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What do you tell your children about 9/11

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posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:28 PM
I started this thread because, well first of all I'm curious what people tell their children, but I will someday have this talk with my own children. Anyone who has read any of my posts in this forum can immediately see that I do not believe the gov't version of events but I do not claim to know what actually did happen. I can't recall my father or any other elder family members ever addressing the seminole "conspiracy" event of their generation the JFK assassination. So, that doesn't really give me any insight or guidance.

Already, I notice that people want to describe me as a "conspiracy theorist" which is clearly just a euphamism for "nut-job", and I have no idea what is said when I'm not around. Typically, I'm content to let them continue living in blissful ignorance yet I never capitulate to what I know is complete nonsense spewed from the mouths of the thouroughly un-informed. In regards to my children I cannot in good conscience tell them to believe the OS (or the OS on JFK for that matter). Personally, these two events and the obvious gov't lies surrounding them have completely destroyed my faith in the morality of my gov't because the more you dig, the deeper the holes get in the stories.

This creates a very unique and delicate situation when dealing with the minds of children, and I'm not really confident in any particular course of action. Honesty, I was always told, is the best policy. However, its more than obvious that the gov't operates on the complete opposite assumption. So, I'm curious as to how other members approach the situation. Any participation in this thread is greatly appreciated.

Link to the only related thread I could find here
edit on 4/19/2011 by budaruskie because: the link

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:35 PM
You should tell them the truth, even if the truth is

"I'm not sure, I just don't know - I think ......! But not everyone believes this and it's an issue that can cause derision therefore, you need to diplomatic when you express your opinion."

They have to grow up in the real world not the one we would like to paint for them.

Good Luck.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:41 PM
I couldn't foresee telling my children anything about it. While my views may differ from the "official story" I don't really think it's something I will relate to my kids. Maybe when they are older, or possibly grown.

I think kids should be allowed to be kids. Any person saying "the government can't be trusted, they lied about 9/11" to a child should be smacked up side the head.

Most of the people that do believe that the government was behind, or somehow culpable in the murder of 2,000 of it's own people have a hard time wrapping their minds around the ramifications of something like that being true, to put something like that on a child, or teenagers mind?

Slap right up side the head, to say the least.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:43 PM
I tell them that about 20 Islamic muslims brutally murdered thousands of innocent people in a vain attempt to impress their god. I tell them that the men were taught to hate others who were not like them and to kill. I tell them that there are many more of them in the world just like them and don't trust any of them. That's what I tell them.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by budaruskie
This creates a very unique and delicate situation when dealing with the minds of children, and I'm not really confident in any particular course of action. Honesty, I was always told, is the best policy. However, its more than obvious that the gov't operates on the complete opposite assumption. So, I'm curious as to how other members approach the situation. Any participation in this thread is greatly appreciated.

What kind of toys do you give your children to play with?

I built lots of model planes and erector set type stuff. I understood planned obsolescence was going on in cars before I graduated from grade school and have not been to an auto show in 30+ years.

To me if a man doesn't understand enough physics to figure out why it is ridiculous to think an airliner weighing less then 200 tons could TOTALLY OBLITERATE a building more than TWO THOUSAND TIMES its mass in less than ONE HOUR then I don't want to know what he thinks about any car.

The government is irrelevant to physics. So if some government involvement had to exist for the buildings to be TOTALLY DESTROYED that is just an inevitable consequence of what physics cannot do. The airliner and fuel and building contents and supposed Potential Energy could not provide sufficient energy to dustify all that concrete.

After that the COINCIDENCES begin to become obviously idiotic. Lots of military exercises on the day the hijackers just happen to be swiping 4 planes simultaneously. Have 4 planes ever been hijacked that close together before or even on the same day? There just happen to be put options on those airlines.

After NINE YEARS the engineering schools ignoring all this bothers me more than any government complicity.

How exactly are they teaching physics and intend to keep teaching it for the next 1000 years?

9/11 will NEVER go away.


posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by Fromabove
I tell them that about 20 Islamic muslims brutally murdered thousands of innocent people in a vain attempt to impress their god. I tell them that the men were taught to hate others who were not like them and to kill. I tell them that there are many more of them in the world just like them and don't trust any of them. That's what I tell them.

Talk about hook, line and sinker.

Either you haven't researched enough, or you choose to accept the OS because there's someone to channel your obvious anger into.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by budaruskie

Okay. I'll jump on in. First with an anecdote about what one of my daughters related to me.

"Pop, I met a guy the other day, and after introducing himself to me and I to him, he next asked what church I go to.
(I interjected with "What an assumption to make about a person you first meet. What church do you go to? Why did he assume you even went to church?")
Yeh, yeh, Pop. Let me finish.
So I told him I attend the Cathedral of the Almighty Goddesses of the Woods, located in any woods. And he said, "Huh?"
And she went on a rant about organized religion and the discussion turned towards the U.S. government."
Pop, he was so ignorant of his own ignorance! He says he is a patriot and the U.S. government is doing God's work. So I brought up the many questions about 9/11 that you urged us girls to investigate and decide on our own, what really happened on 9/11. And he asked me, "How did you ever get so cynical?"
And I told him, My Pop raised me right."

Long story a bit shorter, I tell my grandchildren, now, like I've always told my children, most things are not as they seem. Learn to think for yourselves and investigate claims of everything to see if they have a solid foundation.

Yep, I'm not going to say that to my 3 year old youngest granddaughter right now. But, she isn't going to ask questions about such things right now, either. Right now she just wants to know if I think her stuffed bunny is pretty and will I hug it and kiss it. (I do and I do) But the day she asks me about 9/11 or wars or why people kill each other over silly things that could be worked out, I will tell her my opinion, but also let her know that there are differing opinions, and all isn't black and white, there are glorious shades of gray, too. And then I will try help her develop her skills in critical thinking.

But hey, you could just tell your kids, 19 evil Muslims who hate the U.S. for "their freedoms" wanted us to live in slavery to Mohammed, or some such thing, and decided to destroy a couple of tall buildings because they knew this would send the country into a war frenzy and then we's send our military to try to kill them, cuz they love to be killed.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:11 PM
Id say on 9/11 some evil men attacked innocent people of our country to provoke a war.

That's the truth no matter who was behind it.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:22 AM
I would tell them the world is a complex place, I would teach them about deception and I would give them the facts. Covering this up and pretending it is all pretty is just dooming them to fail as they learn about it themselves the hard way. In the end they will make up their own mind about it, as a parent it is important to teach them to look before crossing a road.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:28 AM
I tell them to aim carefully, exhale softly, then squeeze the trigger. They'll know when to use this knowledge when the SHTF.

All kidding aside, it's a complex question you pose, kids are naturally naive and accept the official stories (not just with 9/11 but in any tragedy), it's hard to explain to them things like conspiracies and that the "good" guys may in fact be the bad guys.
edit on 20-4-2011 by Blackmarketeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by Seekeye2
You should tell them the truth, even if the truth is

"I'm not sure, I just don't know - I think ......! But not everyone believes this and it's an issue that can cause derision therefore, you need to diplomatic when you express your opinion."

They have to grow up in the real world not the one we would like to paint for them.

Good Luck.

Just like to add - if we don't give our kids the heads up, just as you would about anything suspicious in life then when they're all grown up (perhaps they will want to go into politics or law or similar) and Governments are by then in full control of the population via survelance, micro chipped vaccines, educational indoctrination then you are not protecting them and if it turns out that the whole world has changed and is a beautiful loving place to live then that's ok - but at least tell them that though this is possible - it is highly unlikely.

You wouldn't send them to school without advise about bullies etc so why send them into a very cruel world without any advise on the adult bullies who can often be the very people who you trust!

More now than ever we need to send our kids out into the world fully armed but balanced.

If this frightens you and you don't want to scare your kids, do it bit by bit depending on their age.

One day you won't be here to support them and may be glad that you prepared them.

Tell them also some History - about how we are a generation who trusted their governments and how greed got the better of them and they can no longer be trusted.

I wouldn't want my kids to trust the Bogie Man!

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:19 AM
IMO growing up knowing the truth would be better than having to suddenly change paradigms later in life and possibly going off the rails as a result. You don't want them to resent you for it when they come to realise that so many things in their world is a lie (going beyond 9/11).

They need to know that the government and government men are not to be trusted. In the same way a 1940s child would be taught to be weary of Nazis and the gestapo.

The child doesn't need to be taught that the world is all doom and gloom. After all, life is not serious and neither is the universe.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by psikeyhackr
To me if a man doesn't understand enough physics to figure out why it is ridiculous to think an airliner weighing less then 200 tons could TOTALLY OBLITERATE a building more than TWO THOUSAND TIMES its mass in less than ONE HOUR then I don't want to know what he thinks about any car.

I guess also those doctorates and masters degrees in engineering and physics that are held by people who think you're wrong don't bother you then.

Isn't that what you're saying? That anyone who disagrees with you is too uneducated to be trusted? A very odd way to look at the world.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by exponent

That anyone who disagrees with you is too uneducated to be trusted? A very odd way to look at the world.

Too deceived, ignorant or evil to be trusted is how I would put it. It is called thinking for yourself. The best way to approach it is to keep everything you know are facts, but question the bits and pieces that do not quite fit in with those facts. Sometimes you have to change what you once though was real, like Santa Clause for what is real, society does lie. Deception has been a part of nature for a very long time, either you can spot it or it will eat you.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:16 AM
I wonder if the 911 attacks will be taught in school the way the golf of tonkin is or the attack on pearl harbour. I have a strong feeling thats a subject that will be ommitted.

Lying to the public to get your way and killing the public is not in the same league, it isnt even the same ballpark. Kids have to grow up and realize there is no santa at some point. The idea behind limited and supervised goverment is that it can not be trusted. Over the past 60 years the media have painted a picture of father goverment that would never do any harm to its people, except for foreign goverments of course. I think at some point you can tell your kids, what happens abroad might happen elsewhere if the citizentry is not informed and alert.
edit on 20-4-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by ThaLoccster
I couldn't foresee telling my children anything about it. While my views may differ from the "official story" I don't really think it's something I will relate to my kids. Maybe when they are older, or possibly grown.

I think kids should be allowed to be kids. Any person saying "the government can't be trusted, they lied about 9/11" to a child should be smacked up side the head.

The government and their pet gatekeepers in the media are absolutely filling your children's mind with the 9/11 official story and other assorted mental mush. Failure to inform your children about the seriously evil people in our government will put them at a disadvantage in future competition for resources and ...... just plain old living. A hand-me-down Darwin Award if you will.

The problem is that most people can't wrap their head around the atrocities going on today. We can thank the media for that. They are keeping us diverted and relatively calm while the body politic (and our economy) is being brutally stabbed. Over and over. But fire-up a few neurons for a minute and *think*. How about an example that does not make us recoil in horror and denial? This should help us to understand the depth of the cancer devouring our country. For example:

Much of Wall Street has committed fraud. Period.

One small part of their illegal conduct involved the creation of no qualification loans, bundling those instruments and getting them rated AAA thru various means. These bundles were pawned off on low level institutions like retirement funds, etc. They absolutely knew this could not go on forever. No question. One could easily be forgiven for assuming that the end goal of all these combined illegal behaviors was to cause a financial panic.

We do have some facts:

1) Wealth is being transferred from the lower and middle class to the top tier.
2) The losses from these companies are being forced on the public
3) These too-big-to-fail companies and banks are privatizing their profits
4) None of this fraud has been prosecuted

The pattern of this overt, illegal activity is a continuation of the 9/11 attack -- it just uses different means. If you can't see the pattern here, I can offer you no viewpoint or perspective that will help to wake you up from this nightmare. But, if you are beginning to see what's going on, it would be the worst type of parental neglect to fail to educate your kids. Eventually, this mafia government will get around to building a "Hitler Jugend" and uneducated children will make easy targets for indoctrination.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:31 AM
I will tell them the truth. I will tell them that a couple handfuls of terrorists hijacked our planes and flew them into our buildings.

You want to tell them the truth right?

I fear that the delusional will pass down the delusion....

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:40 AM
Just tell your children that a tragedy of epic proportion occurred on 9/11 and 1000s of people died. If asked who committed the horrific act, simply tell your children that some very bad people were responsible. At a young age, that is as much as they need to know or would really understand. As they get older, let your children form their own opinion as to who was responsible. After all, who formed your opinion of 9/11? You did. Give your children the same courtesy.

edit on 20-4-2011 by Aggie Man because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:44 AM
Bin laden from Afghan mountains is responsible for everything

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by exponent

Originally posted by psikeyhackr
To me if a man doesn't understand enough physics to figure out why it is ridiculous to think an airliner weighing less then 200 tons could TOTALLY OBLITERATE a building more than TWO THOUSAND TIMES its mass in less than ONE HOUR then I don't want to know what he thinks about any car.

I guess also those doctorates and masters degrees in engineering and physics that are held by people who think you're wrong don't bother you then.

Isn't that what you're saying? That anyone who disagrees with you is too uneducated to be trusted? A very odd way to look at the world.

Are you saying that physics did not work before Doctorates were invented?

Yeah, we are all supposed to believe that schools give people INTELLIGENCE.

Newtonian physics is THREE HUNDRED YEARS OLD. Do you doubt that you can find 10 year old kids that can shoot pool better than some people with PhDs in physics? So the 10 year olds can't do the math but if the math was so important shouldn't the PhDs win? The fact of the matter is the PhDs in physics don't pay that much attention to Newtonian physics anymore. It's old school. Einsteinian physics is over ONE HUNDRED YEARS OLD.

So why can't all of these EXPERTS tell us something as simple as the TONS of STEEL and TONS of CONCRETE that were on every level of the towers? The really funny thing is, "Why aren't they demanding to KNOW the tons of steel and concrete?" More importantly why don't you know to ask?

Have you let the educational system brainwash you into believing that you are STUPID?

Is there anything I can do to STOP YOU from building this in your own house?

If you can allow other people to STOP YOU from thinking for yourself that is YOUR PROBLEM!


PS - Consider another aspect of reality related to EXPERTS WITH DEGREES. In 1995 there were 200,000,000 cars in the United States. Don't cars wear out? Doesn't that mean those cars DEPRECIATE? Doesn't that mean the NET WORTH of the consumers that bought those cars went down. When do you ever hear about how much Americans lose on the depreciation of automobiles every year? What about ALL OF THE AUTOMOBILES IN THE WORLD? Physics works the same way all over the planet. Plenty of experts with degrees take for granted that they can leave out whatever information they want but are supposed to be believed because they are EXPERTS.

The problem is all you people the TRUST IN AUTHORITY and expect everybody else to.
edit on 20-4-2011 by psikeyhackr because: missing words

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