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Time Travel is impossible, Time is merely your own perception of the energy around you.....Einfail

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posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:28 AM
Time Travel is impossible, Time is merely your own perception of the energy around you, aka your own interpretation..... Einstein was wrong about e=mc2 and yes, you can travel faster than light, there is no limitation to anything except your physical body. To think that one man, who's life was in the mere beginning of cutting edge technology and knowledge, was capable of understanding all of the factors involved in physics, is to be naive. He barely even scratched the surface of what is and what can be, and thus jumped to conclusions based on experimentation and calculation limited to the perspective built by human based civilization.

Stop falling for myths and bogus ideas claiming time travel is possible(yes I love the Terminator movies but they are oh so flawed in their writing, but good fun nonetheless!), or that our government has been doing time travel or that wormholes have anything to do with time itself. Time is nothing more than your own minds perception of the matter around you based on your own interpretation of data received via sensory input.

Time can be slower or faster based on many factors, whether it be size of the interpreter or the minds ability to calculate/compute the sensory input it receives. But perceiving time as faster or slower than another persons perception is in no way time travel. Nor can you "rewind" or "travel back in time", particles can only exist in two places at one given time, thus teleportation is possible, but even via teleportation you are not time traveling.

Matter can not exist in every single formation/location that it has ever possibly been in throughout the past and the future. Matter isn't some movie you can pause or rewind. Can you fast forward or slow down your interpretation of time? Well that's possible and happens to you every single day. Why? Because time isn't planar. Only our perception of time can be warped... When you come face to face with an immediate and deadly threat(whether it be a man with a gun or a lion), adrenaline can have a major affect on your perception of time. Some say time slows down in a life or death situation, but after they are safe they say that it all happend so fast.... I can't say it enough: Time is your perception of your sensory inputs, aka the light you see, the things you touch, the things you smell, the things you hear, and the things you can calculate based on all those factors combined.

What is the future? Well its merely our guess about what the state of a specified matter/environment/action/conclusion etc will be based on experience or belief. Can you travel forward in time? Well duh we do it non-stop. But can you travel a thousand years forward in time? Well sure, if you actually could slow down or stop your body's eventually aging and live long enough, while at the same time being in a state whereas your mind does not calculate anything at all, you in turn would wake up a thousand years later and have no recollection of the past thousand years because your brain never calculated or stored and of the sensory data during that time, thus you'd feel as if you went to sleep and woke up a thousand years later.

But WAIT! That's actually not "Time Travel" but rather you modifying your perception of time. Every single being that is capable of interpreting the environment around it has its own perception of time, and each interpretation of time can be completely different from all others in terms of the speed it is perceived. But every single perception of time is literally being perceived at the same time, despite being interpreted at different speeds. Time is a constant. It's interpretation is based on the eye of the beholder.

Sure, we can "look" into the past and see super-nova's exploding and stars that have already exploded but their light has not yet reached us thus we still see it as it was before its explosion. But that's data being received after the fact that the matter itself has actually changed, its merely our perception of that data being received that gives us the idea that we're "looking into the past", but the fact remains that we can not push the "undo" button and go back before that star was destroyed and bathe in its glorious energy....No no no, reality has no undo button.

Bend time you say? That's not actually bending time but rather the perception of time, aka bending how fast you interpret it. People tend to look at it all wrong and say "oh but math can prove it" yet every single year all sorts of "solid facts" get totally thrown out when we realize new factors are involved that we previously had not been able to understand or interpret. Its like health food these days, everyone claims something is good for them but ten years later we learn its actually bad, but then another ten years later we learn again that it actually was good but we just jumped the gun based on our ego. It's like e=mc2, if you think this explains energy you are far from it. Do I know the other factors involved? Nope, but I am very sure that it's far more complicated than matter times velocity squared, simply because even the simplest of things in what we know as the universe are so complex in terms of how they exist that it makes an equation like this look like child's play.

Time based on scale is one of the things that seems to also be consistent but can still be swayed by many other factors. For instance, watch an ant navigate through a forest and consider how he is possibly able to calculate more than triple the number of legs that we have, yet in terms of scale comparison he is literally sprinting over boulders and massive branches that to us appear as dirt grains and twigs. That ant is seeing time go by much slower than we are, yet we are still existing and living at the same exact time. The ant isn't in the future or the past.

The past is merely our understanding of the previous state of matter or events in what we as living beings try to define as our "timeline". There actually is no such thing as the future or the past but merely the present, and the present state cannot be measured like a distance in any way.

And the idea about the train that Einstein said is hilariously wrong. He fails to account for the fact that time is merely an interpretation that the mind calculates based on sensory input, and matter will always exist at a constant rate despite our perception of it, because there is no real "rate" for time, it can not be measured nor can it be reversed. Time is a constant that can be manipulated by a living being's perception of the state of matter around you based on your own interpretation of data received via sensory input.

I must reiterate...Time is a constant. It's interpretation is based on the eye of the beholder.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:35 AM
I thought it was distinquished that time was a different dimension. 4th if I remember right. I would love for you to define time for me. Oh wait... you must be the person "experiencing" the "time" in order to define it? In that case.... whats the point in trying to "define" it?

sillyness makes me sad =(

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:51 AM
That's exactly the point... you can't define time, because there is no such thing... Time is merely our description of the state of matter or events which we use to differentiate between the past, present, and future... None of which are a dimension, but all of which are idea's conceived by man. We made up the idea of "time"... we can manipulate our perception of time, and even "stop" our perception of time(concussion anyone?), but we cannot travel backwards in time. Traveling forwards in time is obviously possible as we do it every second but then again we aren't "traveling" forward but rather we are experiencing the state of matter as it reacts to the matter around it in a constant interaction, and interpreting time slower or faster is demonstrated everyday(aka the day went by so fast! or today went by so slow.... all of which result from our minds interpretation based on your sensory inputs and the resulting calculations...)

Am I a scientist, nope... Do I have articles, studies, or youtube video's to back up my point? Nope. This is simply obvious logic in my own personal interpretation... Is it possible to travel back to when I originally started writing this post? In reality, definitely not, but I can certainly revisit it in my memories.

edit on 19-4-2011 by MaynardisGod because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 05:04 AM
I still have faith in this guy

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 05:22 AM
Minds Open

I recently reviewed the following Art Bell coast to coast radio interview with Dr David Anderson of the Anderson Institute - "(Art Bell) Time Technology & Research-P1 to P5"

Its very interesting but what I dont know is how credible a source he is in terms of cutting edge time travel research! He makes some incredible assertions which merit debate. Is he telling the truth if not all of it? And are India and to some degree China(note the recent ban on time travel movies/tv etc. see other thread) involved in leading Time Control Technology (TCT) research. It is interesting to note that according to Art Bell he has been out of the public eye for nia on 8 years!

Also if what he says is true! How can this technology be managed and regulated to prevent its abuse and the potential catastrophic damage it could do.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by MaynardisGod

Time does not exist! Only distance i.e metres, miles, light years

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by MaynardisGod
None of which are a dimension, but all of which are idea's conceived by man. We made up the idea of "time"... we can manipulate our perception of time, and even "stop" our perception of time(concussion anyone?), but we cannot travel backwards in time. Traveling forwards in time is obviously possible as we do it every second but then again we aren't "traveling" forward but rather we are experiencing the state of matter as it reacts to the matter around it in a constant interaction, and interpreting time slower or faster is demonstrated everyday(aka the day went by so fast! or today went by so slow.... all of which result from our minds interpretation based on your sensory inputs and the resulting calculations...)

Though I understand where you are coming from, scientifically, you are wrong. Time is not an idea concieved by man. Sure, time INDICATION (seconds etc) is. But the actual concept of time is not. Then again, time is indeed personal to everyones perception, based on your speed (Or based on the amount of mass your orbit

The fact time excists is proven everyday by particles in accelerators. (Particles approaching the speed of light "live" longer then those standing still. Their time is beeing slowed down because of their speed, cuasing them to live longer in *our* perception.

edit on 19-4-2011 by Tunedbeats because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by MaynardisGod
We made up the idea of "time"... we can manipulate our perception of time, and even "stop" our perception of time(concussion anyone?), but we cannot travel backwards in time.
No we did not make up time. We made up a system of calculating the interval between events, as all events are reliant on the intervals that differentiate them from one state or postion into the next, we call this experience time.

You analogy would be like saying, Space does not exist, we made the idea of space up, we just manipulate space as we percieve it as we move.

Traveling forwards in time is obviously possible as we do it every second but then again we aren't "traveling" forward but rather we are experiencing the state of matter as it reacts to the matter around it in a constant interaction,
Exactly, we measure the intervals between reactions and constant interactions, we call that time. We did not make it up, we gave it a name and a system for measuring this process.

Like the event of the earth spining is a day, like the event of a year is an orbit of our earth around a solar system star we call the sun.
These event are not reliant on our perception, and our perception will not stop, hasten or slow these events from happening.

and interpreting time slower or faster is demonstrated everyday(aka the day went by so fast! or today went by so slow.... all of which result from our minds interpretation based on your sensory inputs and the resulting calculations...)
Our perception of time is irrelevant to the actual measurements of it.
Time may feel slow or fast, but if I was to observe you and measure time over the periods in which your perception makes you feel "wow the day went so fast" or "today went so slow" the passage of time would be constant regardless of your perception of time over those same periods.

Am I a scientist, nope... Do I have articles, studies, or youtube video's to back up my point? Nope. This is simply obvious logic in my own personal interpretation... Is it possible to travel back to when I originally started writing this post? In reality, definitely not, but I can certainly revisit it in my memories.

edit on 19-4-2011 by MaynardisGod because: (no reason given)

I think it may be possible to travel back in time in theory, just not for us. We exist within the dimensions of space and time, but time itself may look different from a 5th dimensional perspective for example, in that I mean if time has another dimensional aspect to it that we cannot percieve or experience, it may not seem so linear as we experience it and if time has another dimensional aspect to it, it may be similar to space as we experience it in that one could move around in time like we do in space.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 05:39 AM
Patrice Chaplin, Charlie Chaplin's first daughter-in-law, has written two books "Secrets of Girona" and "The Portal" which reveal the existence of an old secret society in Spain that used ancient Kabbalistic magical rituals to activate a portal on Mount Canigou, allowing the initiate passing through it to travel to the past. In the occult world, it is called experiencing the Akashic Records of the planet. Here is a painting called "The Railway Station at Perpignan" made by Salvador Dali after he had been initiated into the group and passed through the time portal:
Patrice Chaplin describes in her book how she underwent training by the secret society and traveled into the past. She also has spoken about it in many talk shows, because this time-traveling ritual was the great secret re-discovered by Berenger Sauniere, the infamous priest of Rennes-le-Chateau. Here is a short video about her new book:

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by MaynardisGod

Time was/is a human measurement of the rate of change in anything but.....

It is always Now....

So Time is an illusion, so if it is always now ?

Both past and future is only an illusion and all can be accessed through manipulation of the programs which produce our experiences.

The Brain is only an 'Interface' between the Mind and its experience in the form of a 'Decoder/Encoder'....

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 05:42 AM
Traditionally speaking time does not exist. Nor does motion... It's a misinterpretation of frame rate from assembly to reassembly. Think of your flat screen hdtv, and how it cycles images. Now take the same concept, and apply it to energy. What you get is a spun density that takes on mass.

We are time...

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by RoguePhilosopher
reply to post by MaynardisGod

Time does not exist! Only distance i.e metres, miles, light years

Light years only exist in distance, nothing else (in the universe).

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 05:55 AM
Any form of light can show distance, for us miles, extra-terrestrials might measure distance differently to us.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by Alpal

Please see my earlier post

Time Control Researchers suggest that time should be seen in as distance.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by MaynardisGod

What are you views on this and part2

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 06:05 AM
You're right. Time does not exist. It is a measurement. A necessary one, though, just like mathematics; to be able to make sense out of time and space. But those numbers don't exist, and arent real. There is no past or future, only now. What used to be now is recorded in memories, documented in records, etc. and called the past. The only way to time travel would be to go through your own personal memories. Time isnt tangible. It's not matter. You cant see it, touch it, stretch it or do anything with it. No matter how fast anything moves it will always be existing in now wherever it is. I always loved Einstein, but to me, he may have been a little too smart in trying to figure out something so simple and kind over shot it.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by ItCameFromOuterSpace

Have you listed to this and part 2 where Art Bell interviews Dr David Anderson? He says that time control technology exists and it is possible and more...

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 08:50 AM
I agree that time travel is impossible because I think time doesn't even exist - at least not any more than a ruler or a clock exists. Time is a tool of measurement that allows our linear & mathematical minds to grasp incomprehensible concepts mathematically. This is entirely different from energy's many forms, including its dense form of matter, where it can be measured with its interactions, transformations, and travels. We confuse these actual properties with time because we confuse the clock for time, but the clock is not time - only a ruler we created to better quantify all the other aspects of reality. Now, I'm not saying we can do without a ruler for time, for we can't even do without a balance on our checkbook, no less nix one of our greatest imperical devices on hand - the clock. But there is no anti-time per se, nor can time actually change in speed or even direction. We can alter energy which then may give us the illusion that time is being affected, but it is only the energy that is being changed, and our clock has no compensator for that.

Though I always enjoy counter ideas on the matter for I know not who would be right, and I can't help but enjoy imagining going back in time and tearing some sheet up.

edit on 19-4-2011 by Nefarious because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-4-2011 by Nefarious because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:44 AM

Wonder if John Titor knows of Mallett?

Maybe his time looks back at Mallett like we do Einstein.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 12:56 PM
time travel in to the future IS POSSIBLE it just simply requires you going at the speed of light. However you travel into the future of the world around you, you don't travel into your future. If you were to blast off earth, go at the speed of light, and come back in 2-3 years the earth will have ages thousands! but you aged 2-3 years. So you don't travel into your future, but the future of the world around you. Time isn't a perception, it is fact. However how we label time is dependant to who you are, and your location in the universe. For instance, if you were past the event horizon of a black-hole, or at the event horizon time would pretty much cease to exist because of the huge gravitaional forces, or it would shift in some way.

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