posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 08:22 PM
Hi. This is more or less a sequel to my previous thread where my brother and I found anomalies in the recent SOHO footage:
This is along the same lines as I have continuously monitored alot of SOHO footage since creating that thread. The footage, as most know, is
comprised of pictures taken every 12 minutes in the LASCO 2 and 3 spectrum.
If you follow the past months footage, you will see more and more of the anomalies mentioned in my previous thread. Now, i understand that these are
just messed up pictures, but the occurrence of this type of mess up is rising.
Also, you will see massive Coronal Mass Ejections were starting to become more frequent up until mid April. You will start to see very odd and
obvious edits to the footage, as it grows very inconsistent.
One last thing however. As mentioned above, the CME's are becoming more frequent until the severe editing starts. After, it seems every major
buildup of intensity seems to "bleed" off instead of erupting off. This is strange because, the way it seems to happen, it looks like its being
pulled off instead of being ejected.
With all the Nibiru/Planet X talk, this is very strange when coupled with this youtube video
( where there is an object spotted in unedited SOHO footage.
Thoughts? Criticisms? Random "holy crap!"s?