posted on Mar, 25 2003 @ 01:37 PM
They are very stingy with information here in the U.S., only choosing to tell us what they believe will win popular support and even lying in some
instances. They haven't talked much about the helicopter being shot down and when they did they denied that it was shot down by peasants or farmers.
The propaganda machine here in the U.S. is also lying about "why they hate us" "it's our way of life they're jealous of " U.S. politicians tell
us. They also tell us that Iraqi citizens would welcome the U.S. and when they didn't all immediately surrender they claimed that it was due to
force by Saddam and guns at their backs. They are also stating that soldiers are dressing as civilians without bothering to mention that some
civilians and farmers may be involved in the fighting. I mean, as much as I hate George W. Bush I would still defend my country if it was invaded and
it's no surprise that Iraqis are willing to sacrifice their lives in such a case. They also tell us that Iraqis are marching civilian women and
children in front of military installations to use as human shields but if I were living in Baghdad and had missles raining around me daily and
civilian casualties mounting I would begin to believe that the safest place to be would be someplace where the troops would be afraid to shoot, where
you're obvious and out in the open. They are really trying to spin this story here since the war popularity is waning to some extent due to the fact
that it isn't the walk through that Rumsfeld and others were anticipating. It is getting real ugly and I can't even watch CNN lately due to the
hatred that I see on TV. They interviewed one typically dumb redneck here and asked him if he thought we should be in Iraq and he said, "Yes, cuz
they shouldn't have come here and did what they did." Aside form his lack of diction he showed a complete ignorance of the situation. The less
educated here lump all Arabs into one group including Afghanis, Farsi, Persians, etc. They call Arabs "towel heads" and "sand 'n-word's. They
feel that if one Arab attacks us that it's the same as all Arabs and I've heard some people say that we should "bomb them all, they're all crazy
over there." The intelligent proponents of the war are just greedy and will spin anything to keep this jingoistic hatred going and get the approval
of the war. Kind of reminds me of the same kind of galvanization generated in the Third Reich towards the Jews.
Reading news from sources outside of the U.S. makes for a less biased perspective. Americans who favor this war for the wrong reasons need to get
their noses out of the American school books and read some REAL history. Fortunately, there's a rather large minority here that is more aware of the
real facts.
peace out