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The Conspiracy to Rule the World: From 911 to the Illuminati

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posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:12 PM
just got through watching this most excellent 92 min. 911 documentary - there is a couple of things (I wont tell) that are new to my wore out ears.
*its on NetFlix

The Conspiracy to Rule the World. from 911 to the illuinati

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:19 PM
Thank you for the offer, but I have no interest in becoming a member of Netflix.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by undead trev

the link was off of google. and they say its for free and distribute free of copyright...? but NetFlix is the only link to the movie - I guess, put it on you list - and if one more person says they cant see it either - I will spoil the movie and tell you about the new evidence contained in it.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by ISRAELdid911

Just go ahead and spoil it.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:30 PM
It's crappy that you have to sign up and [assumingly] pay for. This stuff should be free somehow (again, I've never ventured to see what NetFlix is all about, but I doubt that they give this stuff away for free). I know that that sounds idealistic, but I've seen plenty of worthy conspiracy documentaries that are offered for free as a crappy download or for sale as higher quality version. Being broke, I'll have to wait for the download (not that I condone that kinda behavior!) or wait for someone to spill the beans and say what the 'new' topics are all about (c'mon... quit dangling the carrot in front of our noses!)

But thanks for the recommendation... it's been awhile since I've heard of worthy new movies!

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:11 PM
one new item contained in the movie is, 7 military personnel where participants in one of the mornings many exercises.(vigilant warrior) they were not suppose to have the TV on, but they did. and they were to fly planes into buildings. when one of them noticed what was on TV and what they were just doing. the story says the gov't has killed two of their children and are keeping 5 others hostage...??? now that was what 10 years ago...???

the two planes that hit the towers landed at a air force base and were unloaded.

air plane film analysis, it goes into the moon landings were done on earth conspiracy.

Common Purpose - is the real new world order. *I need to dig further, and so do you".

edit on 19-4-2011 by ISRAELdid911 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-4-2011 by ISRAELdid911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:56 PM
Edited and bumping.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by ISRAELdid911
and they were to fly planes into buildings. when one of them noticed what was on TV and what they were just doing. the story says the gov't has killed two of their children and are keeping 5 others hostage...???

Originally posted by ISRAELdid911
the two planes that hit the towers landed at a air force base and were unloaded.

thanks for the juice! These were ideas that only made sense to me (unmanned planes remotely piloted) and were theories that I read about here. Makes you wonder about the PA plane... did someone refuse to act as ordered? Or did they shoot it down as part of the show?

crap... now I need to figure out all this netflix crap!

But as you had said "the story says..." ... as far as any of us know, that could be the extent of it... just another story.

Thanks again!

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by MikeyBones

My investigation says, something went wrong right in the middle of the excerise, something broke was my analysis - when you review *especailly CNN - its like they are waiting for something pending. ABC it is also
noticible. we were under attack but if you notice there is no firm evidence linking Ben Laden or any other terrorist organizaiton to 911. that is what is missing and I think WTC 7 was to be the deal seal. and it did not go off as planned. the Pentagon appears to have been done but notice the story does not match the evidence at all loations except WTC 1 and 2.... that part of the story went as planned....all camera's on WTC south when the second plane hit. too many people with camera phones and the like have taken some interesting photo's that are open to debate and interpretation. but what is not open for interpretation is...
in PA> they delivered 40-50 people in body parts and no plane. 180+ marked for death at the pentagon
and no plane... ??? something most defenately broke. and now because of their lies - we have to do what we have to do. and that dedicate more lives and more tears. Where are the seals, the rangers, the special forces...
oh, they are on the inside waiting for the rest of us...???

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