posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by TheMaverick
Wow...that was a thing of beauty!
Can't fight the truth can you?
I guess we should all start packing our bags and move back to England or wherever your ancestors came from and give it all back to the Indians. And if
we all follow this line of thinking we should all end up somewhere in Africa where the earliest bones of man were found! Hmm....Gonad be crowded!
Reminds me of the people still screaming about slavery.
Don't get me wrong...NO MAN SHOULD OWN ANOTHER MAN! That's just sinful .And slavery should never be forgotten. We mustn't repeat the sins of the
Stop making people today feel like their responsible for what happened over 170+ years ago. Pretty sure their are no people alive today that we're
And I'm sure the people that did own a slave are paying for it in Hell!
And if my ancestors shot Indians for this land...that's their sin to bear. And they deserve any punishment they get from their god.
Just writing this makes me feel guilty. And I know none of my ancestors ever owned a slave.
That said...let this video remind you there are people out there that have mental problems that appear on the outside perfectly normal, and can
deceive vast amounts of the populous and get elected to public post.