posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by anon102
Originally posted by anon102
Perhaps a friendly reminder would prevent more threads like that appearing?
Exactly what I was thinking. Although, I'd like to go a step further than a reminder / unintrusive yet visible message. Most people know to search to
prevent creating duplicates. The people we want to reach are those that are unaware of one of the most occurring problems on ATS, one that is talked
about regularly (on every duplicate thread, a lot of threads in Rant, and of course in the board business area). It appears that exactly these people
are the hardest to reach. A mere reminder might not do the trick.
Personally, I'd love to see a dialog box preceding / overlaying the New Thread page, asking the user whether (s)he searched in advance + a link to
the search page*. I know it sounds rigorous, but with Yes/No buttons it would be just one extra click. Duplicate threads do more than just keeping the
mods busy - for example, many people reply to a subsequently 404'd thread and lose their entire conversation. No more than time and for that matter
just a few seconds would be lost by having to answer the dialog. Cost-benefit analysis, anyone? Perhaps I'm overestimating the proportion of
duplicate threads / original threads..
Good luck to all of you in those dark, dark days of desecrational duplicates.
* The dialog box could also display that tiny checklist above each post urging to make sure that every post matters. Anything that would make the
poster try to enhance the quality of his posts would fit, methinks.