posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder
You're ignoring the whole issue and trying to turn it into some moral debate about free speech. What he's doing is NOT free speech it is incitement.
If he was saying he didn't agree with the Quran and was giving his opinion about the book that would be different. But burning it is an act of
incitement to violence, no different to burning a cross whilst dressed in white sheets would be.
Theres a difference between having an opinion and performing stunts intended to cause violence. I'm not saying some of the extreme reactions to his
Quran burning were justified but it IS his fault. The guy is a lit match hovering a centimetre above a keg of gunpowder to put it bluntly. If his
irresponsible actions result in more blood it will be on HIS hands as well as those who commit whatever retaliation might occur, especially since he
knows what his actions will provoke.
Thats another thing, why do you think he does it? He's not some free speech champion, he's looking for this reaction so he can justify his twisted
world view that attacks all Muslims because he is a BIGOT.
How many deaths were there throughout the west as a result of his actions? None. But a bunch of deaths in one riot in one country which also happens
to be occupied by the country many would say his views represent is seen by so many people like him as some sort of proof that it's not his fault and
it's because of their religion. He is not some free speech hero, he's a menace.
That being said, let him have his protest (without the guns preferably) and I hope the counter protest gets right in his face.
edit on
22-4-2011 by lifeissacred because: I can't spell