Originally posted by vivalarevolution
See where you're coming from OP & others, but have to say, it's the system, that manipulates/'takes advantage of', these inherent "fault lines"
(traits) if you will, that is the real evil here, the system and those behind it
edit on 20-4-2011 by vivalarevolution because: sdth
Thank you. I wish there was a supernova stack to star that short reply.
Please forgive the rant coming from a bitter old divorcee'.
Blame it on Gloria Steinhem, the McArthur Foundation, the CIA, social engineers in general,
and anybody else who's had a big hand in breaking up our Western society and the middle
class family. But don't go too much further than the mirror when you finally get the message
that you've been taken for a ride on the "It's cool to [be like this]" blandwagon.
If you think you have to be something other than yourself to attract who you want, get some
help while you're reasonably young. Tip: don't consult a Bolshevik, it's always your fault, and
they charge around twenty times what the advice is worth from the bartender.
I've been divorced since 1984, for several good reasons. Almost all my friends-- and
indeed all of my closest, say things approaching "She really thinks so highly of you";
or better yet "You know, D____, 'Ms.Blah-blah is absolutely taken by you."
How about "damaged beyond repair" being a viable topic to scare off ALL of them:
baby, bathwater and family et al? Some of us are a little too disaffected by external
influences to bother anymore with more than the reality of the opposite sex just
being people with different equipment and malformed personalities, compared to
our own.
I don't ask for sympathy, understanding, or even comprehension of a system that
can erase decent people's seed from the planet because it's fun for some of the most
powerful to play with their food. For those I wish they live forever, and age normally.
I can conceive no more just an eternal damnation than nobody around to play with
after a short time but their own kind. Enjoy your sewage pizza, and duck my sick.
There's every likelihood in the final need for no analysis that intimacy is overrated.
So is happiness and childhood, but those are both disorders of differing duration
that eventually can be overcome. On the other hand, if you've been denied several
key rites of passage and other basic fulfillment by vitually omnipotent psychopathic
sadists, consider yourself normal to occasionally consider doing more than just
typing out some venom. Remember who they are, and warn others at any cost.
I've sacrificed plenty for my principles, but believe me I'm at the head of the line
for not worthy... authority figures of all genders agree.
Could somebody answer to the author of this one: was it Chekov, Tolstoy, or
somebody else? It has to do with so much more than just financial bankruptcy.
"The poor live with one advantage-- in that when we are loved, it can be only
for ourselves."
edit on 21-4-2011 by derfreebie because: crucial quote, author unknown