest
gatherings around the World for "No War in Iraq" in vain, prior to the illegal move,(against the United Nations decision) because of those Nasty
W.O.M.D. (that never existed).
Look whats happened since.....Things are much worse now than prior to 2001. (except cars are nicer
Perhaps the Average American Citizen should stand up and let their congressmen and elected officials know, that they do not support anymore war in the
Middle East. Maybe shoot a few of them, in the good ol American way.