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posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:56 AM
I cannot believe what I saw. Decided tonight April 19, 2011(Sighting @ 11:39P.M. Pacific Time) Anacortes, WA

to go outside as I saw the moon earlier and it was huge, so I took my binoculars and was checking out all the huge craters and other sizes alike and than, from my position saw this black streak coming from the bottom right of the moon going like a slight curve upwards and across the moon....

This was wicked, the streak was like a thin long V upside down, so there was like too tail looking things that where even on both sides but slightly curved inwards and narrowed out?????

This "unknown" was solid black?? Wish I had a camera or video capturing software/hardware of some kind but the timing of even being able to see this event with binoculars, honestly, has now made me a true believer.

Has anyone else reported anything matching this type of description with pictures/videos/articles??

Biggest question....what was that?? Creepiest part was it looked like it was practically on the moon but not quite, as though it was so close and than as it was leaving the visible surface of my view it left my line of sight through the binoculars.

Wish I could explain the feeling you get when you see something that you know/feel/instincts that what you are seeing is some ufo/unknown space/something "else"

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by spydrbyte25

Had a similar experience a few weeks back, didnt bother making a thread since It was one of those "Iwas the only one to see this huge black thing fly across the moon but didnt have time to take a pic" typ scenarios. I actually beleive, i'm i'm a fairly balanced skeptic. I dont quite beleive in little green ET's But theres to many unexplained UFO's to not think something is going on

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:15 AM


posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:16 AM
did u get a little head spin thing to accompany u while u saw it?
i know that something is true or perculiar when that happens
like just before a fight or confrontation that swarm of energy
its very odd but honest at the same time
or before you get so angry in an argument and then u get physical
i like it when i can foresee the other person about to strike and then i strike first and i use their momentum back on them haha
look for the signs people
look for the signs in people they are there

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by SirKnightE

wow, luckily I am not the only one to see this. It has made me believe that there are "phenomenon" in space we have yet to discover/identify.

I am just curious but what was the date of your sighting. City or state nearby where you witnessed this black streak. Would be greatly appreciated.

Wonder if this could be a possible occurence under ideal conditions? There are those binoculars that have cameras equipped, like this--

Camera Binoculars

lol, I bet I know why those specific ones are all sold out. Maybe even a telescope with image capturing software. Just figured with things right now might find the cheaper alternative unless there are good deals for telescopes online

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:25 AM
going from closest to furthest


it being black on the backdrop of the moon doesn't really mean anything, just means the moon was could be white for all you know

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by questcequecest

Nope, no head spin. Was completely calm, and pretty happy because the moon was close so was able to see details in the larger craters and to see something out in space is amazing, but so much more than that.

The only feeling I got was an intense excitement, a feeling or multiple feelings that the whole 6-10 seconds I was able to view it from when was looking at moon and than it appears, allowed me to see something as real as my own eyes let me for that long.....

I advice anyone to checkout the moon from time to time with some binoculars as that is what I used and I could imagine someone else might see it, you never know.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by gdaub23

Damn, you really know the drill, dont ya ?!

High-five to that

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

The SHAPE, is what puzzles me the most. I drew a picture as this is what my pops told me to do and was the best idea. To give the closest shape similarity, will have to say the symbol on Star Trek, like an upside down V, and the tails/ends/streaks where quite long, from looking through the binoculars at the moon, approximately 4-5 inches those two streaks/tails where compared to the size of the moon if had to say, roughly 10-20 inches. This is just my estimation only to give a spectrum as to the size of this object. Do satellites have tails that slightly curve inwards? The first picture that popped in my head when I saw that was a sting ray or a sea creature with two tenacles. Whatever this thing was it was very large.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

As stated for my estimation for the diameter of the moon from my view through the binoculars compared to this object shows that whatever this object/streak included(whole form of object) was gigantic compared to my scale size of the moon, and this is what is making me believe that it is something other than anything currently known to exist or at least what people know......

Going outside to see if will witness/experience anymore activity near moon. Will report any findings asap.

edit on 20-4-2011 by spydrbyte25 because: Spelling

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:48 AM
ok, don't shoot me for this one, i found on dutch forum, a day earlier

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by Memenquay

Impressive video but this was not like the phenomenon I saw. What I saw was different by a few ways, it lasted about 6-10 seconds, this objects was single and the size of those claimed ufo's in that video are extremely small compared to the size of the object I witnessed.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:01 AM

Well the clouds are starting to move in and it's sprinkling so I think am going to call it a night. Will check moon times based on my location so I can be sure to keep my eye on the moon when it is to be in my area.

Also, here are the specs of my current binoculars using:

Barksa, 8-24X50

edit on 20-4-2011 by spydrbyte25 because: Grammer

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:09 AM
There is footage of a similar sighting through a telescope by an astronomer from a couple of years ago.
My internet is very, very slow so youtube is off limits for me, but I'm sure it still can be found there.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by Regenstorm

If could only provide some search terms to go by and I can dig but have been having problems trying to describe this object. The videos I have seen so far are nothing like it, for if this object was caught on camera, you wouldn't have to come close to your computer screen to try to find it, you would see it from a distance as this arrow long looking streak was unlike anything I could compare to really, of all objects currently known on earth, this is a toughy.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:32 AM
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ATS Moderator

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by spydrbyte25
reply to post by SirKnightE

wow, luckily I am not the only one to see this. It has made me believe that there are "phenomenon" in space we have yet to discover/identify.

I am just curious but what was the date of your sighting. City or state nearby where you witnessed this black streak. Would be greatly appreciated.

Wonder if this could be a possible occurence under ideal conditions? There are those binoculars that have cameras equipped, like this--

Camera Binoculars

lol, I bet I know why those specific ones are all sold out. Maybe even a telescope with image capturing software. Just figured with things right now might find the cheaper alternative unless there are good deals for telescopes online

I saw this around the time of that super moon here in Houston, TX, It was cloudy, and the "craft" seemed to float along with the clouds. It passed right in front of the moon so it wa only the light from the moon that illuminated it. I no binos or anything, but from my perspective it was huge.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by spydrbyte25

This is the video I mean:

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Regenstorm

I wish could say that it looked like what I saw in that video but it was much larger. In that pic the ufo object was about a couple millimeters on video and what I saw was about 5-6 inches long including the black streak which moved across the face of the moon in about 8-10 seconds.

Have searched and searched but the only thing that is different from all the ufo moon pics on YouTube is that whatever I saw was bigger than anything in those videos and moved at such a slow rate.

Without a picture or video of what I believe this to be as a ufo phenomenon, this is going to get buried quickly. However am working on getting some optics with imaging capturing software so if I see this "object" again, hopefully will be able to get a picture of it.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 12:45 PM
Found a picture that looks exactly like what I saw except that those end tail parts of that spacecraft where much longer and there where no lights or identification marks of any kind.

Similar To My Sighting

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