posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Hessling
no truer words have been spoken -up here in the great white north the governmental propaganda masters told us last year that we would be paying $1.50
a liter for gasoline. or $6.00 a gallon -4 liters equals 1 u.s. gallon. our citrus comes from Florida think about the price increase coming our way
and our governmental watch dog for gas gouging has done and will do nothing nor will our governments as they get TAX REVENUE from gas at a PERCENTAGE
POINT NOT CENTS PER GALLON ,reread the little price at the pumps on that itsy bitsy tiny sticker. last time the gas went way the hell up the truckers
parked their trucks and nothing moved .it came down fast enough. the man has already told us to expect at least a 10% increase in food costs from
now on . i really hope you all have your gardens planted and freezers ready to go .-- only 10% bull considering that gas has already gone up by 30%
per gallon up here.of which our governments get 42 % in new taxes into their coffers.
and what happens when people can no longer afford to feed their children or families they steal ,it is no wonder that the governments of the so
called free world are starting to build these so called super jails to house all of the --NEW CRIMINALS--- as they will be called . but i`ll bet my
last dollar that there will never be 1 starving politician ,cop ,military personal or any of their other so called elite personal that will go hungry
neither will their families --take for instance the great usa that just passed into law a bill that allows them to call in and shoot it`s own citizens
if they riot [ food riots]. god help you if you are a farmer as they and their elitist guards will take away your crops to feed themselves first and
too bad for the people ,[ and we the people gave them permission to do this to us by electing these self serving fools to represent us the people ]--
this is the greatest lie that they dared to use against us all -especially since they have been gradually eroding our rights and freedoms away from us
under the disguise of law -and justice for all except the people .we are just cannon fodder to them.
what was it i heard during the riots at the g20 meeting coming from the mouths of their propaganda masters [newspapers] it reminds me of the riots
of the 60 and 70`s when the dissidents dared to stand up for the right to use and invoke --FREEDOM OF CHOICE ,& FREEDOM OF SPEECH -op`s these all got
trampled under foot by their goose stepping neo nazi police forces and their police who dare say that they are here to serve and protect .so i would
like to know just who or what in the hell they are protecting as it is not the people it is -CORPORATE GREED plane and simple .got to keep that money
a rollin and don`t let anyone try to upset their applecart of this their perfect world that they created where all people are enslaved unto the false
little tyrants and their god -GOLD AND MONEY.