posted on Jul, 29 2004 @ 11:11 AM
Assumptions aside, they will not revel themselves to us for the following reasons.
1. Man is extremely deadly, not only against ourselves but against the enviroment and the unknown
2. Man is not the primitive human that the aliens (might) have encountered over 2000 or maybe 10,000 years ago.
3. Man has something that the aliens fear (possibly), the aliens know they do not posse the destructive weaponary that equals the Strategic Nuclear
weapons that we currently posse. Even their (probable) advanced technology/anti gravity etc is not capable of shielding them from the massive effects
of the EMP/radiation/ blast/thermal affects of a massive yield nuclear weapon
4. Currently any alien "invasion" would be met be a nuclear strike and then man would wait and see what the alien response would be.
5. Man does not currently posse the ability to communicate with the aliens, they indeed have been sending signals into our solar system, but we have
no way of decoding them. Thus since we have no way of decoding them, we have no way of communicating with them, therefor the aliens will not
6 Man has not ascended and remains very destructive by nature, contary to our spiritual inheritence (from whatever source). When man can stop killing
each other and ascend, then the aliens (might) attempt to find a new way to contact us.
7. Aliens are fragile and do not posse the offensive capability to destroy mankind by waging war against man. They can however alter the DNA of man of
the course of time to mutate our reproductive capabilities where we will eventually expire faster then we can successfully repopulate. They have not
done this but it might be safe to assume that they are cataloging our DNA samples to build a comprehensive "destruct" code that once introduced and
replicated, will prevent mankind from repopulating and will slowly cause our species to die off.
8. Aliens may also introduce a DNA build that could alter mankind into something better, longer life, higher intelligence, more docile etc. But that
would be a gift or a reward for good behavior I think, something that we currently lack as a species.