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Any Scholars intrested in A Serious UFO/ET Research Project!

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posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 09:03 AM
I'm looking for Any Scholars with a serious intrest in Studying UFO Conspiricies Involving ET's. In the course of the Area 51/Groom Lake Project, My team has found a large NSA Project dealing with UFO's and Possibly ET's. If anyone is serious about giving this a close look by a team of Researchers, U2U me ASAP, and I will give you a background and help you get started! No Jokes please, this seems as real as the Roswell Conspiricy!

ATS Director of Counter-Ignorance

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 10:45 AM
all is connected.
the reallity is that we are living already for thousends of years in a major cover-up. This cover-up was created by these alliens. but one thing they could't do. Eliminating eyewittnesses trough the ages. they have being around for millions of years. our ancesters where smart enough to try to warn us in the future and the future is now. we living in the end of days.
the truth will be revealed to every human being on earth.But today is not that day.
There excists only one conspiracy. If you see the one, you will understand why there are so many distractions conspiracy's like's all the spoken conspiracy's on this site

If you finally see the truth.........ohh what the hell
It's my live work to do research to all these things, and i tell you there is just 1 real conspiracy

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by ghost
I'm looking for Any Scholars with a serious intrest in Studying UFO Conspiricies Involving ET's. In the course of the Area 51/Groom Lake Project, My team has found a large NSA Project dealing with UFO's and Possibly ET's. If anyone is serious about giving this a close look by a team of Researchers, U2U me ASAP, and I will give you a background and help you get started! No Jokes please, this seems as real as the Roswell Conspiricy!

ATS Director of Counter-Ignorance

There was/is no ET conpsiracy. And by "researchers" you mean like minded people with edeucationa nd training is?? Or is it better NOT to have an education in physics, asronomy, celestial mechanics?

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 11:31 AM

There was/is no ET conpsiracy. And by "researchers" you mean like minded people with edeucationa nd training is?? Or is it better NOT to have an education in physics, asronomy, celestial mechanics?

LOL,tell that to the 300 or so Military personnel involved in The Disclosure Project.Seems they would beg to differ.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 01:13 PM
am very intereste in researching UFOS.

am offering my Room as a office for UFO research base in West London i would love to store UFO. data Files Drawing anything to do with Aliens.

Could call it the Doc Room.

please if you have any UFO docs

send them with date and time

contact me via [email protected]


posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by drbil

There was/is no ET conpsiracy. And by "researchers" you mean like minded people with edeucationa nd training is?? Or is it better NOT to have an education in physics, asronomy, celestial mechanics?

The ability to spell correctly helps

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 12:33 PM
hey man am not english
give me a break try learning japanese !!

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 06:54 PM
I wasn't having a go at you Mr A

Drbil seems to have a habit of trying to make fun of people whose interests differ from his own.Hence my little dig at the highly educated one.

By the way i certainly wouldn't be able to learn Japanese

[edit on 1-8-2004 by Sariel]

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by 11thdimension

There was/is no ET conpsiracy. And by "researchers" you mean like minded people with edeucationa nd training is?? Or is it better NOT to have an education in physics, asronomy, celestial mechanics?

LOL,tell that to the 300 or so Military personnel involved in The Disclosure Project.Seems they would beg to differ.

The Laugh is on you my friend. You types always say "what about..." When you have NO firsthand experience or evidence. Unless you work(ed) for RAND, NASA, NSA, NARA than you have NO direct evidence of anything except your own misguided opinions.

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 08:14 PM
Would it be possible to become a scholar by joining this project. I've never been on a research project but I'd really like to join.

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Sariel
I wasn't having a go at you Mr A

Drbil seems to have a habit of trying to make fun of people whose interests differ from his own.Hence my little dig at the highly educated one.

By the way i certainly wouldn't be able to learn Japanese

[edit on 1-8-2004 by Sariel]

I respect other ideas, so long as they are based in FACTS not in delussions. And I am Dyslexic. Want to go after something less pedantic? Like my facts? I need not make fun of anyone. Stating their obvious misunderstandings are sufficent. Can you disprove my facts or prove yours?

Thought not.

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 08:22 PM
well ghost i am already a member but i havent posted much, im gonna catch up and see what i can dig up. BTW have you quit AARP?

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 08:26 PM
im down for some serious research, only prob is i have no internet access, so untill i get one i will be a wall flower, anyone think theres a link between ET's an Spirit world?

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by drbil

Originally posted by 11thdimension

There was/is no ET conpsiracy. And by "researchers" you mean like minded people with edeucationa nd training is?? Or is it better NOT to have an education in physics, asronomy, celestial mechanics?

LOL,tell that to the 300 or so Military personnel involved in The Disclosure Project.Seems they would beg to differ.

The Laugh is on you my friend. You types always say "what about..." When you have NO firsthand experience or evidence. Unless you work(ed) for RAND, NASA, NSA, NARA than you have NO direct evidence of anything except your own misguided opinions.

Umm please,before you make yourself look any more ignorant,run a search on the disclosure project and educate yourself beyond what you 'think' you know...You will see that many people that HAVE worked for the organizations you just alluded to HAVE attested to that evidence.Better to know what you're talking about before you try to belittle others based on your own ignorance.Thanks.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by drbil

Originally posted by Sariel
I wasn't having a go at you Mr A

Drbil seems to have a habit of trying to make fun of people whose interests differ from his own.Hence my little dig at the highly educated one.

By the way i certainly wouldn't be able to learn Japanese

[edit on 1-8-2004 by Sariel]

I respect other ideas, so long as they are based in FACTS not in delussions. And I am Dyslexic. Want to go after something less pedantic? Like my facts? I need not make fun of anyone. Stating their obvious misunderstandings are sufficent. Can you disprove my facts or prove yours?

Thought not.

I have not stated anything as fact in this thread.So it would be very hard for me to prove or disprove them

Yes you are trying to make fun of anyone who does show an interest in this topic by implying that to have an interest in ufo's you are uneducated.Please impart your worldly wisdom and explain to anyone who would like to take part in this venture what courses they need to take before showing an interest.

Don't you just love guys like this with massive egos who think by putting dr in their username and some daft signature it makes their opinions the only ones that matter

[edit on 2-8-2004 by Sariel]

[edit on 2-8-2004 by Sariel]

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