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People in the Middle East grasp extreme religion because.........

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posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 07:39 AM
Saw a very interesting report on tv, also read a similar article in Newsweek. You don't really know until you are out there and you see it for yourself. The reason so many people in that part of the world grasp hardcore religion is because, simply, they don't have anything.

I mean, really, they don't have anything and we're talking a large majority of people out there. You ever hear the statistic that, 5% of Americans own 90% of the American wealth? In Saudi Arabia, that number is like 1% of Saudis own most of the wealth in that country. I mean, the U.K. has royalty and wealth but at least they share it and take care of their people. With the Saudis as in most countries of the Middle East, they take it all and keep it all. You walk out of one of their palaces and 2 feet away literally is a huge slum. Yes, I know the same holds true for Washington D.C., huge slums right outside the White House but over there, the division is like 10 times worse.

When you are barely getting by, some nights going hungry, looking off into the distance and seeing a handfull of people living high off the hog, all you got is religion. I believe when a democracy really starts to get going in Iraq, those people will be too busy being prosperous(like the rest of the world) to care about conflict or EXTREME religious beliefs.

It's the money.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 08:02 AM
Very good point, this is also why alot of palestinians become suicide bombers because their families would get so much money from supportive countries. Its a very percarious situation for alot of these would be suicide bombers / young kids who do this. They view their religon as their whole life and see what is happening to their family and friends all around them. They think that its the only way to help keep their family afloat. I am getting a bit off topic but you are very correct in saying that the poverty level is why so many of these people resort to such drastic measures and look into extreme religon. These people *need* something to believe in because they have nothing to live for. But then again you get the crazies like UBL who'd worth millions of buckaroos but would prefer to not take a bath for years on end and hang out in one of the most harded places to live up in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan. So I guess money wouldnt solve it but it would definately make it easier.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 08:04 AM
Jesus hates luke warm?

I'm just here to amuse myself people.

Similarly, I think we could solve this whole Israeli/Palestinian conflict if George Bush would just set both sides down and ask them to consider What Would Jesus Do?

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 08:07 AM

When you are barely getting by, some nights going hungry, looking off into the distance and seeing a handfull of people living high off the hog, all you got is religion. I believe when a democracy really starts to get going in Iraq, those people will be too busy being prosperous(like the rest of the world) to care about conflict or EXTREME religious beliefs.

It's the money.

The same can be said about people anywhere. Why should those in the mid-east be singled out? What can we make of the Ashcroft/Robertson/Bush religious fanatics? They're no better or different than Muslim extremists. And they certainly don't represent all Christians.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 08:24 AM
People in the Middle East grasp extreme religion because.........

there is really nothing else for them to grasp at. Abject poverty, repressive governments, harsh weather conditions, sand, rich shieks living in luxury, less than average looking women(when you can see them), no touchy touchy until marriage, shariah law, no alcohol, no comic books, no Friends, no freedom of speech, press or religion, stonings, public executions, arranged marriages, clay houses, bulldozing of your property, security fences, civilian casualties, no bacon, corrupt cops, unfair judicial systems, cleric controlled governments, moral police, bad music, worse movies, less than average looking women, no deodorant, too much garlic, sandles, no Nikes, less than 1 telephone per 50 homes, internet control, media control, tribal warfare, pent up sexual frustration, constant regime changes, revolutions, etc... etc.....

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 09:18 AM
oooooo, good point about UBL. He is a multi millionaire. I would say a guy like him can take his money and be a God to everyone around him who is poor. He, like Saddam, take advantage of everyone out their thru money and religion.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by nathraq
People in the Middle East grasp extreme religion because.........

there is really nothing else for them to grasp at. Abject poverty, repressive governments, harsh weather conditions, sand, rich shieks living in luxury, less than average looking women(when you can see them), no touchy touchy until marriage, shariah law, no alcohol, no comic books, no Friends, no freedom of speech, press or religion, stonings, public executions, arranged marriages, clay houses, bulldozing of your property, security fences, civilian casualties, no bacon, corrupt cops, unfair judicial systems, cleric controlled governments, moral police, bad music, worse movies, less than average looking women, no deodorant, too much garlic, sandles, no Nikes, less than 1 telephone per 50 homes, internet control, media control, tribal warfare, pent up sexual frustration, constant regime changes, revolutions, etc... etc.....

Have any of you been to the middle east? The above is an apt description of a good deal of Saudi Arabia (socially/geographically) and to some extent Western/Southern Iraq (geographically), for example; but, it hardly represents the larger mid-east. Western conceptions of that region are largely incorrect, because most westerners have never experienced it. It's a vastly differing region, with cultures and values that reflect their ancient roots in those lands.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 09:28 AM
Come on as if the Bible Buddies in the US are not "extreme"!

Come on Bush has to bounce his Israel policy off them so they can still have their apocolypse/rapture thing.

Also if you look at the islamic calendar 1492 or so (pls correct if wrong), just have a quick look at what the Cristians were up to at that point in time. Oh we had this great idea to clean this whole "new" continent of natives and call it America! Very civilized!!

"Of all the tyrannies of the mind only religion strives to haunt us after the grave." Thomas Paine said something like that...

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 09:35 AM
There's nothing wrong with religion. It's the fanatics in every movement that are the problem. Be they Muslims, Evangelical Christians, Catholics, Sihks, whatever. None of them should be allowed to hold the reigns of power. They've proven that.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 09:45 AM
Cuz you just know that no one anywhere else grasps at extreme religion.

I know a catholic couple that are miserible in their marriage, but refuse to get a divorce because of their religion. That seems pretty extreme to me.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 09:55 AM
Well BANGINCOLOR, has a point through history we had always have a victim an oppressor and I see how religion will play a role in a situation like that it is easier to come to terms with a believe in something that actually targeting the source of the oppression.

It is easier to act angry in the name of religion that to solve the problems that cause the anger.

It is easier and free to believe and at the same time some find easier this way to feed the soul even when the body is still hungry.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

People in the Middle East grasp extreme religion because.........

Have any of you been to the middle east? The above is an apt description of a good deal of Saudi Arabia (socially/geographically) and to some extent Western/Southern Iraq (geographically), for example; but, it hardly represents the larger mid-east. Western conceptions of that region are largely incorrect, because most westerners have never experienced it. It's a vastly differing region, with cultures and values that reflect their ancient roots in those lands.

Don't forget Iran. And yes, I would love to go to the Middle east, Iran in particular. But as the current political/social climate of the region prevents me from doing so, I can only read about them, and talk to those who have decided to come to our wonderful city of Chicago. I really don't hink it's a misconception that to be a foreigner, American in particular, in a region that's anti-American(through no fault of my own) would be rather unwise. Case in point: in 1998, a German national married an Iranian, in Iran, was found out, and sentenced to death. Reasoning: he was a non-Muslim who married a Muslim. He converted to Islam, to stave the punishment. At the end, he was released, through diplomatic talks with the German Government. Sill, I would love to go there. Guess I'll just have to wait until I'm in my 80's. Then maybe everything will be cooled down.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 10:08 AM
I have been to the Middle East. Time in University in Jordon. Israel. Egypt.

These are some of the finest people I have ever met. The will give their life to make you happy. But...

It is economics, plain and simple. No jobs readily available. Forget opressive governments. That is all they have known. They see their culture being destroyed by the West. Right or wrong they see Hollywood and all the "sin' it stands for being stuffed down their throat by McDonalds. Coke, being told that you should ignore "God."

You add loss of culture to no economic furture and throw in a religion that has no central authority then any local religiuos leader that wants power can raise an army overnight. All based on what he says is Allah's teaching.

Explosive combination.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 11:14 AM
BANGINCOLOR, UK Royalty here does not share its wealth with us.

They get its wealth from us, through our wage taxes.

[edit on 28-7-2004 by 7th_Chakra]

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 11:33 AM
The largest Christian Religion is Catholisim. Go back in history and tell me what this religion has done for the average Catholic. Has it brought him/her peace and prosperity or a live lived in proverty. I believe through its religious evelution it has brought both.
The problem I see is that the Muslim religion is going through a process not unlike the Catholism but at a much accellerated pace. What took the Catholics centuries to achieve the Muslims are attempting to do the same thing in decades.
Can the Muselims be stopped? Yes, and this will only come about through the use of seperating there religion from governmental control.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 07:33 PM
"There's nothing wrong with religion. It's the fanatics in every movement that are the problem. Be they Muslims, Evangelical Christians, Catholics, Sihks, whatever. None of them should be allowed to hold the reigns of power. They've proven that.

Cuz you just know that no one anywhere else grasps at extreme religion.

I know a catholic couple that are miserible in their marriage, but refuse to get a divorce because of their religion. That seems pretty extreme to me."

I've never seen a christian zealot strap a bomb to himself/herself and kill innocent people. I do remember a while back when assasinating abortion clinic doctors was real popular amoung the christian right but, that still was few and far in between and there hasn't been one in years. Nothing like the everyday homicide bombings they have in the Middle East.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 07:45 PM
People in this region have been at war with each other for thousands of years, nothing changes. Their religious leader teach them to hate others and kill them and If they die killing others, they go to Allah and will be his right hand boys. This is taught from youngest age-2-3 years old. Those are the ones that need to be killed or changed. If they brought up their children to respect ALL life, not just Muslims, then we would see real change.

[edit on 28-7-2004 by mrmonsoon]

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 08:21 PM
Oppression tends to make people more religious. Once a country is content, like the US, it is usually less religious.

posted on Jul, 29 2004 @ 10:21 AM
I think a democratic Iraq could really change things in the Middle East.

posted on Jul, 29 2004 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by BANGINCOLOR
I think a democratic Iraq could really change things in the Middle East.

Yes, it very well may. The economic restructuring of Iraq I think is what will change it. These people will start working for themselves and working in rebuilding their country. The pride that they will get from that will be the biggest benefit. They will be willing to fight for a country that they fought so hard to rebuild and make it better for themselves and their children. This I believe will help the whole region more than anything. Once the example has been set it will spread and other countries will want to follow suit. This will take a long long time because of how much hate some of these people have for democracy. I think once the thought is in their head that there is a better way to live, they will try to pursue it. I am talking about the general population because we all know no leaders want to ever give up power. This will have to come from the people and it will be hard. But I do believe it could be done.

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