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Freeman Bigfoot footage - it may be genuine. And here's why...

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posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 06:32 AM
I don't understand. Is this a trail cam ? If it's not a trail cam, why does the camera seem fixed on this spot waiting
for the hoax, I mean bigfoot to pass right in front of it? This is either the luckiest damn trail cam vid.( But don't they usually take snap shots) Or it is se hoax. I'm leaning towards hoax..

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 07:03 AM
Here's my opinion.

If I lived out in the backwoods of somewhere that has a purported range of bipedal man-apes, and I occasionally found strange prints, I would have a camera on me every day. I would probably install infrared cameras around my house, too. I am somewhat surprised that folks in those areas don't take the time to do that (and perhaps that is why this man had his out).

To the OP, I can see what you are talking about, but it is hard to confirm due to the blurry nature of the video.

To the poster that mentioned something about bipedal apes taking down large prey, and how this one seems so 'clumsy', watch footage of Mountain Gorillas. The animal is an herbivore, not a mountain lion.

Also, to be fair, the footage on the extended video is from 1994, cameras were not so great back then, and even now a cheap camera isn't going to fare well with digital zoom.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by randyvs

I don't understand. Is this a trail cam ? If it's not a trail cam, why does the camera seem fixed on this spot waiting
for the hoax, I mean bigfoot to pass right in front of it? This is either the luckiest damn trail cam vid.( But don't they usually take snap shots) Or it is se hoax. I'm leaning towards hoax..

The short clip is a zoomed in section of a video. It's posted on the previous page. I don't personnally put alot of stock in the Freeman footage, mostly due to the fact that the creature isn't that graceful. So could it be a hoax, sure. Could a large primate occupy the millions of acres of forest that human don't occupy in north america, sure. Just ask Jane Goodall. Calling every bigfoot footage a hoax right off the bat as a hoax as you've done here, and even state that you don't know anything about this footage isn't a litte disingenuous, its the absolute extreme. And overall ignorant.

I've seen alot of analysis done on this video and one focusing on a possible smaller creature. I didn't feel that there was one, due to the graininess of the film it's probably a branch whipping back at it. I have heard of a possible other large creature that can be seen behind some brush, and I think that's a possibility.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 08:30 AM
i do indeed see what the TS is trying to point out. that accounts for the clunky walk, which occurs exactly when the "child" is "picked up". every other point of the walk seems very natural when you look at it while considering that it is intentionally going to go down, pick something up safely, come back up and then walk away, wihle glancing down the path.

the extended footage is a tad strange. we think its strange obviously he knows to expect them and reacts so calmly about seeing them. and that does make it seem disingenuous, but there is something about it that really interests me... the footage seems very natural at the same time. its not just another bigfoot video of BF walking from point A to point B, the end. the subject gets lost in the woods, appears again, is found and filmed at a very far distance in a bad shot. if this was staged, it wouldn't be so crappy. so it also seems that the footage could be genuine, and the man is taking any screen time he can manage with his sasquatch.

the paths in the forest shown are a little strange. but you can also tell that the forest is really old growth so it could definitely be heavy gametrail, especially if there are (suspension of disbelief, please) sasquatch roaming the area.

ETA: i just want to edit to add i have never seen this footage before or read anything about the history/background of this footage
edit on 19-4-2011 by shagreen heart because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by MKultraVideos

Calling every bigfoot footage a hoax

See but you have just assumed that I call every bigfoot footage a hoax. Me ! A full on believer that the Patterson
film is beyond a doubt a real live caught on tape Bigfoot. And no one could ever convince me that it isn't. So
congrads, you've just outdone yourself.

I think my post shows more of me asking about the vid than judging it. All I really said was I'm leaning towards hoax. To be honest I still am and in doing so, only means that I don't just jump with joy and loose my friggen mind every time theres a commercial about bigfoot.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by taccj9903
I anyone hear is like me and have never seen the Freeman footage before here is the video.

Looks like in the original Freeman was further away so I'm not sure what to make of this closeup loop.

Yes, the looped footage is a close-up from this original Freeman footage.
Thanks for posting the whole video. Although I think this close up loop really makes it easier to see the infants arm and hand movement. Unfortunately in the original, it's more difficult to make the limb out..

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by randyvs

I don't understand. Is this a trail cam ? If it's not a trail cam, why does the camera seem fixed on this spot waiting
for the hoax, I mean bigfoot to pass right in front of it? This is either the luckiest damn trail cam vid.( But don't they usually take snap shots) Or it is se hoax. I'm leaning towards hoax..

Nope, it's not a trail cam. It's from a video made by Freeman. He was actively searching for Bigfoot (I think it was filmed in Washington state in the 80's) and had been repeatedly going to the same spot ( a watering hole) where he had seen many footprints over the course of the preceding days/weeks apparently.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:01 PM
Reply to post by jimbo999

Were there any prints left at all or any hair ??

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posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Natasliah
Here's my opinion.

If I lived out in the backwoods of somewhere that has a purported range of bipedal man-apes, and I occasionally found strange prints, I would have a camera on me every day. I would probably install infrared cameras around my house, too. I am somewhat surprised that folks in those areas don't take the time to do that (and perhaps that is why this man had his out).

To the OP, I can see what you are talking about, but it is hard to confirm due to the blurry nature of the video.

To the poster that mentioned something about bipedal apes taking down large prey, and how this one seems so 'clumsy', watch footage of Mountain Gorillas. The animal is an herbivore, not a mountain lion.

Also, to be fair, the footage on the extended video is from 1994, cameras were not so great back then, and even now a cheap camera isn't going to fare well with digital zoom.

1994? Thanks - I thought it was made in the late 80's, so I'm glad to get a firm date on it.

There have been thousands of sightings over the years, and while these creatures can be very stealthy when they need to be, they can also tear through the underbrush at amazing speeds making a lot of noise, rip up trees by the roots, and 'knock' tree trunks together as either a warning or perhaps a signaling behavior. This animal was startled to find an intruder at it's watering hole, so was probably in a panic to collect it's offspring and vacate the area I would think. Hence it's apparent 'clumsiness' as someone tried to point out.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by MKultraVideos

Originally posted by randyvs

I don't understand. Is this a trail cam ? If it's not a trail cam, why does the camera seem fixed on this spot waiting
for the hoax, I mean bigfoot to pass right in front of it? This is either the luckiest damn trail cam vid.( But don't they usually take snap shots) Or it is se hoax. I'm leaning towards hoax..

The short clip is a zoomed in section of a video. It's posted on the previous page. I don't personnally put alot of stock in the Freeman footage, mostly due to the fact that the creature isn't that graceful. So could it be a hoax, sure. Could a large primate occupy the millions of acres of forest that human don't occupy in north america, sure. Just ask Jane Goodall. Calling every bigfoot footage a hoax right off the bat as a hoax as you've done here, and even state that you don't know anything about this footage isn't a litte disingenuous, its the absolute extreme. And overall ignorant.

I've seen alot of analysis done on this video and one focusing on a possible smaller creature. I didn't feel that there was one, due to the graininess of the film it's probably a branch whipping back at it. I have heard of a possible other large creature that can be seen behind some brush, and I think that's a possibility.

I personally don't think it's a branch whipping at the creatures back. I found after a few viewings of the loop, you could definitely see a living limb and hand moving up the creature's back around the waist/lower thoracic region at a point just where the loop ends...

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by shagreen heart
i do indeed see what the TS is trying to point out. that accounts for the clunky walk, which occurs exactly when the "child" is "picked up". every other point of the walk seems very natural when you look at it while considering that it is intentionally going to go down, pick something up safely, come back up and then walk away, wihle glancing down the path.

the extended footage is a tad strange. we think its strange obviously he knows to expect them and reacts so calmly about seeing them. and that does make it seem disingenuous, but there is something about it that really interests me... the footage seems very natural at the same time. its not just another bigfoot video of BF walking from point A to point B, the end. the subject gets lost in the woods, appears again, is found and filmed at a very far distance in a bad shot. if this was staged, it wouldn't be so crappy. so it also seems that the footage could be genuine, and the man is taking any screen time he can manage with his sasquatch.

the paths in the forest shown are a little strange. but you can also tell that the forest is really old growth so it could definitely be heavy gametrail, especially if there are (suspension of disbelief, please) sasquatch roaming the area.

ETA: i just want to edit to add i have never seen this footage before or read anything about the history/background of this footage
edit on 19-4-2011 by shagreen heart because: (no reason given)


Please watch the entire video as posted by another user on this thread to get the whole loop I'm referring to in context. Put on the sound too, as I feel Freeman's reaction is very convincing. You can hear the fear in his voice...

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by yourtweeter
Reply to post by jimbo999

Were there any prints left at all or any hair ??

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Apparently yes. In fact it was the daily fresh prints that kept Freeman returning every day with his camera. At least that's how Freeman told it.


posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:46 PM
it looks like a fat guy in a gorilla suit...

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:54 PM
Reply to post by jimbo999

Will this research go on or is still going on ?

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posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:42 PM
For those who are unfamiliar with Paul Freeman and his Bigfoot research here is a nice little discussion from Cryptomundo about his life and controversy surrounding some of his claims:

Paul Freeman history

On one hand he seems to be very lucky in finding evidence and that made him controversial. On the other hand some of the biggest names in Bigfoot research believed and supported him. Unfortunately he died an early death at age 59 in 2003.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by angrywhitechick


posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by prizim
it looks like a fat guy in a gorilla suit...

Ermm...nope, it doesn't for exactly the reasons I discuss in the original post.

Did you read it at all?


posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:09 PM
I used to work with guys who were really into hunting.. pretty hardcore.

They had impressive motion activated cameras that they'd set up in areas days before hunting. Some even had night vision. I'm sure you guys know what I am talking about.

In my opinon, something like this would have to be used to take credible shots of Bigfoot. If they exsist and have managed to survive this long eluding humans.. they have to have very sharp instincts. I don't think I've ever scene footage I could believe because if your close enough to film it, it would have to been well aware of you before you saw it.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by jstanthrno1

There is a group of people in Washington State that are doing what you mentioned. They have camera traps at various locations trying to snap the big guy:

Olympic Project

They think that one of their cameras DID catch a picture of a Sasquatch but it isn't the clear, definitive shot we all wish for.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 10:29 AM
Seems to me it does look very similar to a gorilla especially if you go with the whole infant on the back idea. The walk is similar to a gorillas, the terrible resolution of the videa, and lastly, why is the video clip so short if, indeed, this said creature is a female bigfoot??? I would of knocked it out and caged it personally. Prooving once and for all of its existence, BUT nope just another extremely short, low resolution film. Come on, anyone else seeing this common occurance?
Give us some hard evidence, sh*t. I'm all for it

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