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Horned Skulls

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posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 10:11 AM
body modification is like boarding to make those other strange skulls but when you have horns and stuf thats different. BTW they were in connecticut usually native american tribes dont really take part in body mod.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 10:19 AM
Reason I lean to seeing it as fake or like a previous post has stated, a medicaly created horn, thiis because I looked at how horns grow and are attached to skulls on all other horned animals.

All other horned creatures have a clear "root" like transition where the horns are attached to the skull. Also are the horns normaly a different color then the skull itself.

Horns are made of the same thing hair is made of, wich is not the same material our skulls and bones are made of.

This skull however has no root like transit from skull to horn and the material of the skull and the horns look exactly alike.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by thematrix
Reason I lean to seeing it as fake or like a previous post has stated, a medicaly created horn, thiis because I looked at how horns grow and are attached to skulls on all other horned animals.

All other horned creatures have a clear "root" like transition where the horns are attached to the skull. Also are the horns normaly a different color then the skull itself.

Horns are made of the same thing hair is made of, wich is not the same material our skulls and bones are made of.

This skull however has no root like transit from skull to horn and the material of the skull and the horns look exactly alike.
thats actually a great thought i tend to agree with that now that i think of it.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 12:40 PM

All other horned creatures have a clear "root" like transition where the horns are attached to the skull. Also are the horns normaly a different color then the skull itself.

Horns are made of the same thing hair is made of, wich is not the same material our skulls and bones are made of.

This skull however has no root like transit from skull to horn and the material of the skull and the horns look exactly alike.

An astute observation. I concur, and I've drawn literally a TON of cow skulls in my day (while in art class, they were an often used object for still lifes...) You REALLY notice detail like this when you draw them OVER and OVER again, hehe....

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 12:40 PM
On over half of the deer skulls i have there is no transition between the skull and the horn so it is not uncommon for no type of root to be present. As far as the coloration difference that depends on the type of horn , there a bone horns then there are horns that are more like a rhino's horn which insnt calcification its more like a toe nail or like a hair itself. As for the horns made from calcification they end up looking just like the skull in time , so being the same coloration isnt unccomon either.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 03:24 PM

On over half of the deer skulls i have there is no transition between the skull and the horn

Are you sure about that? Look again and I think you'll see the difference and the transition from bone to keratin (nail material) and the "root" of it.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 04:27 PM
in the case of humans having horns it is not the kerotin style horn it is a bone spur , basically an overcalcificartion of the bones causeing a deformity that protrudes through the skin. Where as in most animals its not bone .

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by AnonymousID
Before any of you run your mouths saying it's fake, or crap, show some proof.

Before anybody provides proof it's us concrete proof it's real first. THEN ask for somebody to offer their debunking evidence.

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